Membership Application Form


Indian Society of Remote Sensing

IIRS Campus, 4-Kalidas Road,

Post Box No. 135

Dehra Dun – 248 001 (India)


I want to become a Member/Life/Sustaining/Foreign member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Dehra Dun from the year ...... Membership fee of Rs...... has been/is being sent by Cash/MO/DD.

I agree to abide by the Constitution of the Society.


Place: Signature of Applicant

2. / Designation
3. / Department/Organisation with Address
4. / Date of Birth
5. / Qualifications
6. / Field of Specialisation
7. / Years of experience in relevant field
8. / Postal address for correspondence/despatch of Journal (BLOCK LETTERS) / PIN

Phone: FAX:
9. / Permanent Address (BLOCK LETTERS)

I ...... , propose the name of ......

for the membership of the Society.

Place: Signature of Member of Society

Date: Membership No.


Rates of Subscription

Within India


Outside India

Admission Fee Rs. / Annual Subscription Rs. / Admission Fee US Dollars / Annual Subscription US Dollars
1. / Members / 25 / 75 / 5.00 / 25.00
2. /

Life Members

(a) Admitted before 45 Yrs. of age
(b) Admitted after 45 yrs. of age / 750
600 / -
- / 250.00
175.00 / -
3. / Sustaining Member / - / 75.00 / - / 75.00
4. / Patron Members / 7500 / - / 750.00 / -

1. Any Member of Life Member of the Society who is temporarily residing outside India shall have to pay extra mailing charges as decided by the Secretary, apart from normal subscription.

2. A member who has been continuously on roll of the Society for 5 years or more shall have the right to compund for further payments of Rs. 600/- only and become a Life Member.

3.  The entire fee shall be payable in one instalment through DD/MO/Cash. Outstation cheques will not be accepted.

4. The last known address of a memeber shall be condidered as a valid mailing address for correspondence by the Society. Members should ensure that their addressess are kept up-to-date.

5. Institutions and Government Departments, Universities or Registered Commercial Undertakings are eligible for only sustaining membership of the society. However, libraries/institutions can also purchase the Journal at par with sustaining membership rates, without being member of the Society.