Rhino Examination Script

Script is for demonstration purposes only. Every exam is unique to each patient.

Susan, could you stand up for me please?

Your head tilts to the right. You have a high left shoulder and a high left hip. Distortions in your posture indicate you most likely have distortions in your spine. This is indicative of a vertebral subluxation syndrome. (You can also use the structure relates to function explanation.)

Susan, could you sit here at the edge of the adjusting table for me? I am now going to perform an orthopedic test.

This is Foraminal Distraction. Does this relieve the pain?

Patient responds, “No.”

Foraminal distraction is negative.

Now I am going to test the ROM of your neck.

  • Flexion is within normal limits.
  • Extension is restricted.
  • Left lateral flexion is within normal limits.
  • Right lateral flexion is restricted.
  • Left cervical rotation is restricted.
  • Right cervical rotation is within normal limits.

I check the motion to see how your spine is functioning. Structure relates to function, therefore if the function is off the structure must be off.

Susan, could you lie face down for me please?

I am now going to perform two orthopedic tests Ely’s and Hibbs. Both of these tests assess if there isasymmetry or imbalance in your pelvis. Please let me know if you have any pain when I perform these tests or if there is any tightness when comparing left to right.

Ely’s test is negative.

HIbbs test is negative on the right.

Ooohh can you feel how the left leg is restricted when I do this?

Patient responds, “Yes.”

HIbbs test is positive on the left. A positive test indicates there is an asymmetry and imbalance in your pelvis. This may be indicative of a subluxation.

Schofield Functional Analysis

Now, I am going to perform a neurological test to check for CNS interference.

  • Take a deep breath in.
  • Turn your head to the left and take a deep breath in, there it is!
  • Turn your head to the right.
  • Tuck your chin to your chest.
  • Raise your right shoulder off the table.
  • Raise your left shoulder off the table.
  • Squeeze your knees together.

Neurological test is positive and indicates upper cervical interference, which agrees with the ROM findings.

I am going to palpate your spine checking for peri-articular inflammation, intra-articular adhesions, facet encroachment, swelling (edema) and taut and tender fibers. These are all caused by underlying subluxations.

You have a right short leg, indicating a posterior inferior Ilium on the right.

You have piriformis contracture on the right.

L5 spinous has rotated to the PI Iliumside as a biomechanical compensation.

L3 is your stress vertebra. There is associated hypertonicity of the lumbar paraspinal musculature and severe inflammation. Your lumbar spine is subluxated.

Susan, I am now moving into a transitional area of your spine and your lower mid-back.

Take a deep breath, these nerves go to your diaphragm. Wow, this area is extremely tender.

T7 is the apex of your spine and feels healthy.

We are moving into another transitional area of your spine.

T2 is subluxated. These nerves go to your coronary arteries.

Trapezius fiber analysis evaluates the subconscious cranial nerve. Hypertonicity and swelling are present.

I am now moving into your cervical region. This is C5; your cervical stress vertebra, there is peri-articular inflammation and intra-articular adhesions that concern me.

Upper cervical palpation reveals facet encroachment and swelling on the left, agreeing with the ROM and neurological findings.

Edema is noted upon occipital fiber analysis.

Susan, this is the end of the exam. Please sit up. You do in fact have subluxations in your spine. I need to take 4 x-rays to find out if your subluxations are acute, sub-acute, chronic or degenerative and if there are any structural distortions associated with your subluxations. These radiological findings will tell us if we can help you.

Normally it is $45 a view and that comes to $180. But, we are running a special this month and it is only 99.

Key Point:

  • If your CA does your consultation, start your exam like this:

Susan, I am Dr. ______it is a pleasure to meet you. We appreciate you choosing our office. I see that you were referred in by ______, is that correct? (Always give the patient the chance to respond.)

That is terrific. She is a great lady and we appreciate her sending you to our office. Because you mentioned her name she will receive a gift card from us at the end of the month. When you refer someone make sure they give us your name and you will receive a gift card as well. (Seed the thought for referrals right away!)

I have reviewed your case history and it sounds like you have subluxations affecting your spine and central nervous system. I am going to perform the exam now to see if this is correct and if so, where the subluxations are located.

Schofield Chiropractic TrainingMoChihChu.com1-800-554-3260