Nevis Estate, 136 South Broadway, Irvington, NY10533 914-591-2802 University education
- Ph.D.1998, Mechanics and Cryogenics, Institute of Mechanics and Cryogenic Laboratory,
Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
- ME 1995, Engineering Thermal Physics, Xi'anJiaotongUniversity, Xi'an, China
- BE 1992, Mechanical Engineering, Xi'anJiaotongUniversity, Xi'an, China
Expert in cryogenics and thermal physics, with more than 10 years extensive experience and strong skills in cryogenics, cryocooler, heat transfer, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, vacuum technology, CFD, advance thermal/fluid and cryogenic system modeling (FLUENT, ANSYS), experimental hardware design, facilities development and test
10/2002 ~ PresentCryogenic Physicist, ColumbiaUniversity, Nevis Laboratories, Irvington, NY10533
- Study and develop a new electron bubble ("e-Bubble") particle detector, using cryogenic liquids (Helium, Neon and hydrogen) as the detecting medium, for the detection of low-energy particle tracks, in particular neutrinos from the Sun and accelerator beams
- Designed and constructed the cryogenic devices and vacuum systems for a small size electron bubble test chamber to start the detector R&D, and performed experimental proofs of the operation principle, including measurements of a number of key physical and technical parameters of electron bubble transport in liquid and at the interface of liquid/vapor.
- Conducted experimental study of cryogenic avalanche detectors based on gas electron multipliers
- Performed computer modeling (using FLUENT) on buoyancy-induced thermal/fluid instabilities of liquid helium inside electron bubble chamber.
11/2000 ~ 10/2002Research Professor and Project Leader, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100080, P. R. China
- Led, designed and constructed 4K multi-stage pulse tube refrigerators (PTRs) for cryogen-free operation of superconducting magnets (dry-cooling magnets), including hardware and software design, lab facilities development, experimental test and measurements
- Led, proposed and performed studies on non-metallic non-magnetic miniature cryocoolers for low-noise continuous cooling of highly sensitive high-Tc SQUIDs
- Developed 2W/60K medium-sizelow power pulse tube cryocoolers (PTCs) for cooling HTS RF filter subsystem in ground base stations for wireless telecommunications
- Proposed and performed heat transfer enhancement of cryogenic regenerators (reverse flow heat exchangers) subjected to oscillating flows
- Led, proposed and conducted investigations on performance analysis and structure optimization of micro-scale cryogenic heat pipes at liquid nitrogen temperatures
- Directed and supervised graduate student thesis in MS and Ph.D. level
10/1998 ~10/2000Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 5600MB, the Netherlands
- Studied multi-stage PTRs operated at liquid helium temperatures, including hardware and software design, experimental test and measurements. A world record lowest temperature of 1.75K (lower than the lambda transition of 4He) was achieved by using 3He as working fluid
- Developed a comprehensive CFD model (with mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian methods) and a computer code, performed numerical analysis for simulating time-variations of dynamic parameters and visualizing the cooling-down processes of different types of PTRs
- Performed thermodynamic analyses on GM-type PTRs and rotary valves, and general expressions of the COP have been derived out and discussed
- Performed pulse tube performance at very low temperatures
07/1998 ~10/1998Assistant Professor, Cryogenic Laboratory, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beijing, 100080, P. R. China
- Performed thermal analysis for predicting transient temperature distributions in the freezing process and thermal treatment of biological tissue in cryosurgery
- Conducted researches on oscillating flow behavior and heat transfer characteristics of regenerators (compact heat exchangers) in pulse tube cryocoolers
09/1995 ~06/1998Ph.D. Candidate, Research Assistant, Institute of Mechanics andCryogenic Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100080, P. R. China
- Designed and built a dynamic experimental set-up with computer controlled fully automated measuring system for PTCs and regenerators.
- Conducted experimental study on oscillating flow characteristics of PTCs. DC-gas flow was first observed in the PTCs and evaluated from experimental measurements. Effects of double-inlet and multi-bypass versions on the refrigeration performance and flow mechanism of PTCs were clarified
- Performed experiments and theoretical analysis on the oscillating flow characteristics (pressure drop and phase shift) for the high frequency regenerators
- Developed a CFD model and a computer code and performed numerical analysis for the PTCs, and further developed into a design and optimization tool for regenerative cryogenic cryocoolers, which has been accepted and now being used by Pulse Tube Group of CL/CAS
02/1995 ~08/1995Research Assistant, Cryogenic Laboratory, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beijing, 100080, P. R. China
- Investigated experimentally two-stage pulse tube refrigerators, including software and hardware design, experimental test and measurements. A low temperature of 11K was obtained
09/1992 ~02/1995Master Degree Candidate, Research Assistant, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, 710049, P. R. China
- Designed and constructed an experimental set-up for melting and solidification heat transfer, and developed a data acquisition system and codes for data reduction and graphics
- Investigated and visualized melting and solidification heat transfer in a rectangular enclosure with discrete protruding heat sources on one of its vertical wall
- Developed a CFD model and performed thermal analysis on natural heat transfer within an enclosure with discrete heat sources for quantitative comparison with benchmark and references
honors and awards
- 2003, Carl von Linde Award, International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), WashingtonDC. USA
- 2001, International Scientist of the Year, International Biographical Center, Cambridge, UK
- 1999, National Invention Award, The Ministry of Science and Technology, China
- 1998, Young Outstanding Paper Prize, Beijing Association of Science and Technology, China
- 1998, Academic Invention Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- 1997, Presidential Scholarship, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- 1997, CEC Meritorious Paper Award, CEC/ICMC 97, Portland, Oregon, USA
- 1995, Sunlight Engineering Prize, Xi’anJiaotong University, China
- 1994, First Class Excellent Graduate Scholarship, Xi’anJiaotong University, China
Member of AAAS (American Associate for Advancement of Sciences), NYS (New YorkAcademy of Sciences)and APS (American Physical Society)
- Programming Languages: FORTRAN, Pascal, C++ and ANSI C
- DOS, Windows, Linux, Unix, LabView, FEMLAB, Microsoft Word/Excel/ PowerPoint/Access, Designer, Origin, Scientific Workplace, Auto CAD, Fluent, Ansys, Internet Navigation
Available upon request
- Buzulutskov, A. Dodd, J. Galea, R. Ju, Y. et al. GEM operation in helium and neon at low temperatures, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, to be published, 2005
- Dang, H. Z. Ju, Y. L. Liang, J. T. et al. Performance of Stirling-type non-magnetic and non-metallic co-axial pulse tube cryocoolers for high-Tc SQUIDs operation, Cryogenics, Vol.45, No. 3, pp. 213-223, 2005.
