The Society of Perfusion Scientists Annual Congress 2015 Gateshead/Newcastle Hilton Hotel
Newcastle upon Tyne
Full Scientific Programme
Friday 16th October
07.30Examiners Workshop
09.00Registration and Coffee
11.00College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists AGM
11.55Chairmans Welcome:Mr Steve Robins
12.00Discussion Session:Heater Cooler Contamination: Chairperson: Mr Andy Heggie
12.05-12.15‘It’s a Bugs life: A day in the life of bacterial growth in Heater-Coolers’ –The Freeman Experience
- Ben Otto, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne
12.15-12.25Survey of UK Cardiac Units Recent Heater-Cooler Experience
- Daniel Gittins, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, Leeds NHS Trust
12.25-12.35An Update on Testing of Heater Cooler Units for Pathogenic Contaminants
- Francesca Lock, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, Southampton NHS Trust
12.35-12.55Background to Mycobacterium and its Possible Links to Perfusion
- Dr Tim A Collyns. Consultant Microbiologist & Lead Infection Control Doctor, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
12.55-13.05The MHRA Perspective
- Andrew Bent, Senior Medical Device Specialist and Dr S Jagdish, Senior Clinical Advisor, MHRA
14.30Scientific Session 1 Chairperson: Mr Tony Fisher
14.30-14.45Development of a Pre Op Anaemia Pathway at the Lancashire Cardiac Centre
-Tom Dale, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, Lancashire Cardiac Centre, Blackpool UK
14.45-15.00To Transfuse or not to Transfuse
- Angela Lilley, Senior Perfusion Scientist, Leeds NHS Trust
15.00-15.15A Review of the New TEG 6 (Haemonetics) as a Diagnostic Instrument for Providing Whole Blood Haemostasis Testing for Assessing Bleeding, Thrombotic Risks and also Monitoring Anti-thrombotic Therapies in a Point of Care (POC) Setting.
- Sophie Gray, Senior Perfusion Scientist, Southampton NHS Trust
15.15-15.30Sickle Cell Positive Patients Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest: A Case study.
- NabeelRazzaq, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, Cambridge Perfusion Services, Papworth Hospital
15.30-15.45Bubble Detector Use in Training for Mini-CPB
- Sian Hodgkiss, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth
16.15Guest Speaker
The Development of Risk Measurement in Heart Surgery
- Mr SamerNashef, Consultant Surgeon, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge UK and author of ‘The Naked Surgeon’
17.15Manufacturers Drinks Reception- Exhibition Area
Saturday 17th October
09.00Scientific Session 2 Chairperson: Mr David Jenkins
09.00-09.15SorinHeartLink Perfusion System: Goal-Directed Perfusion & The GDP® Monitor
- Simone Bonfante,Sorin Group
09.15-09.30Calculated Flow Versus Oxygen Delivery
- Terri-Louise Garnett, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, Cambridge Perfusion Services, Papworth and James Cook Hospitals
09.30-09.45Perioperative Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation to Facilitate Lung Resection after Contralateral Pneumonectomy
- Robert Crowley, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, St Thomas Hospital, London, UK
09.45-10.00Techniques for Complex Aortic Surgery
- Sarah Shirley,Senior Perfusion Scientist, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
10.00-10.15Challenges to Perfusion Practice Following the Introduction of an Intra-Aortic Occlusion Device in a Centre with Experience of Minimal Incision Cardiac Surgery
- Jessica Tiplady, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, The Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, Basildon Hospital
10.15-10.30Microvesicles and MicroRNAs as Marker of Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiac Surgery in Children.
-Maria Teresa Jn Tala, Perfusion Scientist, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
10.30-10.45FlexTherm-Experience the New Sorin Heater-Cooler
- Christian Hoffstetter, Sorin Group
11.15Scientific Session 3 Chairperson: Mr Simon Phillips
11.15-11.30Sechrist Gas Blenders, Do They Really Need Servicing?
- Richard Hartshorne, Clinical Specialist, Chalice Medical.
11.30-11.45A Novel Safety Device for Vacuum Assisted Venous Drainage during Cardiopulmonary Bypass
- Ben Middleton, Lead Perfusion Scientist, Essex CTC, Basildon & Thurrock University Hospitals
11.45-12.00A New Era of DCD Heart Transplantation and the Role of the Perfusionist
- Simon Colah, Perfusion Manager, Cambridge Perfusion Services, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge
12.00-12.15Novel Cannula for Percutaneous RV Support following Minimally Invasive Long Term LVADInsertion
- Timothy Pitt, Chief Perfusion Scientist, Harefield Hospital, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust
12.15-12.30An Ex-Vivo Model for the Incorporation of Immunoadsorption into the Extra-Corporeal Circuit: A Novel Method for ABO-Incompatible Heart Transplantation
- Kyrie Wheeler, Perfusion Scientist, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
12.30-12.45“The Country is Going to the Dogs”
- Nigel Cross, Senior Perfusion Scientist, Royal Brompton Hospital, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust, London
12.45-13.00The Utilization of Social Media for the Promotion of Perfusion Science.
- Lee Clark, Trainee Perfusion Scientist, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
14.00Society of Perfusion Scientists AGM
Simulation Sessions
Please register prior to the sessions at the registration desk.
Sessions have a limited number of participants.
Sessions will be held on the lower floor.
Orpheus Simulation
Bristol Medical Simulation Centre
Friday 16th October
Saturday 17th October
Cannula and Flow Workshop
Friday 16th October