For Consideration by Members of the IECEx Management Committee, ExMC

Report from the ExMC WG1 / WG5 Meeting held 25 May 2016 in Northbrook, USA



The attached is a report of the combined meeting of ExMC Working Groups WG1 (Revision of IECEx Scheme Rules) and WG5 (Manufacturer’s Quality System requirements) held on 25th May 2016 in Northbrook.

Members are asked to note this report and consider the following recommendations

  • ExMC WG1 Recommendations #1, 2, 3, and 4

As mentioned in this report in preparation for the next ExMC meeting in Umhlanga, South Africa8th and 9th September 2016.

Chris Agius

IECEx Executive Secretary

Visiting address:
IECEx Secretariat
Level 33 Australia Square
264 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Australia / Contact Details:
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Combined Meeting of IECEx ExMC’s

Working Group WG1 – Revision of IECEx Scheme Rules and Procedures


Working Group WG5 – Quality System requirements of Ex Manufacturers

Held at UL LLC in Northbrook, IL, USA on

Wednesday 25th May 2016 (commencing 8:30 a.m.)

Working Group WG1 – Revision of IECEx Scheme Rules and Procedures


Marty ColeWG1 Convenor

Thorsten ArnholdIECEx Chairman

Alexander ZaloginIECEx Vice Chairman

Heinz BergerCerticonsult (CH)

Ron SinclairSGS Baseefa (GB)

Julien GauthierLCIE

David Adams QPS (CA)

Jasmin OmerovicUL International DEMKO A/S (DK)

Michael SlowinskeUL LLC (US)

Thierry HoueixINERIS (FR)

Jim MunroJim Munro (AU)

Guenter GabrielPepperl+Fuchs GmbH

Risto SulonenVTT

Paul MeanwellSAFA

Matt CrowJoy Global

Ulrich JacobsTUV SUD Product Service

Evans MasseyBaldor Electric Company – ABB (US)

