Critical Care Operational Delivery Networks

England, Wales & Northern Ireland

Education Group Minutes

Tuesday 14th March 2017

10.00 – 15.00

A&E Seminar Room, North Tyneside General Hospital


Angela Dervin, Cumberland Infirmary

John Lewandowski, North Tees Hospital

Julie Platten,NoECCN

Lesley Durham, NoECCN

Liz Place, Freeman Hospital

Lorraine Mutrie, Northumbria University

Martin Wood, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Sam Barstow, Freeman Hospital

Sarah Cueto, Cumberland Infirmary

Stacey Arthur, Freeman Hospital

Steph Hawman, Darlington Memorial Hospital

Sue Hegarty, CICU James Cook Hospital

Tina Wright, CICU James Cook Hospital

Chair Julie Platten
Minutes Sarah Gray / Attachments
01/2017 / Apologies:
Allison Allan, Michelle Garner, Rachel Turner, Robin Duncan
02/2017 / Minutes of previous meetings and matters arising/actions
Minutes agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.
Following actions discussed:
4.Develop a feedback process on student’s attendance to university – to be picked up at a future date.
- Leadership to be presented at the next meeting by John Lewandowski
03/2017 / Network Update
Paediatric Medical lead has left and the network are currently in the process of appointing a new medical lead.
A business case has been submitted to CCG to develop an adult retrieval service, positive feedback has been received from colleagues across the network. Await feedback from the CCG.
STP – redesign what is delivered, where, how and who by.
04/2017 / National Update
CC3N – providing position statement about moving staff from critical care to ward if they need help. Risk Assessment should be carried out showing staffing status against the staffing standards and looking at standards for agency staff.
Level 1 competencies for the ward for enhanced care areas. / Information available on our website.
05/2017 / Provision of CPD Modules – funding/access
Access to modules has been changed. Await feedback from Lindsay Garcia with regards to update after speaking to Teesside University about options for future courses and funding.
Northumbria university are currently doing foundation in critical care (20 credit module) in acute care setting with 36 placements for this academic year. Critical Care module will have 14 places to cover the whole region.
Unsure of next years commissioning.
Pathways of study modules are still running – unsure of they will be able to access as new student.
Unsure what the costs for future are going to be?
Claire Carr is lead commissioner – HEENE to use our local data to demonstrate the concerns across the region.
All CWD (continued workforce development) funding will be axed eventually.
Data presented to the group to raise concerns of staff across the region. Things are only going to get worse if funding dries up.
To re-audit again at the end of the year.
Issue highlighted at Cumbria university – staff don’t feel supported, e-learning and no face to face learning and unable to access Northumbria courses now. Michelle Garner is the contact but unfortunately sent her apologies today.
Across the region:
Freeman – 3-4 staff on foundation & 3-4 on adult course
Freeman Cardio – 4-5 foundation & a few on adult
QE – 6 a year on foundation & 4 on adult
DMH – unable to access Teesside university
CICU JCUH –things have been put on hold until we have feedback from Lindsay Garcia although staff are completing the clinical skills course in the interim.
UHNT – had 4 members complete the last intake.
NHS Improvement, Paul Reeves to speak to someone national level. Jane Cummings to outline what’s happening.
06/2017 / CPD Audit
CPD audit information uploaded onto the network website

