G8 Prayer Guide

Lough Erne, County Fermanagh 2013

What and when is the G8?

What? G8 stands for the ‘Group of Eight’. First held in 1975 in France and has since become the annual summer summit of Heads of States of 8 Nations. These nations include Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, UK and USA. Originally established to overview global economic developments, it has extended itself to cover almost all of global affairs.

Between them, the8 Heads of State, although only 14% of the world population:

·  Represent the majority of the Un Security Council

·  Represent about 51% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2011

·  Are the main financial givers to the World Bank and IMF

·  Control 96% of the world’s nuclear weapons


Canada – Prime Minister Stephen Harper
France – President François Hollande
Germany – Chancellor Angela Merkel
Italy – Prime Minister Mario Monti
Japan – Prime Minister Shinzō Abe
Russia – President Vladimir Putin
UK – Prime Minister David Cameron
USA – President Barak Obama
EU – Council President Herman Van Rompuy
EU – Commission President José Manuel Barroso

When? 17th – 18th June 2013

Each one of the eight nations holds the presidency of the G8 for a year, 2013 is the year of the United Kingdom’s presidency. The Presidency is responsible for hosting the G8 and also for setting the agenda for the Summit. David Cameron has already set the agenda for 2013 and he aims to use the Presidency to ‘help generate growth, jobs and prosperity for the long term...(by) focus on open economies, open governments and open societies to support free trade, tackle tax evasion and encourage greater transparency and accountability’.

Where is the G8?

David Cameron has chosen to hold the summit in Lough Erne Resort, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland on 17th-18th June.

He said, “ I look forward to welcoming my fellow leaders to Lough Erne and to showcase Northern Ireland to the world as a modern and dynamic part of the United Kingdom”.

Set in the remote loughside location of Fermanagh, the G8 will bring with it a large influx of people to the area that will include media, security and the advisory teams.

The G8 is a substantial event, the last time the UK hosted the G8 in Gleneagles in 2005 it cost over £90 million. It is anticipated the G8 will bring:

·  Protesters from around the world

·  2000 – 3000 media personnel

·  10,000 security personnel along with modern protective military.

·  Plus all the Ministers and personnel coming with the leaders of each nation attending the summit

G8 summits also have a history of drawing demonstrations, but this location will make it hard for protesters to gain access as much of the Lough Erne Resort is surrounded by water and most roads within 30 miles are single carriageway.

Why do we need to pray?

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1Timothy 2:1-4

All of the world’s eyes will be on Northern Ireland during the 17th -18th June and as representatives of the Body of Christ in the nation hosting the G8, we have a role to pray. We along with the whole of the church across the nations have a scriptural responsibility to pray for all those who are in authority over nations and this is a clear opportunity and privilege to do so.

These Heads of State each carry enormous responsibilities and huge pressures of the world, its difficulties and its problems on their shoulders.

So, we are calling you, as a member of the Body of Christ across the nations to stand together at this time and pray in the months coming up to, during the G8 itself and in the days after. Regardless of denomination or background, God has called us to pray for our leaders so please stand with us in unity and pray for the G8.

Please follow this 8 Day Prayer Guide and join us as we pray:

·  That as leaders come into Northern Ireland they would come into the presence of God, receive God’s help and be blessed

·  For God’s protection, that everyone will be kept safe and well throughout their stay

·  That they will receive wisdom and insight from God

·  That God’s will is done as they discuss issues that are of global importance

·  For their families and personal lives

This is a moment in history, a great opportunity. As they gather we should pray for God’s will to be done – ‘for justice to roll like a river and righteousness like a never failing stream’ (Amos 5:24) and for God’s Kingdom values and purposes to be expressed through their decisions.

Please us this prayer guide for the 8 days on the run up to the G8 and during the G8 itself. Downloadable, printable copies of this guide can be found at http://www.transformations-ireland.org/resources/prayer-resources.php

Day 1 – 9th June

Stephen Harper – Prime Minister of Canada
Born in April 1959 in Toronto, Ontario. The 22nd Canadian Prime Minister, he has been serving in that role since 2006 and is a member of the Conservative Party. Married to Laureen, they have two children – Benjamin and Rachel. He is an Evangelical Christian.

Harper supports cutting government spending and taxes. As Prime Minister, he has cut the goods and services tax and approved a budget that would cut funding to several government programs. He has shown support for the military and a bigger Canadian military presence in the northern part of Canada. His background is in Economics.

Acts 17:26
From one man he made every nation of men; that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.

Prayer points:

·  Give thanks that God has a heart for the nations and a plan for each of them. Give thanks that in truth He is in control and that He raises up leaders in His time

·  Pray for G8 Member – Stephen Harper, Canadian Prime Minister

·  Pray that as the G8 leaders meet there would be a spirit of Cooperation – that rather than seeking to gain advantage over each other that together they would work for the greater good

·  Global Concern: Human Rights and Human Trafficking. Pray for the recognition of the rights of individuals and for cooperation between authorities in different nations and that all people would be treated with humanity and equity

·  Security: Pray for the police and security forces that have been training and planning for many months for the G8 Summit. Bless them and pray for their protection and health. Pray for safety and peace for them and for their families

In the name of Jesus I/we bless you Stephen Harper and your family with all the blessings of God who created you and formed you. I/we bless you to know Him and to know everything He wants you to know about Him. I/we bless you that the fear of the Lord and the knowledge and love of Jesus would flood in upon you and that you would be blessed with His peace. I/we bless you that righteousness and justice might take their proper place within you and within your boundaries. I/we bless you with the ability to respond to God as He reveals Himself to you. I/we bless you that the Father’s compassion would fill you and you would be His instrument of compassion and blessing. I/we bless you that humility would take root in your heart enabling you to lead with integrity.