Yulia TikhonenkoNanio CCVE

Anna TimofeevaNANIO CCVE

Steve MargisUL – Guest

Jerilyn MerrillUL - Guest

Chris Agius (CA)IECEx Executive Secretary


Opening by the Convenor, self-introduction of the participants, and noting of apologies for absence.
The Convener Mr Marty Cole opened the meeting welcoming members but noting that some members are not present as we do have a parallel meeting of the IECEx CoPC Scheme underway in order to manage the number of meetings into the one week but noted with the attendance here today there is plenty of expertise to draw on.
He thanked UL for their hosting of these meetings and welcomed both Steve Margis and Jerilyn Merrill of UL as guests and invited them to participate in the proceedings of the meeting.
He then called for introductions.
  1. WG1 Terms of Reference and Membership
Members to confirm WG1 Terms of Reference and Membership (as indicated on IECEx Website).
The Convener referred to the Executive Secretary who displayed the IECEx website and WG1 membership with the meeting noting various updates needed including:-
-Guenter Gabriel
-Ulrich Jacobs
-NL to reconsider the nomination of Theo P.
The meeting further reconfirmed the WGs Terms of Reference and no change is required.
  1. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA – Working Group 1
Members are asked to consider any other items for raising that are not listed on the agenda and then approve the agenda as presented here or as amended to include agreed additional items.
The Convener called for any additional items to be added for the agenda with none raised at this time but the opportunity towards the of the meeting time permitting. The Agenda was subsequently approved.
  1. Outcome of WG1 Report and Recommendations to the ExMC 2015 Christchurch meeting
Members to notethe ExMC’s acceptance (via Decision 2015/53) of all WG1 recommendations in the WG1/WG5 report submitted to ExMC following the 2015 WG1 Toronto meeting as ExMC/1019/R.
Documents for reference:
  1. ExMC/1019/R – Report from WG1/WG5 2015 Meeting
  2. ExMC/1083A/RM – Confirmed Minutes of 2015 ExMC Meeting
  3. ExMC/1072/DL – 2015 ExMC Decision List
The Convener noted the action items and recommendations put to the 2015 ExMC Christchurch meeting with the Secretary informing the meeting of the status of all 6 recommendations put to the last ExMC meeting as follows:
Rec 1 = Completed updated editions of IECEx 01 published
Rec 2 = Supp to HBR Item 7 – updated and before this meeting
Rec 3 = CoC Conditions field = Item 12 before this meeting
Rec 4 = IECEx 02 ed 5.2 published Completed
Rec 5 = Published ExTAG Decisions Sheet on TS 60079-40 Complete
Rec 6 = IECEx 02 published as ed 5.2 completed
Rec 7 = Completed with the presentations made during the ExTAG Session
  1. Reports on progress on Actions Items from past ExMC Meetings
Members to note the following report on progress on Action Items from the Dubai 2014, The Hague 2015 and Christchurch 2015 IECEx Meetings:
  1. Update on action items assigned toExMC WG1 by the ExMC
Members to receive a report on progress of reworking the proposal to the 2015 ExMC WG1 meeting by the Task Group formed at the 2014 Dubai WG1 meeting regarding ‘manufacturer’s details’ on ExTRs as detailed in Item 5.1 of the report on the 2015 ExMC WG1 meeting. Following this report, members are requested to consider the following two proposals from the Task Group
5.1.1.Use of the terms “Manufacturer” vs “Manufacturing Location” vs “Production Site”
Members to consider an updated proposal (Version 4) from the Task Group
Document for consideration:
  • “Use of the term Manufacturer V4.doc”
5.1.2.“Applicant” vs Certificate Holder” vs “Issued to”
Members to consider a new proposal from the Task Group
Document for consideration:
  • “Applicant vs Manufacturer V1.doc”
The Convener called on the meeting to discuss and with both items 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 at the same time noting that we had formed a Task Group led by Mike Slowinske and invited Mike to present the documents and work of his Task Group to date.
Mike Slowinske gave a detailed background and informed the meeting of the work within the Task Group and the Secretariat in attempting to clarify “Manufacturing Locations” compared to “Production Sites” and then the term “Manufacturer”
The Convener thanked Mr Slowinske for his and his Task Group’s work and called on the meeting to consider the updated drafts with the meeting noting the changes nowproposed along with the Diagram (Fig 2) as requested from the last WG1 meeting.
The meeting then focused discussion on use of the term “Storage” and listing of manufacturing sites and not production sites on Certificates.
The meeting then resolved for P+F and Joy representatives as manufacturers to provide Mr Slowinske with input for an updated version to address how QARs may be used to satisfy both the requirements of certification and the needs of manufactuers.
The meeting also considered that there may need some references to ISO/IEC 80079-34
The meeting further considered the need for an ExTAG Decision Sheet and agreed that the Task Group should also prepare a draft for consideration, first by WG1 and then by ExTAG. As a result the meeting agreed to the following action
ACTION#1:Mr Slowinske’s Task Group to update the draft documents and prepare a draft ExTAG Decision sheet based on the discussions at this meeting and input from P+F and Joy as representing manufacturer’s interests. Updated drafts will be sent for a brief review by WG1 Members prior to progressing to ExMC and ExTAG as required.
{Secretariat Note: Document ExMC/1152/CD has been issued for ExMC consideration}
