Safe Surfing – An Internet Introduction: Spring 2008

Homework Assignment - Week 6 (Due 4/11/08- 4/16/08)

This assignment is required to be completed between now and the next class. If you run into a problem, please email your SGL.

1.  If you reported a “Blue Screen” doing last week’s homework, try it again, but instead of “Opening” the Safe_Surfing_Lesson_5.pps (PowerPoint Show), “Save” it to you disk. When it finishes downloading, you will get an option to “Open” it. Or to “Open Folder”. Click on “Open Folder”. When the folder opens you will see the Presentation.pps. Double click on it. It should open and you will be able to see each screen by clicking on the “Page Dn” or down arrow keys.

2.  The questions that come-up in class are taking more time to cover than I anticipated, and I left without enough time to present the new material. So, let’s try this: Put your questions in an email to . One question per email. I’ll try to answer them before class, if I can. Some, I’ll have to hold until class.

3.  Exercise: You’re going shopping. I want you to find the best price for a Samsung 46” LCD HDTV big screen TV (Model # LNT 4661F).

A salesman told me that they list for over $3000; and he had one that was priced to move at $2,199.99.

If I act before April 17th, he’d take an additional $500 off. A steal at $1,699.99!!! (Plus delivery)

Or is it? Scout it out for me. Go on the Internet and see what the best price you can find for this big TV.

Try a couple of these sites:

4.  Do any of these topics interest you?

Audio & Video Software Business Software Design Tools Desktop Enhancements Games

Home and Education Software Internet Software

If so, you need 2 cows. But it’s spelled Tucows. Go to to find your cows. Browse around the Web site and see what you find. (Be careful where you step. Cows aren’t housebroken. [Joke])

What you’ll find out there is Freeware and Shareware. What do those terms mean? Go to

and find out.

5.  What’s your favorite radio station? I like WBUR & WGBH. Have a listen at …. or

6.  Perhaps you rather watch the weather?

Send me your answers to #2 (Your questions), #3 (Best price you found), and #5 (Your favorite station). The rest we’ll talk about in class.