The masterclasses are commissioned by Health Education but they do not hold any academic credit. They are one off masterclasses for this academic year. No announcements have been made about what will be funded for the next academic year. Dates as follows:
-EoL – 4th April, 10 places
-Acutely Ill Patient – Sepsis & acute Kidney injury – 27th April, 15 places
-Applying human factors to healthcare organisations
-Non invasive ventilation – 18th May, ? places
-Developing Skills in Healthcare Simulation
-Applying Human Factors to Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Healthcare Practice: An Introductory one-day course
Apprenticeship Levy –only used for education. Is your trust a registered provider?
Expression of interest – set up confederation to look at how we link with the step competencies, this would require support from the trusts.
07/2017 / Competencies
The network has requested data for staff who are on going or completed the competencies.
Graphs presented showed the following data:
•549 on going with national competencies (step1,2,3)
•244 have completed the competencies (step 1,2,3)
Giving a total of 793 staff (60% of all registered staff
Discussion took place with regards to the units that have large numbers of staff who are on-going/completed competencies, do they have a clinical educator? This is one area that would help support the units that don’t have clinical educators to put them in place.
It was agreed that the network would send out certificates for each step competency when they have been completed. Email confirmation from the clinical educator/manager would be required in order for them to be released. The network is happy to backdate certificates. If area uncompleted the certificate will state ‘Exceptions’. Add on Speciality Bolton’s certificate to be discussed in future.
It’s very useful to invest in some champions to promote the step competencies in your unit. The competencies will also help towards revalidation.
You need a selection of staff who are mentors and able to sign the competencies off stating which step they are able to sign off, whoever this is needs to sign the front of the competencies.
Competency information recorded has been hit and miss therefore it has been agreed to send all data fresh prior to the October meeting. Sarah to distribute a new spread sheet for each unit to complete. Only put completion date once they have completed. If they have left the trust/mat leave etc this can be put in the comments. Any problems please contact Sarah.
The competency data received was very hit and miss therefore a new speradsheet will be sent our prior to the October meeting for everyone to complete for their unit and send it back to Sarah. Only put completion date when a member of staff have completed it. If they have left/mat leave please state this in the comments box. Any problems contact Sarah.
08/20017 / Senior Staff Nurse Development Programme
This day is run twice a year with very good attendance and feedback. The attendees are asked to do a service improvement project and bring it back 6 months later to present to the group.
The scenarios needs updating – circulated around the table for comments or any new ideas as follows:
  1. Agency staff being qualified?
  2. Senior nurse asked to send someone to the ward
  3. Social media – staff member commenting on break e.g. ‘cant wait for shift to be over’
  4. Drugs missing
  5. Drug use by staff
  6. Staff get sent to ward and treat badly by staff on the ward
Looking for new faculty due to Karen Donnelly moving on. If anyone is interested in helping the faculty to deliver the course please contact
09/2017 / Tracheostomy Training
Liz Place kindly presented her Tracheostomy Care Update. Available on the network website.
10/2017 / Individual Updates
CI – RaCI service is now up and running meeting with patients and families. Attended a coroners court where 3 patients had died due to misplace of gastric tube. Issues with police officer when union RCN advised not to speak to police and advised to have union rep there at all times for support. Lessons learnt to be shared at the next meeting.
FRH – courses currently run at Freeman- induction, clinical skills day, trache course which is held every month with positive feedback, T4T, advanced ventilation day dealing with emergencies CALS course.
QE –T4T, trache training day. 5 new starters due to start April/May time.
JCUH Cardio – leadership days, CALS training (half day) recent HCA’s competency’s – to share with the group.
UHNT – reconfiguration of outreach service imminent. 5 target courses planned (2 of those link to step 2 competency)rolled out national NEWs documentation which contains sepsis tool and fluid balance chart. T4T now has a new lead and re-launching air way days.
11/2017 / Any Other Business
JICS recent publication – ‘The National Competency Framework for Registered Nursesr in Adult Critical Care; An Overview’ has been allocated to the May issue of the Journal of the Intensive Care Society, Vol. 18/2, pp. 149-156 also available on the JICS website
TtT – Train the Trainer at James Cook on 4th July if anyone would like to attend. The idea of the course is to attend in order to become a member of the faculty and provide the training in your trust.
Mentor day – 24th April where we go through the step competencies. To book contact
BACCN – expressions of interest have been requested for an oral care group – you can show your interest via their website.
If someone doesn’t re-validate what’s the situation?
Statement off the RCN website:
Lapsed registration
This is a serious issue as it is a criminal offence to practice as a nurse if you are not registered with the NMC. If your registration has lapsed you cannot practice as a nurse, midwife, or specialist community public health nurse. If you are appropriately qualified, you may be able to practice in a health care assistant role, but these hours cannot be counted towards the practice requirement.
You should:
  • tell your line manager immediately of your situation and keep them informed of developments
  • contact the NMC to discuss re-application.
If you allow your registration to lapse, you may be liable to disciplinary action, dependent on local policy. Your employer could suspend you or require you to work as an unqualified carer until your registration is up to date. Read about discipline and dismissal processes and contact us if your employer is taking disciplinary action against you.
Presentations for the next meeting:
Angela Dervin to discuss Legal experience
Sue Hegarty to discuss complaints
Date & Time of 2016 meetings:
Tuesday 14th March 2017, 10.00-15.00 A&E Seminar Room, North Tyneside General Hospital

Action Log

Action Agreed / WHO / WHEN
John Lewandowski to present leadership at the next meeting / JL / 23.10.17
05/2017 / To investigate costs for future courses / LM / 23.10.17
05/2017 / What commitment from each trust to pay towards costs of training/university courses
05/2017 / Re-audit network training/cc course. / SG/JP / 23.10.17
05/2017 / To speak to HEENE try to find out what’s going on. / LD
06/2017 / Is your trust a registered provider for apprenticeshipLevy’s? / All / 23.10.17
06/2017 / Name of apprenticeship lead for each trust to be provided to the network. To be sent to / All/SG / ASAP
07/2017 / Competency spreadhseet to be sent for all units to complete and sendto to collate data for October meeting / A/SG / 22.09.17
10/2017 / HCA competency’s to be shared with the group / SH
11/2017 / How to handle complaints / SH / 23.10.17
11/2017 / Legal experience to be discussed / AD / 23.10.17
Membership to be updated / SG/JM / ASAP
New ToR to be circulated / JP / Next meeting