Title: Shell StationStories – Luisa
Duration: 01:31 minutes
Luisa runs family enrichment programmes with her husband, using a Shell site as her office. Watch the video to see how she helps families.
Shell StationStories – Luisa
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Uplifting music
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Luisa tells her story at the Shell Station.
When families are strong, a nation can be really strong.
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Images of the Shell Station
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Luisa tells her story at the Shell Station.
Why do you come here?
I come here basically to do my work. My husband and I run family enrichment programmes.
And it doesn't justify having an office. Then we tried this place, and I made this my permanent office.
What family enrichment programmes are you talking about?
We've done some father-and-son camps, family camps.
We feel that families are the very core of society. And so when families are strong, a nation can be really strong.
How do you define success?
There was one time, we were having a camp and a boy signed up. He was going through some family problems. On the first day, we could see very clearly, he was really downcast. And then after the third day, we could see that something had turned on inside him. From someone that was looking down the first day, he was happy, he was smiling. And from someone who wouldn't acknowledge anyone he walked by and said: Hi, auntie Luisa. And that is one of the reasons why we do what we do. And it's a real encouragement when we see lives change.
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Shell pecten music
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Shell Logo: Pecten & 125 years Shell Malaysia