Building and Safety Committee Minutes

June 20, 2002


Marianne Courchaine Don Bardot

Judith Dickens Ralph Barra

Joy Gutis Deborah Burgess

Stuart Mahler Allan Johanson

Shelly Maynes Skip Thomas

Amanda Morrill, Servus Management

Steve Netkin

MaryAnn Palmarozza

Carolyn Smith-Stokes

The meeting started around 11:05 a.m.


1.  New Committee Member – Carolyn Smith-Stokes from PDPD will replace Deborah Burgess.

2.  Ergonomics Training – The last walkthrough took place last week. The contract will not be renewed in 2002/2003 due to budgetary constraints. If possible, future issues will be handled through DAS.

3.  Parking and Parking Lot Issues – The RFP for lead paint removal will be issued in August for work to be completed next spring.

4.  Safety Walkthroughs – No walkthroughs have occurred. Efforts will be made to resume safety walkthroughs in the fall.

5.  Basement Storage Cleanup – It was reported that IGP and PDPD still have a lot of boxes in the basement storage room. The Office of the Secretary went through their boxes and obtained permission from the State Library to discard a lot of material. It was suggested that arrangements be made to bring boxes up from the basement for review; the review does not have to take place in the basement. Carolyn Smith-Stokes was asked to inform Skip Thomas of the remaining boxes in the basement storage room belonging to PDPD. Staff were reminded to obtain permission from the State Library to discard of material once approved retention periods have been met.

6.  Security Assessment/Additional Security Measures – Amanda Morrill reported that Ray Philbrick from DPW was at the Complex two (2) weeks ago with ADT. Ray recommends the hiring of six (6) additional guards for the 410 – 474 Capitol Avenue Complex and the installation of turnstiles in the concourse between buildings 410 and 450 to keep visitors confined. There is a meeting next Thursday with an architect to review the turnstiles. Pending receipt of a final proposal from ADT, the next step would be a meeting between DPW and agency heads from the 410 – 474 Capitol Avenue Complex to review recommendations. DPW is also looking into upgrading the access card system.

7.  Strange Markings on Doorways/Walls – There are still strange markings on the doorways and walls. Amanda Morrill is working with DPW to remove. Cameras may be installed to monitor the situation.

8.  Disaster Plan Checkup – A self-assessment disaster plan checklist was distributed. Some staff were unaware of safety and security measures in place at OPM. MaryAnn will arrange for the development of a training tool to provide this critical information to staff.

9.  Swipe Card Mechanism/Cafeteria Doors – Swipe card mechanisms for the two side entrances to the cafeteria were replaced.

10. Cordoned Off Parking Spot – The cordoned off parking space has been opened and the manhole replaced. Cones will stay in the West Street parking lot until painting is done this summer. Plastic speed bumps will be replaced with permanent ones.

11. Problems Exiting the West Parking Lot – The timing of traffic lights has been changed and has improved the situation.

12. Emergency Phones in Concourse – DPH will be funding this. Amanda gave DPH a proposal and will follow-up with DPH regarding the status.

13. First Aid Provider Update – Two staff from OLR and Steve Netkin volunteered in response to a need for first aid providers for the third floor. Steve Netkin is already certified. All staff need to be re-certified.

New Issues

1.  Committee Member Training/WCC Regulations – Carolyn Smith-Stokes needs to be trained by MaryAnn Palmarozza.

2.  Bloodbourne Pathogen Plan Update – The Plan needs to be updated annually. The only change will be the date of the Plan. Marianne Courchaine will update the Plan and distribute to the Committee for input.

3.  Other

·  Stu Mahler raised a question about a drip in the concourse and the need for the cafeteria to clean tables.

·  Amanda Morrill reported that the elevators would be undergoing a five-year load test inspection. No date has been set for this inspection but it has to be done during regular business hours, therefore, the elevators will be down for a period of time. Inspectors from DPS will be doing the inspection.

Next Meeting

·  September 19 at 1:30 p.m.

The meeting adjourned around 11:40 a.m.

Minutes taken by Zethalyn Smith.