Freshman Seminar: A Local Elective

Mrs. Burnett

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I am incredibly excited to be working with you and your scholar this year! I became a history and social studies teacher because I have a passion for learning “how we got to where we are today,” as well as molding scholars into better citizens for tomorrow’s world. The main goal of this local elective course is to aid scholars in their transition from middle school to high school. Over the course of this year, your scholar will learn how to become a successful high school student, research possible careers that he/she may be interested in, find out about colleges that offer programs in the student’s career choice area, as well as some basic skills to prepare him/her for life after the high school classroom.

Additional information about the class is provided in the syllabus attached to this page. Please read through the syllabus with your scholar, and make sure that both you and your scholar sign the detachable potion on the bottom of this note in order to indicate your understanding and support of the classroom system. There is also space provided for you to express any questions, concerns or comments. Scholars should return that portion to me as soon as possible.

Also, please note that if you ever have any comments, questions or concerns, I am easily reached at . I also can be available for phone calls and/or meetings (by appointment please) before and after school. I am best contacted by email.

I am excited for this school year, and I am confident that your scholar will succeed greatly through our combined efforts. After all, it has been said, “It takes a village to raise a scholar.”


Amarilla R. Burnett

Social Studies Teacher

Detachable portion: to be completed and returned to the teacher

Please read the attached 2017-2018 syllabus and then sign below to indicate your understanding and support of the classroom system.

Scholar Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature:

Scholar Name (Printed): ______

Parent Name (Printed): ______


Parent Phone Number: ______

Parent Email: ______

Please list any questions, comments or concerns below (including information you would like me to note, such as a medical concern about your scholar, updated information for you, etc.):

Charlotte Learning Academy Syllabus 2017-2018

Name:Mrs. Amarilla R. BurnettEmail:
Course: Freshman Seminar: A Local Elective Time: 3rd or 4thperiod; 9:34-10:19 or 10:21-11:06 AM

Academic Assistance Hours:After School Tuesdays 2:30 PM-3:30 PM; After School Wednesdays 2:30-3:30 PM

Regular School Hours: 7:00 AM -2:30 PM

Mission Statement:

Charlotte Learning Academy will create a scholar-centered educational environment for scholars that challenge them to maintain high levels of motivation and achievement while instilling the Discipline, Respect, Perseverance, Scholarship and Excellence they need to succeed in college and other post-secondary opportunities.

Course Description:

The main goal of this local elective course is to aid scholars in their transition from middle school to high school. Over the course of this year, your scholar will learn how to become a successful high school student, research possible careers that he/she may be interested in, find out about colleges that offer programs in the student’s career choice area, as well as some basic skills to prepare him/her for life after the high school classroom.

Classroom Goal:

I firmly believe that ALL scholars have the ability to shape their own lives and society in positive ways. My goal this year is to have all scholars recognize their power and use that power to improve themselves and their communities. We will use social studies to inform scholars’ vision and to increase their ability to become educated and productive members of society. In order to achieve this goal, we will need supplies, organization, and procedures. These are outlined below.

Necessary Supplies:

  • One-Subject Notebook(For social studies only. These notebooks will remain in the classroom.)
  • A couple pencils and pens (blue or black ink only)

**Note: ALL of your handouts and notes will be kept in your notebook. This notebook will remain in the classroom at all times, unless it is signed out for studying purposes.


All Charlotte Learning Academy rules will apply in our classroom. Scholars are also asked to:

  • Bring your completed homework, any notes, paper, and a pencil or pen to class every day
  • Show respect (to other people, the school/objects, and yourself)
  • Be responsible for what you DO or DO NOT do.
  • Seek help from the teacher! (I am here to help you. I know you can succeed, and you will succeed, as long as you follow my directions and ask questions if you do not understand!)

Charlotte Learning Academy Rules

  1. Be in your assigned seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
  2. Be respectful of self, others, and school.
  3. Use respectful language; No profanity.
  4. No cell phone use during school hours.
  5. No eating or drinking in the classroom.
  6. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged.
  7. Always have a positive attitude.
  8. Stay seated unless given permission.
  9. Use technology appropriately in accordance with the school technology policy.
  10. No online socializing of any kind in class.
  11. No movement during the first and last 10 minutes of the class period.

*Note: These rules are just the basics. Scholars know what general appropriate behavior and responsibility should be.


Before class begins:

  1. Write your name on the bathroom sign up sheet, IF YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO GO; there are only so many students that I can let out during the class period, depending on what we are doing that day. Bathroom permission is given at the teacher’s discretionand is on a first come, first serve basis.
  2. Turn in any assignments to your class’s designated area.
  3. Make sure that you have all of your class materials with you and out on your desk.
  4. Sharpen your pencil if needed.
  5. Be seated and quiet.
  6. Review the daily agenda and learning goals on the board.
  7. Start the “Bellringer” assignment that is on the projector.

During class:

  1. Save trash until AFTER class, or during a time when you are permitted to get out of your seat.
  2. Raise your hand to speak; save your conversations with your friends for after class.
  3. Do not sleep; you are accountable for all material, even if you choose to not pay attention!
  4. All electronic use is prohibited unless otherwise stated; if I see it, it will be confiscated and turned into the office.
  5. Please do not ask to leave class unless there is an emergency. Anyone who consistently asks to leave will need to schedule an individual conference with the teacher.
  6. No one will be excused during the first or last 10 minutes of class or during certain activities.

