Mr. McGraw Modern World History Merit

Room: 1100 Spring 2009

School Phone: 240-236-8285


Hello and Welcome to Modern World History!

I am very excited and happy to have the chance to work with all of you this semester. I hope that you will find this course both interesting and helpful. As your teacher, I am eager to work with each of you and help you on your way to a successful experience!

Course Description: Students will begin the study of modern world history with an examination of the Renaissance and Reformation as turning points in history. The course is a survey of the progress of people in many areas including science, technology, art, music, government, philosophy, religion and culture. Topics of study include Exploration, Political and Economic Revolutions, Imperialism, Social Movements and Global Conflicts of the 20th Century. While the main focus is on western heritage, non western nations and cultures are also studied.

Career Pathway: This course will emphasize the Career Pathway of Human Services which includes: Historians, Lawyers, Politicians, Anthropologists, Sociologists, and Museum Curators.

Academic Level: Merit courses are designed for students who generally meet or exceed the objectives and expectations of the essential curriculum, both in terms of content knowledge and application. Course work includes a balance of concrete and abstract material, with an emphasis on both teacher-directed and independent work. Successful completion of Merit course work will prepare students for post-high school education.

Textbook: Modern World History; Patterns of Interaction

Modern World History Units:

1. Renaissance and Reformation 8. Nationalism

2. Exploration 9. Imperialism

3. Absolutism 10. WWI and Russian Revolution

4. Enlightenment 11. Interwar Years and WWII

5. Revolution 12. The Cold War

6. Napoleon (CRES EXAM A) 13. Modern World

7. The Industrial Revolution CRES EXAM B (FINAL)


Students are responsible for the following everyday…

ü  2 inch (3 Ring Binder with dividers)

ü  Notebook Paper

ü  Spiral Notebook

ü  Pencils/Pens (Black or Blue)

Other materials students may want:

ü  Dividers

ü  Folders

ü  Ruler

ü  Markers/Colored Pencils

ü  Highlighter

Classroom Behavior:

Ø  Students should respect themselves, one another and school staff at all times.

Ø  Students should respect OUR classroom, That includes furniture. You write on it expect to spend time cleaning my room!

Ø  Students should be on time. (This means seated and ready to work when the bell rings!)

Ø  Students should remember that Bathroom visits are a privilege. I do not expect you to ask to use the restroom while I am teaching. You must have a school planner with your ID in order to use the restroom. If an emergency occurs, I will be understanding, however, emergencies do not occur on a regular basis.

Ø  Students need their ID’s and Agendas Everyday! NO ID/Agenda: DON’T ASK TO LEAVE

Ø  The TEACHER, not the BELL dismisses class! (You do not pack up before the bell and you stay in your seat!)

Ø  NO food, drink or candy in class. Except water!

Ø  NO headphones, musical devices (IPODS, etc.), games or cell phones visible in class! I SEE IT I TAKE IT!

Ø  NO hats, bandanas, headbands, hoods or rags may be worn in class.

Ø  Students should follow all GTJHS policies/rules.

Consequences: Students should be familiar with GTJHS’s discipline policies (described in the FCPS calendar and passbooks.) The policies will be enforced fairly and consistently throughout the semester and will be posted in the classroom at all times. In accordance with school policy, parents will be contacted if their student is asked to serve an after-school detention.

Absences: When you are absent from school, you are responsible for getting any work that was missed and complete it within two days of your return. If you are absent on a test/quiz, you should be prepared to complete it on the day you return. Make-up work can be completed before or after school. Students should contact me by email or in-person in order to arrange a time to complete work.

Class Lates/Sleeping during class (100 Point Participation Grade)

Late to class (Without a Legal Excuse) = 10 points subtracted from Participation grade

Sleeping = 10 points subtracted from Participation grade (I do keep track)

Late Work:

1. Homework/Projects should be turned in on the assigned day.


Ø  Legal Absences- You have to produce a slip from attendance. You have 2 DAYS TO TURN IN from the date you were absent! Otherwise you receive a zero.

2. Tests/Quizzes should be completed the next day that the student is back at school.

ü  Make ups will only be given before, or after school.

ü  You must also tell me 1 DAY in advance when you will be making up the exam!

Note: If a student misses a class for any reason, it is their responsibility to determine what work/notes they missed and complete it.

