Please contact host school at least 2 days in advance with arrival and departure times.
Date / Host / Visitor / Visitor / VisitorThursday
September 25 / Bert Fox / Southey
Cupar / Kelliher / Standing Buffalo / Chief Paskwa
Kipling / Chief Kahk CS A / CKCS B / Kakisiwew
Greenall / Vibank / Montmartre
Grenfell / Indian Head HS
NOEC / Peepeekisis / North Valley / Wolseley
October 2 / Standing Buffalo / Vibank
Southey / Chief Paskwa
Kakisiwew / Grenfell / Kipling
PPK / Cupar / CKCS A / CKCS B
Wolseley / Montmartre
Greenall / Indian Head / Kelliher / NOEC
North Valley / Bert Fox
October 9 / CKCS A / CKCS B / North Valley / Grenfell
Vibank / Greenall / Chief Paskwa
Kipling / NOEC
Kelliher / Standing Buffalo
PPK / Indian Head / Kakisiwew
Cupar / Bert Fox / Southey
Montmartre / Kipling
October 16 / Kakisiwew / Wolseley
Chief Paskwa / NOEC
Bert Fox / Kelliher
CKCS B / CKCS A / Kipling / PPK
Standing Buffalo / Cupar
Greenall / Southey
Indian Head HS / Vibank / North Valley
Montmartre / Grenfell
Thursday October 23 / Wolseley / Greenall
NOEC / Bert Fox
Kelliher / Southey
Vibank / Standing Buffalo
Grenfell / Kipling
Chief Paskwa / Cupar
North Valley / PPK
Indian Head / Montmartre
Kakisiwew / CKCS A / CKCS B
Semi- Final Regional Playoffs – Winners advance toCupar Nov 1st
Date / Series number / Host / Visitor / Visitor
Oct 28th / 2. / NOEC / Vibank / Indian Head
3. / Southey / Lumsden HS / Standing Buffalo
4. / Bert Fox / Greenall / PPK
5. / Grenfell / Wolseley / North Valley
6. / Kelliher / Chief Paskwa
7. / CKCS A / Whitewood / Kakisiwew
8. / Kipling / CKCS B / Montmartre
LEAGUE General Rules
Team to play as close to 4:00 p.m. as possible. (continuous play after with 5 minute warm-ups.)
1.Home team plays the last game.
2.Three (3) games if more than two (2) teams. Five (5) games if only two (2) teams.
3.Unbalanced schedule to minimize travel distance.
4.No scores or records of win/lost required, or wanted.
NOTE:If there are any cancellations or changes needed, please make arrangements between coaches directly.
Championship @ CuparSaturday Nov 1st
Court A / Pool A / Court B / Pool B9:30 / Cupar / vs / 3 / 9:30 / 2 / vs / 4
10:30 / 5 / vs / 7 / 10:30 / 6 / vs / 8
11:30 / Cupar / vs / 5 / 11:30 / 2 / vs / 6
12:30 / 3 / vs / 7 / 12:30 / 4 / vs / 8
1:30 / Cupar / vs / 7 / 1:30 / 2 / vs / 8
2:30 / 3 / vs / 5 / 2:30 / 4 / vs / 6
Semi 1 / Semi 2
3:30 / Pool A 1 / vs / Pool B 2 / 2:15 / Pool A 2 / vs / Pool B 1
4:30 / Winners of semi games for QVDA District Championship
General Rules
Continuous play will be in effect, scheduled times are a guideline
Games are best of 3: if a team wins 2 straight, a third game will not be played
A third game will go to 25, as per SHSAA.
Top 2 teams from each pool advances to semi for a cross-over.
Please arrive half an hour before your first game so that the games can run on time.
The first warmup will be 5-5-5. Warmups after that will be 3-3-3 until semi –playoffs.
**Tie Breakers if playing the Best of 3**
a. The first criterion is by matches won.
b. In the case of a tie for any position, the tie-breaking procedure is as follows (CVA rules):
i. The team having the best ratio of won/lost matches, considering matches between the tied teams, will be ranked higher;
ii. The team having the best ratio of won/lost games, considering matches played between the tied teams, will be ranked higher;
iii. The team having the best ratio of won/lost games, considering all matches of the round, will be ranked higher;
iv. The team having the best ratio of points for/against, considering games played between the tied teams, will be ranked higher;
The team having the best ratio of points for/against, considering all games played during the round, will be ranked higher;
Coaches’ Contact
CuparShauna Hubick
PeepeekisisMike Cook
KiplingKim Zepick
WolseleyGayle Wheatley
Chief Kahk CSColleen Bob
NOECDerek Mercer
KelliherMiranda Schebel
KakisiwewRob Cote
GrenfellJoseph Steinhubl
GreenallDwight Fuhro
MontmartreCorinna Michael
VibankJennifer Dreger
Bert FoxCory Cochrane
Chief PaskwaLee Paslowski
SoutheyLisa Gerrard
North ValleyRaneleMamczasz
Indian Head HSShelley Gibbens
Standing BuffaloStan Dirkson
Whitewood*Gina Bradshaw
Lumsden HS*Alyson Hope
*playoffs and possible exhibition / tournament