Marie Curie Fellow

School of Politics and International Relations

University of Nottingham

F. 25.08.1985


2014 Marie Curie Fellow, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham

2012 Assistant Professor in Political Communication, Department of Communication Science, VU University Amsterdam

2008 PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam (UVA)


2015 Summer School Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, course: Geocomputation and Analysis, University of Essex

2014 Media Training, ForumC

2013 BKO (University Teaching Qualification Assistant Professor Level), VU University Amsterdam

2013 Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, course: Multilevel Models with Applications, University of Essex

2012 PhD, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam (UVA), Dissertation: Negative Campaigning in Western Europe: Beyond the Vote-Seeking Perspective

2012 Summer School Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, course: Dynamic Models for Social Scientists, University of Essex

2010 Graduate Class Work (Courses American Politics and General Linear Models), Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

2009 Summer Institute Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models, University of Mannheim

2009 Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, course: Logit and Probit Models, University of Essex

2008 M. Phil, Department of Political Science, Leiden University

2008 BKO (University Teaching Qualification Ph.D. Level), Centrum voor Nascholing Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam (UVA)

2007 Summer School Social Science Data Analysis and Collection, course: Analysis of Textual Data, University of Essex

2007 ICLON Teaching Qualification Teaching Assistant Level, Leiden University

2006 B.A., Department of Political Science, Leiden University

2006 Honours Class Media, Politics and Administration, Leiden University


1. Tenscher, J., K. Koc-Michalska, K., D.G. Lilleker, J. Mykkänen,A. S. Walter, A. Findor, C. Jalali and J. Róka (accepted)The Professionals Speak: Practitioners' Perspectives on Election Campaigning,European Journal of Communication

2. Van der Meer, T., A. S. Walter & P. van Aelst (2015) How Election Debates Influence Voters’ Ability and Accuracy to Position Parties in the 2010 Dutch Election Campaign, Political Communication, DOI:10.1080/10584609.2015.1016639.

3. Kleinnijenhuis, J. &A. S. Walter(2014)News, Discussion and Associative Issue Ownership: Instability at the Micro Level versus Stability at the Macro Level,Harvard International Journal Press/Politics, DOI: 10.1177/1940161213520043

4. Walter, A. S., W. van der Brug P. van Praag (2014) When the Stakes are High: Party Competition and Negative Campaigning, Comparative Political Studies, 47 (4), 550-573

5. Ridout, T. & A. S. Walter (2013) Party System Change and Negative Campaigning in New Zealand, Party Politics,DOI: 10.1177/1354068813509522

6. Walter, A. S. (2013) Negative Campaigning in Western Europe: Similar or Different?, Political Studies, 62 (S1), 42-60.

7. Walter, A. S. & W. van der Brug (2013) When the Gloves Come Off: Inter-Party Variation in Negative Campaigning in Dutch Elections, 1981-2010, Acta Politica, DOI: 10.1057/ap.2013.5

8. Walter, A. S. (2013) Women on the Political Battleground: Does Gender Condition the Use of Negative Campaigning, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, DOI:10.1080/17457289.2013.769107

9. Walter, A. S. (2012), Choosing the Enemy: Attack Behaviour in a Multiparty System, Party Politics, DOI: 10.1177/1354068811436050

10. Walter, A. S. & R. Vliegenthart (2010), Negative Campaigning across Different Communication Channels: Different Ballgames?, Harvard International Journal Press/Politics, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 441-461.


