March 5, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Mosinee Hockey Club PO Box 214 Mosinee WI 54455

Board Members: Others in attendance:

Jim Rogers / President / Present / Curt Schmirler
Mike Murray / Vice President / Absent / Dawn Krause
Steve Hagman / Treasurer / Absent Ex / Keith Zebro
Jason Lindell / Secretary / Present / Chad Ellis
Kale Bittner / Board Member / Present / Kelly Michalski
Bill Millhausen / Board Member / Present / Minnow
Mike Kennedy / Board Member / Present
Tammy Ellis / Board Member / Present
Matt Daul / Board Member / Present
Steve Lewens / Board Member / Absent Ex
Bob Donohue / Board Member / Present


DATE: March 5th, 2014

TIME: Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM

PLACE:Plumber & Steamfitters Training Center

PRESIDING: President – Jim Rogers presiding


a)Approval of February minutes.

Motion by;Bill Millhausen

Second By:Kale Bittner Approved

3.BUILDING COMMITTEE (Chair- Steve Hagman)

a)Dehumidification System needs work. Put a plan in place for annual maintenance

b)March 16th schedule for Glass removal 9:00am

  1. FIANANCE COMMITTEE (Chair Steve Hagman)

a)Tabled to April Meeting

5.PUBLIC AFFAIRS (Chair Keith Brod)

a)MCAA – Matt Daul volunteers to be a spokesman for Mosinee Hockey Association

Motion By:Bill Millhausen

Second By:Mike Kennedy Approved


a)Jason Narlock – 4 sessions with the goalies, plan is to hire him for next year as well.

b)Start-up for 2014-2015 season along with try-out dates on agenda for April meeting

c)Registration for 2014-2015 season will take place on August 5th and 14th.

Motion By:Mike Kennedy

Second By:Bill Millhausen Approved

d)Chad Ellis needs key for the rink

e)Matt Daul and HDC has acquired boards form the Village of Brokaw for an outside rink

Diagram needs to be drawn up by the HDC and brought to the next Park and Rec board mtg.

f)HDC is requesting a better dryland area. Looking for some more room in the Northeast corner of the

rink. Chad will bring a proposal of the area to the April meeting.

g)Bantams will have low number again in 2014-2015 8 skaters, 3 goal tenders. Need to look at a

possible Co-op again.

h)Board is interested in hosting State Tournament. Send paperwork in for the Squirts and a girls team

7.GIRLS HOCKEY (Chair-Amy Stepan)

No Report

8. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE (Chair – Jason Lindell)

a)Stuff the Truck results

800 lbs of food to St. Pauls Circle of Joy Pantry

$540 raised on the raffles

b)Bob Donahue discussed the upcoming Golf Outing sounds like all is on plan.

1)Donna to send out some clarification in regards to the responsibilities of the parents.

  1. RULES COMMITTEE (Chair – Jim Rogers) -

a)Matt Daul made a point that the policy needs to be followed in regards to Jerseys.

10.SCHEDULING COMMITTEE (Chair- Steve Hagman) -

a)Minnow brought up a question about who is allowed to cancel games. Again the policy needs to

be followed. Schedulers work too hard setting this up to just be cancelled at a moments notice


Motion by:Jason Lindell

Second by:Matt Daul

Minutes submitted by MHC Secretary ~ Jason Lindell

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