MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 2010 – 6:30 P.M.





A. Roll Call/Welcome

B.  Reminder for a Request to Speak

C. Moment of Individual Silent Reflection: “Why are we here?”

D. The Adoption of the Agenda







A.  Students

B.  Parents, PTA/O’s

C.  SBDM Councils

D.  Classified Employees

E.  Certified Employees/FCEA

F.  Principals’ Association

G.  Members of the Board of Education**

H.  Public Comment


A.  Receive Attendance/Enrollment Report.


A. Receive Report of the Superintendent.

B.  Receive Utility Report for Allen Elementary School.

C.  Consider Resolution for the Floyd County School District Finance Corporation to Issue Bonds for Refinancing of Series 2001A and Series 2001B Bonds.

D.  Recess Board Meeting.

I.  Convene Floyd County School District Finance Corporation.

II. Confirm Officers for FCSDFC.

III. Consider Resolution as Floyd County School District Finance

Corporation to Issue Bonds for Refinancing of Series 2001A

and Series 2001B Bonds.

IV. Adjourn Floyd County School District Finance Corporation



E.  Reconvene Board Meeting.


A. Consider Approval of Minutes.

B. Consider Payment of Bills and Claims.

C. Superintendent’s Report on Personnel:

1.  Actions Taken

2.  Consider Requests for Leaves-of-Absence

D.  Consider Approving In-Service Training Credit for Board Members

for Attending Opening Day Activities on August 9, 2010.

E.  Consider Amendments to the District’s Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan.

F.  Consider Shortened School Day for Students With Special Needs.

G.  Consider Approval of the 2010-2011 District Private School Plan.

H.  Consider Licensing Agreement Between Floyd County Schools and Kentucky School Board Association For Use of a Training Power Point for the 2010-2011 School Year.

I.  Consider Contract With PLATO Learning For Use at Floyd County Renaissance Learning Center.

J.  Consider Memorandum of Agreement Between Floyd County School System and the Institute for Regional Analysis and Public Policy/Morehead State University for GEAR-UP Funding Pending Review of Board Attorney.

K.  Consider Use of Facility Request at McDowell Elementary School

For September 4, 2010.

L.  Consider First Reading of Writing/Communication Program Policy.

M.  Consider Consulting Services Through KASA and KASC for South Floyd High School and Betsy Layne High School as Partial Fulfillment of the School Improvement Grant (SIG).

N.  Consider Creating a Part-Time Position of Alternative Education Program at Betsy Layne Elementary for 2010-2011 School Year.

O.  Receive Central Office Organizational Chart.

***P. Consider Memorandum of Agreement with FRYSC Corps Program

For 2010-2011.

***Q. Consider Summative Evaluation for the Superintendent.

***R. Receive Report on 2010 ACT Data.




Henry Webb, Superintendent

Floyd County Schools

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Mr. Jeff Stumbo, Board Chair. Let the record show that the following board members were present at this meeting: Mr. Jeff Stumbo, Ms. Linda Gearheart, and Ms. Rhonda Meade. Dr. Chandra Varia was not present. Those also present; Mr. Henry Webb, Superintendent and Mr. Mike Schmitt, Board Attorney.

NOTE: Mr. Webb read the Agenda into the record, updating Item 5-C adding Refinancing of Series 2002 Bonds. All other items are as is.

ORDER NO. 16744 Agenda

Ms. Meade made the motion and Ms. Gearheart seconded the motion to adopt the Agenda as read adding Series 2002 Bond into Item 5-C.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

Presentation: Chuck Rowe, Principal at Allen Elementary School had a Power Point Presentation (See attached).

ORDER NO. 16745 Attendance/Enrollment Report (Item 4-A)

Ms. Meade made the motion and Ms. Gearheart seconded the motion to receive the attendance enrollment report.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

ORDER NO. 16746 Report of the Superintendent (Item 5-A)

Ms. Meade made the motion and Ms. Gearheart seconded the motion to receive the Superintendent Report.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

ORDER NO. 16747 Utility Report for Allen Elementary School (Item 5-B)

Ms. Meade made the motion and Ms. Gearheart seconded the motion to receive Allen Elementary Utility Report.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

Utility Report for Allen Elementary School

2007-2008 SY (July 07 – June 08) - $67,883.72

2008-2009 SY (July 08 – June 09) - $85,051.19

ORDER NO. 16748 Resolution to Issue Bonds for Refinancing of

Series 2001A and Series 2001B Bonds (Item 5-C)

Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the resolution to issue bonds for refinancing Series 2001A, Series 2001B and Series 2002 Bonds.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

ORDER NO. 16749 Recess Meeting (Item 5-D)

Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to recess the meeting and to convene the Floyd County School District Finance Corporation.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried. The time being 6:49 PM.