1. Nai A. &A. S. Walter(ed.) (2015)New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning: Why Attack Politics Matters, Studies in European Political Science. Colchester: ECPR Press

2. Nai, A. &A. S. Walter(2015) The War of Words, the Art of Negative Campaigning. In: A. Nai &A. S. Walter(eds.)New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning: Why Attack Politics Matters, pp. 1-31. Studies in European Political Science. Colchester: ECPR Press
3. Walter, A. S.& A. Nai (2015) Explaining the Use of Attack Behaviour in the Electoral Battlefield: A Literature Overview. In: A. Nai &A. S. Walter(eds.)New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning: Why Attack Politics Matters, pp. 97-114. Studies in European Political Science. Colchester: ECPR Press
4. Nai, A. &A. S. Walter(2015) How Negative Campaigning Impinges on the Political Game: A Literature Overview. In: A. Nai & A. S. Walter(eds.)New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning: Why Attack Politics Matters, pp. 235-248. Studies in European Political Science. Colchester: ECPR Press
5. Ridout, T. &A. S. Walter(2015) How the News Media Amplify Negative Messages. In: A. Nai &A. S. Walter(eds.)New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning: Why Attack Politics Matters, pp. 267-285. Studies in European Political Science. Colchester: ECPR Press
6. Walter, A. S. & A. Nai (2015) Where to Go From Here in the Study of Negative Campaigning. In: A. Nai &A. S. Walter(eds.)New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning: Why Attack Politics Matters, 327-333. Studies in European Political Science. Colchester: ECPR Press


1. Walter, A. S. & P. van Praag (2014), Van volgzaam en respectvol naar dominant en sturend: de rol van de moderator in het Nederlandse verkiezingsdebat, Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 4-21.

2. Walter, A. S. & P. van Praag (2012) Een Gemiste Kans? De rol van YouTube in de verkiezingscampagne van 2010, Res Publica, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 443-464.

3. Walter, A. S. (2010) Negatieve campagnevoering in de Nederlandse consensusdemocratie: de ontwikkelingen sinds Fortuyn, Res Publica, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 293-314.


1. Walter, A. S. & P. van Praag (2014) De omslag in de verkiezingstrijd. De rol van het televisiedebat in de campagne van 2012. In: P. van Praag & K. Brants (ed.) Media, Macht en Politiek, de verkiezingen van 2012, pp. 125-144. Diemen: AMB

2. Praag, P. van & A. S. Walter (2014) Het amateurisme voorbij. De professionalisering van Nederlandse verkiezingscampagnes. In: P. van Praag & K. Brants (ed.) Media, Macht en Politiek, de verkiezingen van 2012, pp. 21-44. Diemen: AMB

3. Kleinnijenhuis, J. J. H. Takens, A. van Hoof, W. van Atteveldt & A. S. Walter (2013) Gevaren van de medialogica voor de democratie, in: R. Aerts & P. de Goede (ed.) NWO Omstreden Democratie, pp. 111-130. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom

4. Walter, A. S. (2009) Met Bos bent u de klos: Negatieve campagnevoering tijdens de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 2002, 2003 en 2006, in G. Voerman (ed.) Jaarboek Documentatiecentrum Nederlandse Politieke Partijen 2007, pp. 128-150. Groningen: DNPP/Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

5. Holsteyn, J. van & A. S. Walter (2009) Ook de afbreker bouwt op, over negatieve verkiezingscampagnes en hun mogelijke waarde, in RMO Polarisatie: bedreigend en verrijkend, pp. 171-187. Amsterdam: SWP

6. Walter, A. & J. van Holsteyn (2007) Fortuyn in beeld, de weergave van Pim Fortuyn in politieke spotprenten. Aksant: Amsterdam

7. Walter, A. S. & J. J. M. van Holsteyn (2006) Pim in Prenten, de weergave van Pim Fortuyn in politieke tekeningen, in G. Voerman (ed.) Jaarboek Documentatiecentrum Nederlandse Politieke Partijen 2005, pp. 176-205. Groningen: DNPP


1. Walter, A.& C. van der Eijk (2015)Negative Campaigning Does It Help Or Does It Hurt?,Ballots & Bullets, blog School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham
2. Walter, A.(2015)Negative Campaigning Does Not Need To Be Defended,Ballots & Bullets, blog School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham
3. Walter, A.(2015)Campagne Verenigd Koninkrijk inhoudelijk weinig spannend te noemen,De Hofvijfer, Nieuwsbrief Montesquieu Instituut, Jaargang 5, Vol. 52, 28 April 2015

