Saskatchewan Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs (SYPE) is a group of young and energetic people, working together to promote business and opportunity in Saskatchewan to retain our most valuable resource - our youth. While the SYPE membership is open to all ages, the executive board members between the ages of 18 and 35.

Together, we can create an environment that will increase the development of youth business and help retain our youth in Saskatchewan. Currently, many young individuals dream of starting their own business or of being a part of successful businesses in Saskatchewan. Unfortunately, many of these dreams go unfulfilled as many are unsure of how to launch their ideas and are unaware of the opportunities available for our youth right in Saskatchewan.

Through our various events and advocacy programs, SYPE is fostering an environment to develop and encourage Saskatchewan businesses and professionals to realize what opportunities the province has to offer. As such, SYPE is building a network of dedicated youth who want to stay and prosper in Saskatchewan by starting a business or enhancing their professional skills. Youth who are connected with individuals and corporations in the province are more likely to stay in the province.


Nominees for the SYPE YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR Award should demonstrate professionalism, including: integrity, vision, drive, perseverance, and willingness to take risk.

An entrepreneur is a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.

To be eligible for the Saskatchewan Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, a nominee must:

ª  Be a Saskatchewan resident age 35 or under as of December 31, 2017.

ª  Be a founding member of the business, or bought into a business, or acquired a business.

ª  Be a key member of the executive team and have strategic decision making power.

ª  Operate a Saskatchewan-based business that has demonstrated operating success over a three month period, including sales, profitability, growth prospects, job creation, and market acceptance.

ª  Demonstrate a level of innovation and/or expansion through products, services, production processes, marketing strategies, or any other aspect of the business.

ª  Consideration will be given to entrepreneurs who are contributing to his or her community through charitable work, service clubs or through any other leadership or volunteer capabilities, including any previous awards or honours accorded to him or her.


Nominee Information:


Birth Date:

Company Name:


Years company has been in operation:

Business Address:

City: Postal Code:

Telephone: Facsimile:

Email Address:



Please self-identify by circling one of the following three categories:

Service – Do you provide people with a service? Are you making them prettier? Do you entertain people? Are you feeding people? Maybe you renovate their homes? If so, choose this category.

(e.g. Food Truck, Hair Salon, Repair Shop, Coffee Shop, Personal Training, Fitness Center, etc.)

Consumer Goods – Do you make or sell things? If so, choose this category.

(e.g. Clothing, Jewellery, Coffee Beans, Retail Store, Online Store, etc.)

Business-to-Business – Are your customers mainly other businesses? If so, choose this category.

(e.g. Marketing, IT Support, Communications, Coaching, Consulting, etc.)

If you are having problems placing yourself in one of these categories please call Brett at 306-530-0116 or email for assistance.


I hereby authorize and release the following to the SYPE Silver Spade Awards Selection Committee, in connection with the Silver Spade Awards:

·  To contact references and external advisors to verify information provided in this package.

·  To perform due diligence by the Awards auditor to verify information provided. All information is treated in a strict confidential matter.

·  To use my name and business name, photographs or other forms of media. I agree that no compensation shall be due to me or my company for such usage if I am selected as a reward recipient.

The information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Nominee’s Name Nominee’s Signature

Please complete each section in its entirety, while keeping written text within the guidelines for each section. Also, please submit your application with the headings in the order they appear below.

The following sections “tell the story” of the nominee. Be sure to submit any relevant promotional company information that will add to your “story” and also enclose any relevant documents that the company has published describing its activities.

YouTube Video/Photograph (Optional):

Applicants are encouraged to submit at their option a photograph or a short YouTube video which highlight you and your business.


Describe your entrepreneurial background – include experience, special skills, major accomplishments, etc. (max. 250 words)

List business, civic, and community organizations to which you belong and define the extent of your involvement in each. (bullet form)


GENERAL: Tell us general information about your venture, including: head office location, number of employees, the year the company was founded, the year you assumed leadership, and your percentage ownership in the company. (max. 100 words)

PAST: Summarize the history of the company including the original strategy, financial risk and other challenges faced, and type(s) of financing. (max. 200 words)

CURRENT: What is the company’s current activity (including specific information about unique or innovative approaches to customer and employee relations) and how does the company demonstrate excellence in its field? (max. 200 words)

FUTURE: Describe the company’s vision, goals, and future prospects. Are there specific ideas that demonstrate innovative planning skills? (max. 200 words)

Management Team:

Who are the members of the key management team? Include details about their experience, expertise and accomplishments. Provide examples of management or business successes that have contributed to the business’s growth. (max. 200 words)

Company Culture:

What is the working environment like in the company? How does the company recognize and reward employees? Is your company involved in activities that demonstrate vision and creativity in a socially beneficial way? (max. 200 words)

Financial Data (This information is treated as CONFIDENTIAL)

Financial information is an important quantifiable indicator of success available to the panel of judges; therefore it is required that the Financial Data section be completed for your application to be considered. The information is only delivered to the selection committee and the one judge committed to reviewing solely financial information.

Most Recent Year End / Second- Most Recent Year End / Third Most Recent Year End
Fiscal Year End / / / / / / / / /
Total Employees
Annual Sales / $ / $ / $
Income Before Taxes / $ / $ / $

Selection Process (subject to change at the discretion of SYPE):

The final deadline for entries will be Sunday, June 4th, 2017 at 11:59pm.

Online voting will take place from June 5th – June 14th.

Three Volta Entrepreneur Finalists (one from each category) will be selected through online voting, and announced online on Friday, June 16th.

The Selection Committee will be comprised of an independent panel of judges. This panel will decide one winner from the three finalists based on the information provided in the application.

Friday, June 23rd: The winners are announced at the Silver Spades Awards.*

*Attendance compulsory.

Email Applications to