Forthcoming event
Forthcoming event
Forthcoming event
The 8th International Symposium on Economic Geology, “Mineral Resources and the Environmentin the Carpathian Area and its surroundings”, will be organized in the period September 13-16, 2012, by the Society of Economic Geology of Romania (SGER), “Apuseni Mountains” Professional Association and “Ludovic Mrazec” Society (Bucharest), with the support of SAMAX Romania, MINVEST Deva, CONVERSMIN Bucharest; Geological Institute of Romania and Brad Town Hall. The symposium will be held under the patronage of Alexandru Pătruţi, President of the National Agency for Mineral Resources, Mihai Sorin Găman, General Manager of the General Direction for Mineral Resources (Ministry of Economy and Business Environment) and Florin Cazacu, Mayor of Brad.
1. Venue
The symposium will be hosted by Gold Museum in Brad town, Hunedoara County, Romania.In 2012, Gold Museum celebrates 100 years of existence. The museumexhibits some of the most spectacular minerals and gold samples found in the mines of the Golden Quadrilateral in the Apuseni Mountains. It also contains an exhibition of old mining devices used for gold extraction.
2. Provisional schedule
September 13: noon-evening: Registration and plenary lectures
September 14: Indoors scientific sessions
September 15-16: Field trips
3. Scientificthemes
The symposium will approach all aspects of economic geology, from the genesis and characteristics of mineral and energy resources (ore deposits, industrial and construction materials, mineral waters, coal, hydrocarbon) to the issues related to exploration and exploitation, environmental geology and rehabilitation of mining areas.
Oral presentations will be allowed 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussions. The presentation rooms will have video-projector (for PowerPoint presentations).
Poster boards will accommodate A0 size portrait posters (841 mm wide, 1189 mm high).
The official languages of the sessions will be Romanian and English.
4. Field trips
September 15, 2012Roşia Montană-Roşia Poieni- Economic Geology Field Trip.
September 16, 2012Rovina-Bucuresci-Colnic-Economic Geology Field Trip.
5. Registration fees
▪ 75 Euro for non-SEGR members
▪ 40 Eurofor SEGR members
The registration fees will be paid by15 May 2012. The payment of the registration fees will be made to the Society of Economic Geology of Romania. The bank transfer taxes will be paid by the participants.
Payment details:
Bank: Raiffeisen Bank, Unirii Branch
Bank address: Blv. I.C. Brătianu, nr. 39, Bucharest, Romania
Account holder: Societatea de Geologie Economica a Romaniei
IBAN: RO86 RZBR 0000 0600 1403 9013
Students and persons over 65 years have a 50% discount for the fee.
The registration fee covers the costs for the symposium volumes, ice-breaking party in the evening of 13 September, coffee and tea during the breaks and field trips.
6. Traveland climate
The airports nearest to Brad are Sibiu, Arad and Timişoara. From these cities, you have to take the train to Deva, then take the bus to Brad. A shuttle bus will be organized from Deva to Brad on the 13th of September. The departure details will be fixed with the Organizing Committee, depending on the departure date.
In September, the weather in Brad is usually pleasant, with cool mornings and temperatures that may reach 25°C during the sunny days. Lower temperatures (about 15°C) may occur in case of rainy weather.
7. Important dates
► March15, 2012 → Deadline for sending the filled in Registration Form
► March15, 2012 → Deadline for paper submission
► April 30, 2012 → Notification of paper acceptance
► May 15, 2012 → Deadline of payment of the registration fee.
8. Organizing Committee
Chairmen: Gheorghe Damian (North University of Baia Mare),President of SEGRandAlexandru Nicolici (SAMAX Romania), President ofApuseni Mountains Professional Association.
Co-Chairmen: Ladislau Farkaş (General Manager of MINVEST Deva),Sorin Copăescu (General Manager of CONVERSMIN, Bucharest),Ştefan Grigorescu (General Manager of Geological Institute of Romania) andGheorghe Popescu(University of Bucharest, Honorary President of SGER, President of “Ludovic Mrazec” Society).
Members:Mihaela Cioacă (Geological Institute of Romania), Floarea Damian(North University of Baia Mare),Ioan Denuț(North University of Baia Mare),Gheorghe Ilinca(University of Bucharest),Csaba Lorint(University of Petroșani), Nicolae Ludușan(“1 Dec.1918” University ofAlba Iulia),Monica Macovei (University of Bucharest), Marian Munteanu (Geological Institute of Romania), Antonela Neacşu(University of Bucharest),Marcel Radu(CONVERSMIN, Bucharest),Tiberiu Leonard Tomuţa (CONVERSMIN, Deva), Sorin Silviu Udubașa (University of Bucharest), Grigore Verdeş (Gold Museum, Brad).
Scientific Committee: Nicolae Buzgar("Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi), Gheorghe Damian(North University of Baia Mare), Floarea Damian(North University of Baia Mare), Ovidiu Gabriel Iancu("Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi), Gheorghe Ilinca(University of Bucharest), Marcel Mărunţiu (Geological Institute of Romania), Marian Munteanu (Geological Institute of Romania), Gheorghe Popescu(University of Bucharest), Ioan Seghedi(Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy), Dan Stumbea ("Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi), Alexandru Szakacs(Sapientia University, Cluj-Napoca), Mihai Şaramet ("Alexandru Ioan Cuza"
University, Iaşi), Cǎlin Tǎmaş(Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca), George Tudor(Geological Institute of Romania), Paul Ţibuleac ("Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi), Mircea Ţicleanu(Geological Institute of Romania), Gheorghe Udubaşa(University of Bucharest).
9. Publications
The papers presented at the Symposium will be published in “Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits” edited by the Geological Institute of Romania in Bucharest.
All contributions must be written inEnglish and should not to exceed four single space-typed A4 pages, including figures, diagrams, tables and references; longer contributions can be accepted with the approval of the Scientific Committee. For high resolution black/white photos a tax of 7 Euro/page has to be paid. For colored figures, a tax of 25 Euro/page has to be paid.
The contributions will be sent to the contact persons by e-mail (preferably), in Word format, or by mail, on a CD and 2 hard copies.
10. Contact persons:
Ioan Denuţ
North University of Baia Mare,
Faculty of Mineral Resources and Environment
62/A, Dr. Victor Babeş St.
RO-430083, Baia Mare, ROMANIA
Macovei Monica
University of Bucharest,
Faculty of Geology and Geophysics,Department of Mineralogy
1, Nicolae Balcescu Blv.,
RO-010041, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Fax: +40-21-311.20.53
Forthcoming event