The meeting then discussed the issue of Certificate Holder versus Applicant noting that while the term applicant is appropriate that perhaps the Certificate should replace the term “Applicant” with “Issued To”.
The meeting further noted that with the release of the new Non-Electrical Standards that the term “Electrical Equipment” should be replaced with “Equipment” with the Secretary informing that this is already underway within the IEC Central Office as the Secretariat has already performed a review of the CoC System to determine what changes were necessary to introduce the new Non Electrical Standards and found this to be the only one, in order not to make too many changes.
RECOMMENDATION #1: that ExMC consider replacing “Applicant” with “Issued To” on the Certificates associated with the IECEx 02 Equipment Scheme.
  1. Reports on progress on Actions Items from past ExMC WG1 Meetings
Members to note the following report on progress on Action Items from the past ExMC WG1 meetings.
  1. Outstanding Action Items from IECEx WG1 Toronto 2015 Minutes
Members to note progress on the Actions assigned during the Toronto 2015 WG1 meeting and receive reports on progress of any that remain outstanding.
The Convener referred the meeting to an issue previously discussed concerning Indemnification with Mr Slowinske informing the meeting of concerns from an ExCB perspective when issuing a local national approval or mark based on testing and assessment done by another ExCB located in a different country and noted the provisions within the IECEE CB Scheme.
The meeting considered the various points raised noting the different legal jurisdictions that exist in different countries and agreed for Mr Slowinske to prepare an initial draft based on the IECEE CB Scheme and circulate for WG1 further consideration. Should there be support then the matter could go directly to the ExMC for more open discussion
ACTION#2:Mr Slowinske to form a small Task Group to consider an initial draft on Indemnification based on the IECEE provisions for initial consideration by WG1 then by ExMC. Members of WG1 interested in early input may contact Mr Slowinske directly.
  1. IEC Conformity Assessment Systems Harmonised Basic Rules
Members to receive a report from the IECEx Secretary regarding the status of IEC Harmonised Basic Rules and the IEC CAB response to the changes proposed by IECEx members and the IECEx Supplement.
Members to note Section 5.4 of ExMC/1083/RM and ExMC 2015 Decisions 2015/12 and 2015/13 in ExMC/1072/DL and then consider the contents of ExMC/988A/CD.
The Chairman reminded the meeting of the background behind the move towards a single document as the “IEC Harmonised Basic Rules” to be common across all 4 Conformity Assessment Systems and any future CA System that may come along. The meeting further noted the provision for a “Supplement” Document that each of the CA Systems may develop and submit for CAB approval to address items specific to the individual Systems.
The meeting also noted that ExMC/988A/CD as an initial draft IECEx Supplement to the HBR taking into account ExMC/988/CD which was considered in Christchurch and in light of work being done within other CA Systems, including IECQ and IECEE undertook to prepare an updated version of the Supplement for submission to ExMC as ExMC/988A/CD.
During the course of reviewing the draft Supplement ExMC WG1 agreed to the following for inclusion in a revised version for submitting to ExMC:-
  • The Supplement should include ALL Clause numbers of the HBR to be clear to the reader of the Supplement what applies and what does not.
  • Composition of the Executive needs to be included
  • Include clarification in the scope regarding use of TC 31 publications
  • Include WG Conveners as members of ExMC without vote
  • Include reference to “or other aspects of explosion protection” in Clause 11
RECOMMENDATION #2: that ExMC accept document ExMC/988B/CD as the IECEx Supplement to IEC Harmonised Basic Rules (HBR), for passing onto IEC Conformity Assessment Board (CAB) for final approval.
{Secretariat Note: Document ExMC/988B/CD has been issued for ExMC approval}
  1. IECEx Basic Rules, IECEx 01
Members to consider a draft revision of IECEx 01, Rules of Procedure, Edition 7.0.
Document for consideration:
  • Draft of IECEx 01 Ed 7.1
The Convener noted that while work is underway to introduce IEC Harmonised Basic Rules, IECEx still needs to work according to the current IECEx Basic Rules. With this in mind he and the Secretary pointed out an inconsistency between the text within the Introduction of IECEx 01 Basic Rules and that of the updated IECEx 02 Rules of procedures, Clause 11.2.2 in that IECEx 02 enables an application from a candidate ExTL to come via/be endorsed by any IECEx Member Body whereas the Introductory text in IECEx 01 has not been updated.
The meeting then considered the proposed changes in the Draft amendment to IECEx 01 and agreed with the following adjustment
Certification bodies and testing laboratories wishing to be accepted into the IECEx System must reside in a participating country. Their application for acceptance is made through their National Member Body of the IECEx System for the country in which the Certification Bodyintends to operate or any Member Body in the case of testing laboratories.
The meeting also agreed to update the reference to ISO/IEC Guide 65 to ISO/IEC 17065
RECOMMENDATION #3: that ExMCapproves the editorial correction to the Introduction of the IECEx 01 Basic Rules to align with the provisions of IECEx 02 Clause 11.2.2.
{Secretariat Note: Document ExMC/1151/CD has been issued for ExMC consideration}
  1. IECEx RoP, IECEx 02
