336 Shattuck Avenue South

Renton, WA 98055

(425) 255-0059

Dear Junior High Parents and Guardians,

On May 12, 2017, we will have our junior high social. We are having a Winter Wonderland theme for the dance. It will be held in the hall from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We will be having hot dogs, chips and juice at 6:00 and then the dancing will start at 6:30. Our aim is to offer our young people an opportunity to socialize, dance, and enjoy each other’s company. We feel it is important that at this age young people be given a chance to meet socially, especially if we create a positive environment.

We would like to collect six dollars from each student who attends the dance. You cannot turn in the money at the dance that day. It must be paid by Thursday, May 11th so that we can pay for the food and for the DJ that night.

This dance is sponsored by junior high and several teachers will be in attendance. There are a few rules that will be strictly enforced. Before you sign the parent permission slip, please go over these rules with all interested parties.

Students registered at St. Anthony School in grades six, seven, and eight are the ONLY young people invited. Brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends may not attend.

All students must have this permission slip signed by a parent and returned to their homeroom teacher by Thursday, May 11th, before school has ended for the day or they may not attend. We will not take any permission slips the night of the dance.

Students must be dropped off at the hall at 6:00 pm and be picked up by their parents at 8:30pm. Anyone riding home with another family must have a signed parent permission slip on file with Mrs. Heffron.

All students must remain in the hall area during the social. No cell phones may be used at the dance. If a student brings his/her cell phone it must be put away until after the dance is over.

Parents will be called if any of the rules are broken and will be expected

to pick their children up immediately.

Please feel free to call me at school if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your time and support.


Michael Cantu


* My child has permission to go home from the dance with ______


Parent Signature Student Signature