1. Name of Applicant (legal nature of entity) and vendor identification number (federal tax number).

2. Address (Street, City, Zip):

3. Is the applicant a current (not on probation) NFIP participating community? (Yes or No), and what is the CRS rating of the applicant?

4. Point-of-Contact or Official Representative (Name and Title):

5. Phone Number:

6. Email address:

7. Demonstrate that the applicant has the legal authority to plan for and control flooding, and has zoning and building code jurisdiction over the project area:

8. Project Narrative (provide the project narrative on separate pages as an attachment):

This should be an executive summary of the information provided in detail by the narrative statement prepared for the e-grant application. Describe the need and the objectives of the proposed project, the approach, results or benefits of the project, and the proposed project schedule (also provide a map indicating the project location, relation to the 100-year flood plain, and the area affected by the project). Include such information as: the number of structures effected by the project; evidence of the nature of repetitive losses to the structures over the past 10 years; demonstrate the project will result in a long-term solution to the problem and/or a decrease in NFIP related claims; refer to the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, is the proposed project in conformance; is there a multi-objective purpose to the project; etc.

9. Notification:

To satisfy the EO12372 process, applicants must notify the Council of Governments (COG) for your area. Please include a copy of this notification as an attachment in the e-grant application. The notification to the COG should include a description of the project and area affected, and a copy of the Federal Form 424.

10. Please provide the following as attachments to the application: (or refer to e-grant submittal)

Attachments Provided (yes or no?)

Evidence of Local Financial Participation

Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan

Federal form 424*

Evidence of Local Financial Participation

Form 20-22 and attached narrative statement*

Form 20-15*

*Federal Forms are all found in this spreadsheet [form20-22]. Use the tabs at the bottom to access the form needed.

11. Estimated Cost of Proposed Project: $

12. FEMA Funding Requested (federal share is maximum 75%): $

13. How Does Applicant Propose to Finance Non-Federal Share of Project? (Local share, 25%, 3rd party in-kind service can be no more than 12.5%)

14. Has applicant ever received an FMA project grant before?

If so, when? Amount?

15. Signature:

16. Title:

17. Date:

Please return completed application form and attachments to:

Texas Water Development Board

Attn. Mr. Ivan Ortiz

1700 N. Congress Avenue

P.O. Box 13231

Austin, Texas 78711-3231