Day 2 – 10th June

François Hollande – President of France
Born in August 1954 in Rouen in France. He became President on 15 May 2012 and is a member of the Socialist Party. His current partner is Valerie Trierweiler and he has four children – Thomas, Clemence, Julien and Flora. Hollande was raised as a Roman Catholic but is now agnostic.

His work has been wide-ranging and includes merging of income taxes and has sought to reduce electricity generated nuclear power in favour of renewable energy. He authorised an operation to curtail the activities of Islamic extremists in the north of Mali. A lawyer by profession he personally supports same sex marriage and adoption.

Psalm 66:7
He rules forever by his power, his eyes watch the nations-- let not the rebellious rise up against him.

Prayer points:

·  Give thanks that ultimately God’s Kingdom prevails, that He is watching not just over nations but over us as individuals. Thank Him for His care for you, your family and friends

·  Pray for G8 Member - Francois Hollande, President of France

·  Pray that as the G8 meet they would not be overwhelmed by the size of the problems but will have wisdom to discerned practical steps they can take

·  Global Concern: Global Terrorism. Those caught in acts of terrorism sometimes have genuine issues at heart. Pray for the grace to meet terrorism robustly but in a just way. Pray for cooperation across nations in working towards preventing acts of terrorism

·  Security: Pray for the safety of all those travelling to the G8 Summit. Pray for safety and grace for the local residents as there will be a high security presence in the area and more traffic in the days running up to the summit.

In the name of Jesus I/we bless you François Hollande and your family with all the blessings of God who created you and formed you. I/we bless you to know Him and to know everything He wants you to know about Him. I/we bless you that the fear of the Lord and the knowledge and love of Jesus would flood in upon you and that you would be blessed with His peace. I/we bless you that righteousness and justice might take their proper place within you and within your boundaries. I/we bless you with the ability to respond to God as He reveals Himself to you. I/we bless you that the Father’s compassion would fill you and you would be His instrument of compassion and blessing. I/we bless you that humility would take root in your heart enabling you to lead with integrity.

Day 3 – 11th June

Angela Merkel – Chancellor of Germany
Born in July 1954 in Hamburg . She was elected Chancellor for Germany in November 2005 – the first ever woman Chancellor and is Chair of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), the Conservative Party. Merkel is married to her second husband Joachim Sauer and is stepmother to his two sons Daniel and Adrian. Andrea Merkel is a Lutheran.

Since becoming Chancellor she has led coalition governments, and has played a central role in the negotiations of the Treaty of Lisbon and Berlin Declaration. Her involvement with the financial crisis within the EU has earned her the reputation as the ‘decider’. Her background prior to office was in Physical Chemistry.

Psalm 46:6 & 10
Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Prayer points:

·  Give thanks today that although there is much turmoil and ‘uproar’ in the world around us God who is all-powerful; and has all authority over all the earth love us and wants us to know Him and have our focus on Him

·  Pray for G8 Member - Angela Merkel German Chancellor

·  Pray that as the G8 meet they would come with an attitude of humility willing to set aside personal agendas to serve the greater good

·  Global Concern: War. Whilst ‘Wars and rumours’ of wars are in a sense inevitable; pray for men that they will not be dismayed and that war will always be a last resort rather than simply a means to achieve selfish objectives or power games

·  Security: Pray for Chief Constable Matt Baggott and his colleagues as they liaise with other security agencies in putting in places the strategic plans for the safety of the G8 leaders and the local people in Fermanagh

In the name of Jesus I/we bless you Angela Merkel and your family with all the blessings of God who created you and formed you. I/we bless you to know Him and to know everything He wants you to know about Him. I/we bless you that the fear of the Lord and the knowledge and love of Jesus would flood in upon you and that you would be blessed with His peace. I/we bless you that righteousness and justice might take their proper place within you and within your boundaries. I/we bless you with the ability to respond to God as He reveals Himself to you. I/we bless you that the Father’s compassion would fill you and you would be His instrument of compassion and blessing. I/we bless you that humility would take root in your heart enabling you to lead with integrity.

Day 4 – 12th June

Mario Monti – Prime Minister of Italy
Born in March 1943 in Varese in Italy. He was appointed as Prime Minister of Italy in November 2011. He is married to Elsa and has two children - Federica and Giovanni, the family are practising Roman Catholics.

Appointed to administer the Italian debt crisis, he selected a government made of entirely unelected professionals, put in place a range of tax increases, state spending cuts and economic reforms. He resigned as Prime Minister in December 2012 but remains in a caretaker role. No party gained a majority in the 2013 election and coalition negotiations are underway. Monti’s background is as an Economist.