County Riding and Hiking trails Advisory Committee

Monday, July 14, 2014

South County Parks Operations Yard / Conference Room

4568 Calle Real, Santa Barbara, CA


Committee Members Present

District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5

Sheila Snow Ray Ford Curt Cragg Archie Mitchell Doug Rich

Kevin Snow Otis Calef Wanda Weir

Jack Bish Jim Mills

Members Absent

Dan Gira

Members Excused

Art Najera

Barry Stotts

Frank Freitas

Luis Escobar

Staff Advisors and Visitors

Claude Garciacelay – SB County Parks

Meeting was called to order at 9:05 am

Approval of Minutes

May 12, 2014 Minutes approved (Ford/Cragg).

Public Comment/Announcements

Archie Mitchell reported that the honey bee population is very stressed and needs public help and protection



US Forest Service Update

Curt Cragg reported on Los Padres Forest Assoc. volunteer efforts in the Mission Pine Basin and Figueroa Mountain area: new signage at trail heads; 6-8 sawyers certified to help removal of some (of the hundreds) of downed trees from the Zaca Fire.

County Update:



258: Coastal Trail/San Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail: Curt Cragg commented on need for County awareness of increased level of “long trail walking” by people modeling or training for the El Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain. Also by bicyclists and some horseback riders, and those seeking to walk other long trails like the Pacific Coast Trail, the California Coastal Trail, the El Camino Real Trail, etc. Point made that since SB County has 3 Missions, it may be useful and helpful for some group or agency to compile safe, defined routes, problem areas, amenities (or lack thereof) for those attempting such journeys.

280: Cachuma Equestrian Trail: Wanda Weir confirmed posting of map board at parking area but that the board was in bad shape. Members commented on possibility of creating a kiosk or signage at Hwy 154 for directions for obtaining a permit and paying the fee at the entrance to Cachuma Lake. Current rules re access and usage not clear that access is equestrian only. Motion (Ford/Cragg) passed (6 yea/3 no/1 abstention) that CRAHTAC take the position that the trail be opened to pedestrian use also.

305: Guadalupe Beach/Nipomo Dunes: N/A.

319: Orcutt Community Plan Trails: Still waiting a completed trail plan by the developer.

323: Arroyo Burro/San Antonio/Jesusita Trails: Maintenance ongoing, with downed oak tree removed.

326: Franklin Trail: There is the problem (as on the Tunnel, Cold Spring Trails) of emerging renegade trails.

329: Slippery Rock/Fremont Trail: Jim Mills emphasized the importance of including the trail in any subsequent development.

333: Baron Ranch Trail: Claude, Kalon, Ray looked the west side trail alternative and the means of improved parking, trailer turn-around, and creek crossing (possibly avoiding need for costly bridge.) Many hoops to jump through, still, though Trails Council has sent the Forest Service $16,000 to complete environmental review.

336: Ocean Beach Park/Surf Beach Access: Snowy plover nesting = area closed due to infractions.

343: Front Country Trails: Chris Orr hired as Trails Coordinator and point person.

345: Paradiso del Mare development: N/A

346: Goleta Valley Community Plan: No new trail proposals.

349. Point Sal Access: N/A.

350: More Mesa Development Project: Motion (Ford/ S. Snow) passed to remove from Action Item list.

351: Las Varas Ranch Project Trails: Revised EIR coming back to Planning Commission in August. Claude will send out existing CRAHTAC letter on the project. Motion (Ford/S. Snow) for the Gaviota Coast subcommittee to submit an updated letter emphasizing that trail alignment be along the bluffs and that access to Edwards Point be preserved.

352. Gaviota Coastal Plan: EIR being developed.


Motion (Ford/Calef) to add Toro Creek Beach Access to Action Item list.

Claude will email committee members regarding possible change of CRAHTAC meeting time and day

Next Meeting: September 8, Cachuma Recreation Room, 9am

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Snow, Secretary