Members to notethe publication of IECEx 02, Rules of Procedure, Edition 5.2 as agreed by ExMC Decision 2015/33
The meeting noted publication of Edition 5.2 of the IECEx 02 Rules of procedures during October 2015, following on from the Decisions of the ExMC Christchurch meeting. Not action required at this stage.
  1. IECEx Rules, IECEx 02 – proposed revision
Members to discuss the RU proposal regarding IECEx 02 and the relationship between ExCBs and ExTLs noting (from ExMC/1083/RM, Item 8.2 as extracted as follows and also Decision 2015/35) that “… In reply to the RU proposal (a repeat of a proposal to the 2014 ExMC Meeting), the IECEx Secretary advised the meeting of the outcomes of discussions in the 2015 Executive meeting in Toronto on this matter which recommends that the current wording of IECEx 02 relating to ExCBs and ExTL relations remain but suggested that this matter should be monitored by the Executive and included as part of ExMC WG1 considerations as part of their maintenance of IECEx 02.”
Documents for reference:
  1. ExMC(Christchurch/RU)04 - RU Proposal concerning ExCB + ExTL Relations
  2. Letter from RU of 29th February 2016
RU experts present at the ExMC WG1 meeting presented the proposals and concerns from RU regarding the relationship between ExCBs and ExTLs with the meeting agreeing that we need to ensure that ExTLs are robust in both their facilities and capabilities.
While considering various aspects of the RU proposal the meeting agreed to forma small Task Group to enable more time to carefully consider the RU proposal and options as discussed.
The meeting then appionted the following Task Group
Jim Munro (convenor) AU
Anna Timofeeva RU
Ron Sinclair GB
With the Task Group to provide a final proposal for consideration at the ExMC Umhlanga meeting
ACTION#3:Mr Munro to form a small Task Group to consider proposed changes to IECEx 02 in light of the RU proposals for presenting at the 2016 ExMC meeting.
{Secretariat Note: Document ExMC/1160/CD has been issued for ExMC consideration}
  1. IECEx OD 009 Draft Revision
Members to consider the draft revision of IECEx OD 009, Operational Document - Procedures for the Issuing of IECEx Certificates of Conformity, IECEx Test Reports and IECEx Quality Assessment Reports
Documents for consideration:
  • Draft of Edition 4.0 of IECEx OD 009
The Secretary informed the meeting of work within the Secretariat to prepare suggested changes/updates to OD 009 as part of the documents on-going maintenance, noting that it is perhaps one of the most used ODs within the IECEx 02 Scheme.
The meeting noted the draft revised edition of OD 009 prepared by the Secretariat and while agreeing with the document also identified other areas to be reviewed such as:-
Clarification required to clearly identify what is expected at the Certification Decision stage, as raised by Jim Munro.
The meeting agreed to allow a further 30 days for other remarks or comments from members and then submit to ExMC for approval, noting there may be other changes required arising out of Mike Slowinske’s the Task Group regarding manufacturer, Manufacturer Locations and Production Sites.
RECOMMENDATION #4: that ExMC approves the Revised Edition of IECEx OD 009 as presented by WG1, noting other changes may be required depending on the ExMC decision concerning proposed changes to Manufacturer, Manufacturing Location and Production Sites.
{Secretariat Note: Document ExMC/1154/DV has been issued for ExMC approval}
  1. Additional modifications for IECEx Certificate and Supporting document fields
  2. Electrical Apparatus field of Certificates
In noting (in the preceding Agenda Item) need for a change to the format of IECEx Equipment Certificates of Conformity members todiscussa proposal that the “Electrical Apparatus” field be renamed as “Equipment” so as to enable certificates to be issued for non-electrical equipment in the future.
The meeting noted the need to replace “Electrical Apparatus” and agreed that this is a regarded as an editorial change.
12.2.ExTR Free Reference field of ExTRs
Members to discuss a proposal to remove the automatic population of the ‘ExTR Free Reference’ field with the same number as the IECEx ExTR automatically generated number.
The meeting discussed this proposed changed and agreed on the need to retain the ExTR field as a free text field and therefore determined that no changes were necessary.
12.3.“Overrun” of the Certificate History field
Members to discuss options for avoiding the problem of overrun of the Certificate History field on Equipment Certificates interfering with other fields as the number of Issues exceeds approximately 10 issues – as an example, refer to IECEx DEK 14..0025X Issue 15
The meeting noted advice from the Secretary that they are working with IT in Geneva to address some issues relating to the On-Line Certificate System including the over run of Certificate history. During discussions the meeting raised that we should have consistency in how editions of Standards are shown and assigned the Secretary to action this.
ACTION#4:IECEx Secretariat to review the manner in which editions of Standards are shown on IECEx Certificates in order to achieve consistency.
  1. Proposal for clarifying requirements for “Additional Testing Locations”
Members todiscussa proposal from the IECEx Secretariat for clarifying the requirements of the acceptance, operation, management responsibility of the increasingly popular facility of “additional testing location”. In general terms it is proposed that such testing facilities are treated as part of the operations of the Additional Testing Location’s ExTL however the details of this relationship need to be agreed and documented.