Hollywood High School Alumni Association Board Meeting

Thursday, September 6, 2012

7pm, please arrive early

Room 502 (Next to the library)


If you are planning on attending electronically, please contact Acting Secretary Pro Tem Dave Moreno to make these arrangements at least 24 hours prior to the Board meeting so that it can be coordinated. Options are Google+ if the Wifi is available and cell phone.

The current agenda, as prepared, as estimated will not be completed within 90 minutes. If you chair a committee and have nothing to report, we can remove that item from our agenda. We will do as much as can be done within 90 minutes and adjourn for another meeting to complete anything that is not completed.

●  Call to order. The meeting will start at 7pm sharp and end promptly at 8:30pm. Any business we do not handle during the meeting by 8:30pm will be moved to the next meeting. Board members are asked to be prepared with their presentations so that they are concise and so that we can manage them as effectively as possible during the time we have available. Matters that fall within the scope of a committee will be first heard in committee, managed by that committee and if an expenditure is required, will be brought to the Board for a vote after having the Finance Committee review and comment. If you have an item on the Agenda, please come prepared to give your explanation of your Agenda item and specifically what is being voted upon. If you are giving information, a written explanation is preferred to help Board members understand that information and review it. Agenda items will be limited to five minutes each. If you don’t feel five minutes will sufficiently cover it, you’re encouraged to prepare something written to help Board members review your proposed Agenda item.

●  Roll call (5 min)

○  Aquino, Emmanuel

○  Bradbury, Marilynn

○  Diel, Janet

○  Doyle, Dan

○  Folsom, Scott

○  Halprin, Cilgia

○  Moreno, Dave (Acting Secretary Pro Tem, Past President and Emeritus Board)

○  Norby, Shirley

○  Silvestri, Susan (Treasurer)

○  Spencer, Christopher Matthew (President)

○  Wachtel, Brooks

○  Wells, Carole

○  Ramirez, Lou (Past President)

○  Romano, Sharyn

○  Sanchez, Alejandra (Ex Officio Board Member and Hollywood High Principal)

●  Introduction of guests:

○  Mark Miller, Friends of Hollywood High School Magnet (5 min)

○  Roger and Lynn Neal, Friends of Hollywood High School Magnet (5 min)

○  Cici Godinez, Friends of Hollywood High School Magnet - tentative (5 min)

○  Samvel “Sam” Kbushyan (5 min)

○  Sharon Pruhs introduction returns from vacation September 12th, however asked to convey to the Board that she is from the Class of 1955 and would be interested in becoming a Board member; currently donates 10 to 15 service hours a week to assist with mailing list management (2 min)

●  Reading and adoption of the 7/2/2012 Board meeting minutes - Dave Moreno (please bring the minute book with you) (5 min)

●  Comments from the President regarding our mission statements, direction and focus for the coming year (5 min)

●  Committee reports, preferably in writing

○  Athletic Hall of Fame: Chair: Lou Ramirez (5 min)

○  Auditing: Chair: None (1 min)

○  Endowment Fund: Chair: Christopher Matthew Spencer (5 min)

○  Finance: Chair Pro Tem: Dave Moreno (5 min)

○  Membership: Chair: Christopher Matthew Spencer (5 min)

○  Museum: Chair: Carole Wells (5 min)

○  Newsletter: Chair: Christopher Matthew Spencer (5 min)

○  Program: Chair: Janet Olsher Diel (5 min)

○  Bronze Markers Report: Sharyn Romano (5 min)

○  Scholarship Committee Report - Cilgia Halprin (5 min - by letter)

■  Satim Tall - recipient of Brunetta Wolfman scholarship for Ephebians $1,000 and Helen Wong solicited

■  Discuss making a list of additional sources for scholarships for the students - Janet Diel (5 min)

○  Newsletter: Chair: Christopher Matthew Spencer (5 min)

●  Treasurer’s report and status of tax filing for 2011 taxes (5 min)

●  Items for vote. An asterisk means that there is a question about what is being voted upon. If a question has been risen about what is being voted upon, kindly develop your plan and motion prior to the meeting. Thank you. (5 min each)

○  2013 Budget - Christopher Matthew Spencer. Vote to have the Finance Committee prepare a 2013 budget by November 30, 2012 or sooner.