ORDER NO. 16750 Refunding Bonds (Item 5-D-I)

Ms. Meade made the motion and Ms. Gearheart seconded the motion to convene the Floyd County School District Finance Corporation.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried. The time being 6:49 PM.

ORDER NO. 16751 Refunding Bonds (Item 5-D-II)

Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to confirm the officers of the Floyd County District Finance Corporation as being:

President – Board Chair – Jeff Stumbo

Vice-President – Board Vice-Chair – Linda Gearheart

Secretary – Superintendent – Henry Webb

Treasurer – Finance Officer – Matthew Wireman

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

ORDER NO. 16752 Refunding Bonds (Item 5-D-III)

Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve Resolution for the Floyd County District Finance Corporation to issue bonds for refinancing of Series 2001A, 2001B and 2002 Bonds.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

ORDER NO. 16753 Refunding Bonds (Item 5-D-IV)

Ms. Meade made the motion and Ms. Gearheart seconded the motion to adjourn the Floyd County District Finance Corporation meeting.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried. The time being 6:53 PM.

ORDER NO. 16754 Reconvene

Ms. Meade made the motion and Ms. Gearheart seconded the motion to reconvene the Board meting.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried. The time being 6:53 pm.

ORDER NO. 16755 July 26, 2010 Minutes (6-A)

Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the minutes for the July 26,, 2010 regular meeting held at Allen Central High School.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

ORDER NO. 16756 July 28, 2010 Minutes (6-A)

Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the minutes for the July 28,, 2010 special meeting held at May Valley Elementary School.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

ORDER NO. 16757 August 3, 2010 Minutes (6-A)

Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the minutes for the August 3,, 2010 special meeting held at the Central Office.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

ORDER NO. 16758 Bills and Claims (Item 6-B)

Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the nmotion to approve the payment of bills and claims.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

Warrant #073110 $1,540,578.41

Warrant #081310 $ 205,894.25

Warrant #081510 $ 12,447.99

Warrant #082010 $ 601,209.41

Warrant #082110 $ 5,543.24

Warrant #082210 $ 50,260.79


*The Superintendent recommends approval of the following requests for leave.

Gwendolyn Endicott / Family Medical Leave / 08/12/2010 - 09/17/2010 / Classified
Penelope Spradlin / Family Medical Leave / 07/26/2010 - 09/06/2010 / Classified
Leslie Pennington / Family Medical Leave / 08/12/2010 - 09/13/2010 / Certified
Donovan Mullins / Family Medical Leave / 07/05/2010 - 10/29/2010 / Classified

ORDER NO. 16759 Superintendent’s Report on Personnel (Item 6-C)

Ms. Gearheart made the motion and Ms. Meade seconded the motion to approve the Superintendent’s report on personnel.

There was an affirmative vote by all board members present to approve the motion. The motion carried.

Superintendent Henry L. Webb is giving notice of personnel actions that have taken place since the last regular board meeting.


1.  Patricia Hackworth, English Teacher at Betsy Layne High School, effective July 15, 2010.

2.  Courtney Hall, Mathematics Teacher at Betsy Layne High School, effective July 15, 2010.

3.  Amanda Lee, Mathematics Teacher at May Valley Elementary School, effective July 15, 2010.

4.  Shella Denise Isaac, Itinerant Assistant Principal at South Floyd High / Middle Schools, effective July 23, 2010.

5.  Lillian Osborne, Itinerant Special Education Teacher at Stumbo / McDowell Elementary Schools, effective July 23, 2010.