At the end of class:

  1. Pack up your belongings only after you have been asked to do so.
  2. Make sure you know what is due the next day and have the needed materials.
  3. Clean the area around your desk before you leave.
  4. Wait for the teacher to dismiss you, not the clock.



I will check all homework at the beginning of class. All work must be turned into your class’s designated area. If you know that you will be missing class in advance, please see me. Do not wait until you get back to ask for all of your assignments…it will become overwhelming for both of us. If a scholar says there is no homework to be done, then they could always review their notes for an upcoming test / complete research for their project, etc.. CHECK THE CLASS WEBSITE AT CHARLOTTELEARNINGACADEMY.ORG FOR CLASS ASSIGNMENTS.

Late Work

  • Late homework will receive a deduction of points for every day late.
  • Scholars will receive a zero for any work that is not completed by the end of the grading period.

Retake Policy

Scholars will be allowed to make corrections with explanations of why they chose their new answer to any test or quiz given during the school year, with the exception of any pre-assessment, the end of year test, and final exam. Each acceptable correction will earn half credit back, increasing the scholar’s overall grade.


According to the state of North Carolina, scholars who are absent in year-long classes more than 20 days may be at risk of failing the year-long class.

  • With an excused absence, you may make up missed work for full credit. Scholars will have as many days to make up the work as they missed.
  • Missed exams must be made up within one week.
  • Make-up work will be addressed outside of class (preferably right before or right after school).
  • All extra handouts will be placed in a designated area (Absentee Work Folder) after they are used, absent scholars are responsible for checking this area for their missing work.
  • Scholars are expected to keep track of missing work; check the “Absentee Work” folder for any assignments that they missed, ask the teacher about any work, and schedule a time to take any missed exams.

Classroom Culture

We will work hard to have a positive classroom culture, and to celebrate that culture in many ways (positive phone calls, increased privileges, etc.). In instances where that culture is disrupted, consequences will include parent/guardian contacts and administrative referrals.


A variety of different assessments will add up to determine a scholar’s final grade. Some examples include:5-10 point daily work assignments, homework, up to 100 Point Assignments: Tests, Papers, Projects, Performances, note checks, and participation grades.Progress reports will be sent out according to the school calendar.

Plagiarism: The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines plagiarism as the act of “using the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own words or ideas.” This can usually happen two different ways: intentional or accidental. Whether a scholar intentionally copies another’s work, or forgets to cite his/her sources, the work is still plagiarized. If any scholar is caught cheating or plagiarizing, he or she will automatically receive a 0%, along with the scholar who allowed him/her to cheat or plagiarize off of himself/herself.

Charlotte Learning Academy Grading Scale and Policy:

100 - 90% A

89 - 80% B

79 - 70% C

69 - 60% D

59 - 0% F

The nine weeks grade shall be determined through these 4 areas:

Independent Work: Classwork, Journals and Notebooks, Study Guides, Quizzes30%

Test: Comprehensive Pre and Post Assessments and Presentations30%

Homework: Assignments and Activities to be completed at home20%

Guided Work: Reports and Participation in class and group work20%

Test Rules:

All scholars are expected and required to abide by the following rules during testing, which include but are not limited to:

  1. Remain quiet throughout the testing period, even if you finish your test early!
  2. Stay in your assigned seat, and raise your hand for any questions.
  3. Keep your eyes on your own paper! No plagiarism or cheating will be tolerated. If plagiarism or cheating is determined to have occurred, all scholars involved will receive a zero.
  4. Take your time and remember all of your testing strategies: double check, use your process of elimination, and answer ALL questions! Any question left blank will be marked incorrect.

Student Dress Code Policy:

Scholars are to abide by the schoolwide dress code policy while in social studies class. This includes a white, collared shirt, khaki bottoms, and a tie for gentlemen. Shirts should be neatly tucked in, and ties should be worn appropriately. Only full length, zippered jackets are allowed to be worn; no hoodies! All hats and nonreligious head coverings should be removed as well. Please see the Charlotte Learning Academy Student Code of Conduct for more detailed information on the schoolwide dress code policy.

Promises to Scholars

  1. If you ever feel I am doing a poor job of living up to these promises, please schedule an individual conference with me. I work very hard to make sure that I am true to my word.
  2. I will always believe in your ability to succeed. This means my expectations are extremely high. I will demand your best at all times and I will give you my best.
  3. I will listen to you. I ask that you bring questions, concerns or comments to me in a calm, respectful manner at the appropriate time. The appropriate time should be before or after class or at the beginning or end of the day. We can also schedule meetings.
  4. I will respect you, and I will insist that others respect you in our class. Please let me know, in an individual conference, if you ever feel disrespected.
  5. I will learn from you. You are smart, and each of you brings experiences and perspectives to the class that will benefit the group. Please share your viewpoint every day!

Note: This syllabus is subject to change by discretion of the instructor. The instructor will always seek out ways to better suit the class. If a modification is necessary, notification of changes will be made.