Plagiarism/Cheating: For the purposes of my class, plagiarism is when a student tries to pass off someone else’s work for their own. For Example, cutting and pasting words from the Internet and inserting them into a school assignment is an example of plagiarism. If this occurs, the student will receive a “0” on the assignment, and are still required to complete the assignment. Cheating is both copying the answers or ideas of another student and allowing another student to copy your answers and ideas. If cheating occurs, BOTH students will receive a “0” on the assignment or test and parents will be notified immediately.

Academic Expectations: Students are expected to strive for a grade of an “A” by:

(1.) Completing all Classroom and Homework Assignments (Homework is a given every night of the week, even if it is a reading assignment or studying previous material!)

(2.) Studying for all tests and quizzes.

(3.) Completing all projects, research paper(s), oral presentations, maps or poster projects on time.

Grading: Students will be graded on tests, quizzes/projects, homework, and class work assignments.

I. The letter grades will be calculated using the following percentages:

90-100% = A 70-79.9 = C 59.9%-below =F

80-89.9% = B 60-69.9% = D

II. The quarter grades will be weighted in the following manner (in accordance with department guidelines):

50% Tests 20% Quizzes/Projects

10% Homework 20% Class work

III. The semester grade will be calculated using the following categories and percentages:

1. 3rd quarter grade = 40%

2. 4th quarter grade =40%

3. CRES Exams =20%

*When a student’s quarter grade falls within .5% of a higher grade, in order to be moved up to the higher grade, the student must have NO missing assignments or illegal absences.

Homework: Some homework assignments that students will be asked to complete on a regular basis are listed below:

Reading/Discussion Questions: Students on a daily basis will be asked to complete reading assignments from the text. Students will also be asked to complete related discussion questions.

Vocabulary: Students will be asked to complete vocabulary sheets prior to each unit. The students will be asked to define and make relationships to words that will be discussed through out lessons. These sheets will be graded in a unit notebook check.

Maps: Students will be asked to complete geographical maps of areas that will be discussed through out the semester.

Current Events: Students will be asked to take notice to current historical events that take place throughout the semester and report on them through out the semester. We will be completing this assignment by utilizing a internet blog. (More Details on a separate sheet)

Note Book Check: All assignments, notes, and handouts will be kept in a binder. It will be part of your grade every unit. (Note Book Sheets will be a couple of days before the notebook is due!)

Tests/Quizzes: Students will be assessed after the completion of each unit with a written test/quiz. These tests are composed of both selected responses and written response questions. Students will also be given geographical map quizzes on areas that will be discussed through out the semester. Students will be given advanced notice of all assessments.

Projects: In this class, students may be asked to complete projects outside of school. I will give advanced notice of these assignments, so students can budget their time effectively.

Participation: Students are expected to share their ideas and ask questions during class.

Contact Information:

I hope that you will contact me with any questions or concerns you may have through out the semester. You may reach me by email at or by phone at 240-236-8285. The best times to reach me are before or after school. If you are having any difficulties or have concerns during the semester, please contact me, so we can address any issues as soon as possible.

Students Grades: You may also want to check grades at Your child’s 8 digit Student ID number is the STUDENT ID AND PIN code.

Field Trips: If time permits: Students who are “GRADE ELIGIBLE” might have the opportunity to take part in an historical excursion to explore class topics in a real world setting.

Classroom Expectations:

I expect you to:

Raise your hand if you have a question or want to make a comment.

Show up on time for class.

Do your best work.

Do your homework.

Study for tests.

Ask for help if you need it.

Put your name, date and section (block) on all of your assignments. (Minus 10 points every time you forget this!)

You can expect me to:

Have a lesson planned for each day.

Treat everyone fairly.

Treat everyone with respect.

Help you when you need it.

Contact your parents when it is necessary.

Make this class as enjoyable as I can.

I am looking forward to a great semester with you at Governor Thomas Johnson High School.

Good Luck,

Brian McGraw

Room 1100

School Phone: 240-236-8285

First Assignment

Your first homework assignment for this class is to take this syllabus home and review it with your parents. After you and your parents sign and date this signature page, return the page to me. This assignment is worth ten points and is due ______. Also please have your book covered by ______to receive an additional five points.

I agree and will adhere to all of the above, in order to pass Mr. McGraw’s Modern World History Class.


Student Name (Printed)


Students Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print)


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Email:______Parent/Guardian Home Phone:______