Literature and Film

Mr. Jenkins

Movie Quote Assignment

The Movie Quote Assignment is a simple assignment to begin the year that allows you to discuss your favorite movie and allow the class to play an in-class game. The directions are simple.

1.  Choose your favorite movie and select your favorite quote from that movie.

2.  Cut given paper to look like a speech bubble.

3.  Arrange the quote and illustrate the bubble.

Assignment is Due on Tuesday, September 2.

Literature and Film

Mr. Jenkins

Movie Quote Assignment

The Movie Quote Assignment is a simple assignment to begin the year that allows you to discuss your favorite movie and allow the class to play an in-class game. The directions are simple.

1.  Choose your favorite movie and select your favorite quote from that movie.

2.  Cut given paper to look like a speech bubble.

3.  Arrange the quote and illustrate the bubble.

Assignment is Due on Tuesday, September 2.

Literature and Film

Mr. Jenkins


Classroom Introduction and Procedures


Literature and Film is a class designed to increase the critical study of film both as a medium of communication and of modern storytelling. In this class, we will undertake the careful analysis of film, looking at the techniques used to create film including, but not limited to, shot construction, music, sound, lighting, and camera work. In doing so, we hope to more fully understand how the medium of film conveys meaning.

To further understand how these techniques are used, we will also engage in filmmaking as a creative process. In the same way that English class engages students to write to better understand the use of language, students in this Lit and Film class will use their understanding of film to create film projects to better use their understanding as an expressive medium, not simply as passive viewers.


Grades will be divided into two categories. Major Grades, consisting of tests, discussions, and projects, will constitute 70% of the grade. Minor Grades, consisting of quizzes, classwork assignments, and small work, will constitute 30%. Late work will immediately lose 20 potential points, and decrease according to the Myers Park grading policy. Please be prompt with assignments.

To that end, this is an elective class, and there aren’t a large number of assignments per quarter. Please make sure to complete all work. With fewer assignments, each one counts more.

Necessary Materials

Students should obtain a composition book for this class to use for class notes and small assignments. From time to time throughout the year, students may receive articles or handouts. Each student is responsible for their own use and organization.