4. Praag, P. van & A. Walter (2013) Negatieve campagnevoering: iedereen deed het, iedereen doet het, Socialisme en Democratie, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 64-69. Magazine Scientific Institute Dutch Labour Party

5. Rauh, C. & A. Walter (2013) Von Wegen US Import. Zwei Wahrheiten zum Thema Negative Campaigning, Politik & Kommunikation, September, pp. 38-39. German magazine for political communication professionals

6. Walter, A. & P. van Praag (2012) Is er een Markt voor Christelijke Politiek? Het Electorale Potentieel van de ChristenUnie, Denkwijzer, magazine Scientific Institute Christian Union, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 38-43.

7. Walter, A. S.(2012)Negatieve campagne niks nieuws,De Hofvijver, Nieuwsbrief Montesquieu Instituut, Jaargang 2, Vol. 2, 31 augustus 2012


1. Praag, P. van & A. Walter (2012) Campagne was zeker niet harder dan vroeger, de Volkskrant, 12 September 2012, p. 29

2. Walter, A. & P. van Praag (2012) Wie zegt dat de tafel vierkant is? De invloed van verkiezingsdebatten, De Groene Amsterdammer, 22 August 2012, pp. 16-19.

3. Walter, A. & R. Vliegenthart (2010) Vrij spel om negatief te gaan: In Nederland coalitieland worden de campagnes harder, De Groene Amsterdammer, 29 April 2010, pp. 16-19.

4. Walter, A. (2008), Media gedragen zich onverantwoordelijk, Leidsch Dagblad, 16 September 2008


Walter, A. S. C. van der Eijk (under review) Heterogeneous Effects of Negative Campaigning on Political Attitudes: The Case of Britain

Walter, A. S. & C. van der Eijk (under review) Attacking to Gain? Effects of Negative Campaigning on British Voters’ Electoral Participation and Party Preferences in the 2015 General Election


2010 Research Assistant, Political Science, University of Michigan: Comparative Study of Online Political Advertising, supervisor Assistant Professor Rob Salmond

2006-07 Research Assistant for different projects in the field of Political Behaviour and European Studies, Political Science, Leiden University: Supervisors Prof. Dr. Joop van Holsteyn, Dr. Huib Pellikaan and Prof Dr. Madeleine Hosli

2006 Interviewer, Political Science, Leiden University: Parliamentary Research Project 2006, supervisor Prof. Dr. Rudy Andeweg

2006 Personal Research Assistant, Political Science, Leiden University: supervisor Prof. Dr. Galen Irwin

2005 Intern Editorial Committee of Parliament and Politics, Parliamentary Documentation Centre, The Hague


2012-14 Lecturer, Communication Science and Journalism Studies, VU University of Amsterdam: courses Media in the Public Domain, Applied Quantitative Methods for Journalists, BA, PMC and MA Thesis Supervision

2009-12 Assistant Lecturer, Political Science, University of Amsterdam (UVA): courses Politics and Media, The Making of Electoral Campaigns, The Future of Political Parties, BA Thesis Supervision

2009-10 Teaching Assistant, Political Science, University of Amsterdam (UVA): course Research Methods

2007-08 Teaching Assistant, Political Science, Leiden University: courses Statistics I, Statistics II, Research Methods for Political Science, Political Psychology, Dutch Politics


2014-16 Assistant Editor academic journals Political Studies and Political Studies Review

2011-16 Reviewer for academic journals including Political Behavior, Journal of Politics, Political Studies, Harvard International Journal Press/Politics, Journal of Communication, European Journal of Communication, Journal Elections Public Opinion and Parties, European Political Science, Media, War & Conflict, Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap

2013 Reviewer abstracts section political communication, Annual Dutch Communication Science Conference

2009-12 Secretary Dutch Political Science Association Daniel Heinsius Thesis prize

