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NASDCTEc Blog Roundup
April 4-8
No Deal Reached; Shutdown Looms
April 8- With less 12 hours to reach a deal before the federal government runs out of money and shuts down at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow, Congressional leaders and the President have not yet hammered out a plan for a long-term funding bill. Earlier this week the House introduced and passed a week long continuing resolution, but the President and Senate Democrats rejected that bill, saying that they want to pass a long-term bill that funds the government through the end of FY11.
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Webinar Today: Career Clusters and Programs of Study: State of the States
April 7 - Career Clusters and programs of study (POS) continue to shape the structure, content, organization and quality of career technical education (CTE). Thirty-six states have completely adopted the Career Clusters framework, 11 states have modified the framework, and the remaining 6 states have developed individualized approaches.
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Community College Students Thrive under Programs of Study
April 6 - Community colleges are lauded for their accessibility. Most two-year institutions have open admissions policies and comparably low tuition rates. However, the challenge lies not in admitting more students to community colleges, but in guiding more students through programs of study to credential completion.
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OVAE Hosts CTE Community Conversation with National Organizations
April 6 - On Friday Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter and OVAE Assistant Secretary Brenda Dann-Messier hosted the latest CTE Community Conversation, hearing from representatives from national organizations about key issues related to CTE in preparation for Perkins reauthorization. This convening was designed to gather national association views on effective approaches for, and challenges facing, CTE. Each organization was given three minutes to make formal remarks, with Kim Green presenting for NASDCTEc.
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House Introduces FY12 Budget Resolution
April 6- House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (WI) yesterday released The Path to Prosperity, a budget resolution that aims to balance the budget and reduce the federal deficit. To do so, this resolution outlines cutting government spending by $5.8 trillion over 10 years compared to current spending levels, having the effect of reducing the deficit by $1.65 trillion over 10 years. However, budget resolutions are merely Congressional blueprints and do not have the force of law.
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Meet Melissa Lomax, NASDCTEc Region VI Board Member
“Meet Your Board Member” series continues…
April 6 - In order for our members to know the individuals who serve them at the national level, NASDCTEc is presenting a blog series called “Meet Your Board Members;” today we are featuringMelissa Lomax, RegionVI Representative.Region VI encompasses Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
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House Introduces Another Short-Term CR to Avoid Government Shutdown
April 5 - Late last night Speaker of the House John Boehner (OH) introduced H.R. 1363, a continuing resolution (CR) that would fund the Department of Defense though the end of September and fund the rest of the federal government for one week. If passed by the House and Senate, this bill would avoid a government shutdown when the current CR expires on April 8.
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NASDCTEc Webinar April 7 Reminder: Career Clusters and Programs of Study – State of the States
April 5 - Members and Friends, this is a reminder to register NOW for the upcoming NASDCTEc webinar Career Clusters and Programs of Study: State of the States. Hear about the states’ overall progress and trends in program of study implementation. Lee Burket of the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Scott Stump of the Colorado Community College System will discuss successful strategies used and challenges faced in implementing programs of study.
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Erin Uy
Communications & Marketing Manager
National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc)
301-588-9630 (office)
301-641-9358 (cell)
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