○  Presentation from Stormy Sacks regarding Playbill ads and sponsorship throughout the year for the Performing Arts Magnet. Vote to approve an annual donation budget.

○  Community Event - Sharyn Romano*

○  Letter written by you on Thursday, August 16, 2012 10:41 AM (Re: Alumni Day Budget Approval) - Susan Silvestri*

○  Revisit Helen’s Sub-Contract Agreement (Report from Salesforce.com regarding the scope of work completed and revenue received from her efforts) - Susan Silvestri. A discussion should be had with Helen prior to the meeting and clarify what reporting is being requested to present to the Board; and as this falls under the Membership Committee, first the discussion should start there with the Committee members.*

○  Organizational structure - Sharyn Romano*

○  Advisory Board - Christopher Matthew Spencer. Vote to create an advisory Board to allow individuals who do not have the time to serve committees to continue giving advice and counsel to the Board while making room for new Board members.

○  Remove $1,000 expenditure provision in the Bylaws for Treasury and require two signatures on all checks; all officers to be placed on the signature card and discontinue debit cards and work on a reimbursement system instead - Janet Olsher Diel. Vote to modify Bylaws.

○  Trademark application discussion - Dan Doyle. Vote to approve expense.

○  Discuss merchandising and sales tax - Susan Silvestri*

○  Storage Unit (change of location) - Susan Silvestri*

○  Storage Unit - Janet Diel is asked for the address and access. Vote on who shall have keys and access.

○  HHSAA Website, Salesforce.com and QBS Accounting (emergency access to sites) - Susan Silvestri*

○  Crime Insurance Proposal (Bonding of Officers) - Susan Silvestri. A complete copy of the current insurance policy is needed as well as a cost/bid for the proposed bond for officers prior to the meeting; include three bids for bonding from three competing companies.

○  Review of all form letters of HHSAA mailed out to members and/or alums - Susan Silvestri - Deferred to the Membership Committee and movant has been asked to prepare her sample letters that will be reviewed by the Membership Committee members first.

○  Removal of proxy voting from our bylaws as incompatible with a deliberative assembly (see RONR (11th ed), pp. 428-29.) - Christopher Matthew Spencer. Vote to remove proxy voting from our bylaws.

How can I get an item on the agenda for a meeting?


For a proposed agenda to become the official agenda for a meeting, it must be adopted by the assembly at the outset of the meeting. At the time that an agenda is presented for adoption, it is in order for any member to move to amend the proposed agenda by adding any item that the member desires to add, or by proposing any other change.

It is wrong to assume, as many do, that the president “sets the agenda.” It is common for the president to prepare a proposed agenda, but that becomes binding only if it is adopted by the full assembly, perhaps after amendments as just described. [RONR (11th ed.), p. 372, ll. 24-35; see also p. 16 of RONRIB.]

Can ex-officio members vote, and are they counted in determining whether a quorum is present?


“Ex officio” is a Latin term meaning “by virtue of office or position.” Ex-officio members of boards and committees, therefore, are persons who are members by virtue of some other office or position that they hold. For example, if the bylaws of an organization provide for a Committee on Finance consisting of the treasurer and three other members appointed by the president, the treasurer is said to be an ex-officio member of the finance committee, since he or she is automatically a member of that committee by virtue of the fact that he or she holds the office of treasurer. Without exception, ex-officio members of boards and committees have exactly the same rights and privileges as do all other members, including, of course, the right to vote. There are, however, two instances in which ex-officio members are not counted in determining the number required for a quorum or in determining whether or not a quorum is present. These two instances are:
1. In the case of the president, whenever the bylaws provide that the president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees (or of all committees with certain stated exceptions); and
2. When the ex-officio member of the board or committee is neither an ex-officio officer of the board or committee nor a member, employee, or elected or appointed officer of the society (for example, when the governor of a state is made ex officio a member of a private college board).
Again, however, it should be emphasized that in these instances the ex-officio member still has all of the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote. [RONR (11th ed.), pp. 483-84; p. 497, ll. 20-29.]