Ten Minute Recallable e-Tag Functionality for Reserves


Document name / Ten Minute Recallable e-Tag Functionality for Reserves
Regional Criterion
Category / ( )Regional Reliability Standard
(X)Regional Criterion
( )Policy
( )Guideline
( )Report or other
( )Charter
Document date / March 13, 2013
Adopted/approved by / WECC Board of Directors
Date adopted/approved / March 13, 2013
Custodian (entity responsible for maintenance and upkeep) / Standards
Stored/filed / Approved Regional Criteria
Previous name/number / On September 5, 2012, the WECC Board of Directors (Board) changed the designation from “CRT” to “RBP.”
On June 25, 2014, the Board changed the designation from “RBP” to “CRT.”
This document retires INT-011-RBP-1.
Status / (X) in effect as of June 12, 2013
( ) usable, minor formatting/editing required
( ) modification needed
( ) superseded by ______
( ) other ______
( ) obsolete/archived)

Version Control

Version / Date / Action / Change
1 / 3/6/08 / Approved by the Operating Committee
1 / 8/31/09 / Converting current approved Business Practice (INT-BPS-011-1) into new Regional Criterion format – no other changes are being submitted. / No other change
2 / 9/5/12 / “Criterion” changed to “Regional Business Practice” designation / No other change
2 / 3/13/2013 / WECC Board approved / Redraft as part of the INT Rewrite Project
2 / 6/25/2014 / WECC Board of Directors (Board) designated this document as a Regional Criterion. / Designation change

Developed as WECC-0079Page 1

Ten Minute Recallable e-Tag Functionality for Reserves


A. Introduction

1. Title:Ten Minute Recallable e-Tag Functionality for Reserves

Regional Criterion


3.Purpose:To define the use of ten-minute recallable e-Tag as a reserve product.


This document applies only to those entities whose market rules allow for 10-minute recallable transactions.

4.1.Balancing Authority

4.2.Purchasing-Selling Entity

5. Effective Date: June 12, 2013


WR1.Each Purchasing-Selling Entity (tag author) submitting a Request for Interchange (RFI) for ten-minute recallable reserve transactions shall specify each of the following:

1) Transaction type option set to “recallable”;

2) Energy product type option set to “C-RE”;

3) Reserve obligation multiplier option set to “100%”; and

4) Reserve responsible entity set to either of the following options in order to identify the entity accepting the energy:

  • Sink Balancing Authority (or)
  • Reserve Sharing Group member that is located inside the Sink Balancing Authority

WM1. Each Purchasing-Selling Entity (tag author) submitting a Request For Interchange (RFI) for ten-minute recallable reserve transactions will have evidence that it specified in the Request For Interchange (RFI) for ten-minute recallable reserve, each of the items as required in WR1.

WR2. Each Purchasing-Selling Entity and each Source Balancing Authority that activates recallable reserves shall submit a downward e-Tag market level profile adjustment that includes each of the following characteristics:

1)A start time that is no earlier than ten minutes prior to the submittal time.

2)A default ramp duration of zero.

WM2. Each Purchasing-Selling Entity and each Source Balancing Authority that activates recallable reserves will have evidence that it submitted a downward e-Tag market level profile adjustment for that activation and that the e-Tag included each of the characteristics required in WR2.

WR3.Each Source Balancing Authority and each Sink Balancing Authority shall approve an e-Tag upon receipt of a downward e-Tag market profile adjustment for recallable reserve transactions, including intra-hour transactions.

WM3. Each Source Balancing Authority and each Sink Balancing Authority will have evidence that, upon receipt of a downward e-Tag market profile adjustment for recallable reserve transactions, it approved the e-Tag, including intra-hour transactions.

For purposes of proving compliance with this Requirement, if an entity has not received such a request, the entity shall certify in writing that no such requests were received.

Guideline and Technical Basis

WR1 allows each Purchasing-Selling Entity (tag author) to reflect the information needed to indicate where ten-minute recallable reserves are being held.

WR2 recognizes that either the Purchasing-Selling Entity or the Source Balancing Authority may activate recallable reserves. Whichever entity actually “activates recallable reserves” will be responsible for submitting the e-Tag with the required specifications as listed in WR2, 1 and 2.

WR3 ensures that ten-minute recallable reserve e-Tags are approved. The phrase “including intra-hour transactions” is there to highlight the fact that the Requirement not only addresses transactions within the hour but also transactions that are less than one hour in duration.

Developed as WECC-0079Page 1