6.  Amanda Branham, Primary Teacher at May Valley Elementary School, effective July 27, 2010.

7.  Talila Kidd, Reading / Humanities Teacher at Osborne Elementary School, effective July 27, 2010.

8.  Malinda Estep, Primary Teacher at Duff Elementary School, effective July 30, 2010.

9.  Justin McCumber, Mathematics Teacher at Betsy Layne High School, effective July 30, 2010.

10.  Danny O’Quinn, 0.5 Remediation Teacher at Allen Central High School, effective July 30, 2010.

11.  Mallory Rose, English Teacher at Betsy Layne High School, effective July 30, 2010.

12.  Christopher Simpkins, Science Teacher at Adams Middle School, effective July 30, 2010.

13.  Brittany Hammonds, Primary Teacher at May Valley Elementary School, effective August 3, 2010.

14.  Melissa Click, Special Education MSD Teacher at Prestonsburg High School, effective August 5, 2010.


1.  Tammy Stanley-Price, from Primary Teacher to Reading Teacher at May Valley Elementary School, effective July 26, 2010.

2.  Kelly Duncan, from Primary Teacher to 4th Grade Teacher at Duff Elementary School, effective July 30, 2010.

3.  Jessica Hatfield, from Intermediate Writing Teacher to Kindergarten Teacher at Duff Elementary School, effective July 30, 2010.

4.  Jan Akers, from Primary Teacher to Primary Reading Teacher at Osborne Elementary School, effective August 3, 2010.

5.  Krystal Barker, from Head Start Teacher at May Valley Elementary School to Head Start Teacher at Allen Elementary School, effective August 6, 2010.


1.  Anita Sparenberg, Teacher at Allen Elementary School, effective July 19, 2010.

2.  Larry Wilson, Teacher at Betsy Layne Elementary School, effective July 27, 2010.


  1. Lorena Hall, Principal at Allen Central High School, effective August 1, 2010.


1.  Robin Bentley, Certified, effective August 1, 2010.

2.  Melissa Compton, Emergency, effective August 10, 2010.

3.  Krista Hamilton, Certified, effective August 10, 2010.

4.  Kristen Little, Emergency, effective August 10, 2010.

5.  Rebecca Lykens, Emergency, effective August 10, 2010.

6.  Lacey Martin, Emergency, effective August 10, 2010.

7.  Constance Moore, Emergency, effective August 10, 2010.

8.  LaDonna Mullins, Emergency, effective August 10, 2010.

9.  April Sword, Emergency, effective August 10, 2010.

10.  Sara Yeager, Certified, effective August 10, 2010.


1.  Dalenda Combs, Special Needs Assistant (PS) at Duff Elementary School, effective July 27, 2010.

2.  Leslie Robinson, Special Needs Assistant (PS) at Duff Elementary School, effective July 27, 2010.

3.  Christopher Ross, Bus Driver at the Transportation Department, effective July 27, 2010.

4.  Marilyn Craft, Part-time Family Resources Youth Service Center Child Care Aide at Prestonsburg Elementary School, effective August 5, 2010.

5.  Kimberly Shepherd, Secretary at Prestonsburg High School, effective August 5, 2010.

6.  Morgan Ward, Family Resources Youth Service Center Coordinator at McDowell Elementary School, effective August 9, 2010.


1.  Paul Jeffery Kidd, from Custodian at Prestonsburg Elementary School to Custodian at May Valley Elementary School, effective July 28, 2010.

2.  J. Michael Click, from Bus Driver for Bus # A20DW to Bus Driver for Bus # S07R at the Transportation Department, effective August 2, 2010.

3.  Carol Cook, from Bus Driver for Bus # S04R to Bus Driver for Bus # S18SN at the Transportation Department, effective August 2, 2010.

4.  Kenneth Idle, from Bus Driver for Bus # P19R to Bus Driver for Bus # P29HS at the Transportation Department, effective August 2, 2010.

5.  Johnny Layne, from Bus Driver for Bus # A19DW to Bus Driver for Bus # A03R at the Transportation Department, effective August 2, 2010.

6.  Ronald Stratton, from Bus Driver for Bus # S24DW to Bus Driver for Bus # B04R at the Transportation Department, effective August 2, 2010.

7.  Deborah Waddles, from Bus Driver for Bus # P24R to Bus Driver for Bus # P11SN at the Transportation Department, effective August 2, 2010.

8.  Connie Hall, from Head Start Assistant in the B Center to Head Start Assistant in the A Center at Osborne Elementary School, effective August 6, 2010.

9.  Amanda Potter, from Head Start Assistant at May Valley Elementary School to Head Start Assistant at Allen Elementary School, effective August 6, 2010.

10.  Ramona Stewart, from Preschool Associate Teacher II at McDowell Elementary School to Preschool Associate Teacher II at Osborne Elementary School, effective August 6, 2010.