GC Curriculum Committee Meeting

Friday, October 02, 2009; 9:00 – 11:00am

Venue: Room 260, Irving K Barber Learning Centre, 1961 East Mall

1.  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Minutes of September 18, 2009 meeting

3.  Business arising:

Changes made to Dentistry Proposals:

Dual Program: Ph.D. in Craniofacial Science / Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry

Dual Program: Ph.D. in Craniofacial Science / Diploma in Orthodontics

4.  Re-submitted Proposals (from September 18 meeting)

Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Edwin Moore
Physiology Graduate Program Suspension
Faculty of Forestry
Submitted by Cindy Prescott
FRST 546 (3)

5.  Senate Curriculum Sub-Committee (from September 18 meeting)

Sauder School of Business
Submitted by Brian Bemmels
New program – Master of Applied Business Practice (MABP)
MABP 520 (1.5)
MABP 521 (1.5)
MABP 522 (1.5)
MABP 523 (1.5)
MABP 524 (1.5)
MABP 525 (1.5)
MABP 526 (1.5)
MABP 531 (1.5)
MABP 532 (1.5)
MABP 533 (1.5)
MABP 535 (1.5)
MABP 536 (1.5)
MABP 541 (1.5)
MABP 542 (1.5)
MABP 543 (1.5)
MABP 544 (1.5)
MABP 545 (1.5)
MABP 546 (1.5)
MABP 586 (1.5-3.0) D
MABP 580 (1.5-3.0) D
MABP 581 (1.5-3.0) D
MABP 588 (1-6) D
MABP 590 (1.5-6.0) D / BAMS 580 (1.5)
BASC 500 (1.5)

6.  New Proposals (from September 18 meeting)

Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Ian Pike
SPPH 555 (3)
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Submitted by Jim Vercammen
LFS 500 (3)
LFS 502 (3)
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Submitted by David Fielding
PHAR 591 (1)
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Patricia Janssen
SPPH 537 (3)
OBST 507 (3)
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Alan Richardson
New Program – Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Sue Murphy
Clinical Practice
RSPT 534 (4)
RSPT 554 (4)
RSPT 574 (4)

7.  New Proposals

Faculty of Dentistry
Submitted by Ed Putnins
Dual Programs: M.Sc. /Ph.D in Craniofacial Science with Diploma in Prosthodontics Graduate Program
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Submitted by Joyce Tom
FGS – Calendar Entry

8.  Adjournment of Meeting

9.  Next meeting – Friday, October 23, 2009. Venue: BUCH D325