2009 PhD Representative in the Board of the Amsterdam School for Social Science, University of Amsterdam

2007 Member of the Advisory Education Committee of the M. Phil. Research Master: Institutional Analysis, Political Science, Leiden University


2014 Panel: Attack Politics, 2014 ECPR General Conference, Glasgow (Prof. Dr. J. Maier- University of Koblenz-Landau)

2013 Panel: The Dutch and Flemish Election Campaigns of 2010 and 2012, 2013 Dutch Belgian Political Science Association Conference, Gent (Prof. Dr. K. Brants and Dr. P. van Praag-University of Amsterdam)

2013 Workshop: Going Dirty: Negative Campaigning in Elections and Referenda and its Effects on Citizens’ Attitudes and Behavior, at the 2013 European Consortium for Political Research Joint Sessions, Mainz (with Dr. A. Nai and Prof. Dr. M. Giugni- University of Geneva)

2011 Panel: Negative Campaigning in a non U.S. context, 2011 European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Reykjavik (with Dr. C. Elmelund-Præstekær- University of Southern Denmark)

2010 Panel: The Postmodern Election Campaign: the role of parties and media at the 2010 Dutch Belgian Political Science Association Conference, Leuven (with Prof. Dr. S. Walgrave, University of Antwerp)

2010 VU-UVA PhD Workshop: Democracy in Transformation, 18-19 June, Amsterdam (with Dr. G. Schumacher-VU University Amsterdam)

2009 AISSR PhD Workshop Time-Series and Multilevel Modeling, 6-8 April, Amsterdam (with Dr. T. Bol, Department of Sociology, University of Amsterdam)


From 2006 onwards I have presented my work at various national (NKWP, NeFCA, PSAI, EPOP) and international conferences (ECPR, MPSA, APSA, WAPOR) in the field of political and communication science. In total I have presented at 13 national conferences (The Hague, Nijmegen, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Berg en Dal, Leuven and Gent, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Cork) and 13 international conferences (Amsterdam, Antwerp, Mainz, Pisa, Paris, Glasgow, Colchester, Reykjavik, Chicago, Washington D.C., Boston and Toronto). Revisions of the papers presented have been published in national and international peer reviewed journals, and in edited volumes.


2010 Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (August-December 2010)


2014 Nottingham Research Fellowship (75.000 Pounds)

2013 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (221.600 Euros)

2013 Fellowship Montesquieu Institute (Netherlands, The Hague)

2013 VU Female Talent Grant (12.500 Euros)

2013 Summer School Grant from the Department of Communication Science, VU University of Amsterdam, (1000 Euros)

2012 AISSR PhD Completion Bonus (1500 Euros)

2010 Fulbright Scholarship (4000 US dollars)

2010 APSA Travel Fund (200 US dollars)

2009 APSA Travel Fund (200 US dollars)

2009 Summer School Grant from the Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam (500 Euros)

2009 EITM Accommodation Fund (500 Euros)

2008 AISSR Open Round PhD position (8 out of 160 applicants)

2008 FWO PhD scholarship (declined by the applicant)

2008 LISF Conference Grant (Student Fund Leiden University) (500 Euros)

2007 Summer School Grant from the Department of Political Science, Leiden University (500 Euros)

2006 ECPR Mobility Fund (200 Euros)


Since 2012 I have frequently acted as a political expert in news broadcasts on national television (EenVandaag, NOS op 3), on (inter) national and regional radio (ORF Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, NOS news Radio 1, Radio 5, BNR Radio, FunX, Amsterdam FM) and in national and regional newspapers (Parool, Trouw, Nederlands Dagblad, Spits, GPD).


Since 2012 I have frequently acted as a political expert at various non-academic events, such as the 2012 Dutch Election Night in the opinion and debate centre De Rode Hoed in Amsterdam, at the 2012 U.S. Election Night in cultural centre Groninger Forum in Groningen, at the 50 years anniversary of Dutch party election broadcasts in opinion and debate centre De Balie in Amsterdam and at a monthly theatre show Political Junkies in opinion and debate centre De Balie in Amsterdam