- Ju, Y. L. Yuan, K. Hou, Y. K. et al. System design of 60K Stirling-type coaxial pulse tube coolers for HTS RF filters, Physica C, Vol.386, pp.540-543, 2003.
- Ju, Y. L. He, G. Q. Hou, Y. K. et al. Experimental measurements on the flow resistance and inductance of inertance tubes at high acoustic amplitudes, Cryogenics, Vol.43, No.1, pp.1-7, 2003.
- Hou, Y. K. Jing, W. Dang, H. Z. Ju, Y.L. et al. Application of inertance tube on miniature pulse tube refrigerators, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol.24, No.5, pp.729-731, 2003 (in Chinese)
- Dang, H. Z. Ju, Y. L. Zhou, Y. et al. A nonmagnetic and nonmetallic co-axial pulse tube cryocoolers with low mechanical vibrations, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol.24, No. 2, pp.208-210, 2003 (in Chinese)
- Ju, Y. L. and de Waele, A. T. A. M. Numerical simulation of a two-stage 4K-pulse tube cooler at liquid helium temperature region, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol.24, No. 1, pp.11-14, 2003 (in Chinese)
- Ju, Y. L. and Wang, L. On the numerical design of a new type of 4K GM/PT hybrid refrigerator, Cryogenics, Vol.42, No.9, pp.533-542, 2002.
- Hou, Y. K. Ju, Y. L. Zhou, Y. and Liang, J. T. Computational optimization of 60K pulse tube cryocoolers, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol.23, No. 3, pp.286-288, 2002 (in Chinese)
- Ju, Y. L. and de Waele, A. T. A. M. A numerical study of a two-stage 4K-pulse tube cryocooler, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol.19, No.2, pp. 95-102, 2002 (in Chinese)
- Ju, Y. L. and de Waele, A. T. A. M. A computational model for two-stage 4K-pulse tube cooler: Part II. Predicted results, Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.11, No.1, pp.74-79, 2002.
- Ju, Y. L. and de Waele, A. T. A. M. A computational model for two-stage 4K-pulse tube cooler: Part I. Theoretical model and numerical method, Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.10, No.4, pp. 342-347, 2001.
- Ju, Y. L.Thermodynamic analysis of GM-type pulse tube coolers, Cryogenics, Vol.41, No.7, pp.513-520, 2001.
- Ju, Y. L.Computational study of a 4K two-stage pulse tube cryocooler with a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian method, Cryogenics, Vol.41, No.1, pp.49-57, 2001.
- Hou, Y. K. Zhou, Y. Ju, Y. L. Liang, J. T and Zhu, W. X. Effect of the hot end temperature on the performance of the high frequency co-axial pulse tube refrigerator and its application in space, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol.22, No. 4, pp.411-413, 2001 (in Chinese)
- de Waele, A. T. A. M. Tanaeva, I. A. and Ju, Y. L.Multi-stage pulse tubes, Cryogenics, Vol.40, Vo.7, pp.459-465, 2000.
- de Waele, A. T. A. M. Xu, M. Y. and Ju, Y. L.Pulse tube performance at very low temperature, Physica B, Vol.284, pp. 2018-2019, 2000.
- Xu, M. Y. de Waele, A. T. A. M. and Ju, Y. L.A pulse tube refrigerator below 2 Kelvin, Cryogenics, Vol.39, pp.865-869, 1999.
- de Waele, A. T. A. M. Xu, M. Y. and Ju, Y. L.Non-ideal gas effect in regenerator, Cryogenics, Vol.39, pp.847-851, 1999.
- Ju, Y. L. Jiang, Y. and Zhou, Y. Experimental study of the oscillating flow characteristics for regenerator in pulse tube cryocooler, Cryogenics, Vol.38, No. 6, pp.649-656, 1998.
- Ju, Y. L. Wang, C. and Zhou, Y. Numerical simulation and experimental verification of the oscillating flow in pulse tube refrigerator, Cryogenics, Vol.38, No.2, pp.169-176, 1998.
- Ju, Y. L. Chen, Z. Q. and Zhou, Y. Experimental investigation of melting heat transfer in an exclosure with three discrete protruding heat sources, Experimental Heat Transfer, Vol.11, No. 2, pp.171-186, 1998.
- Ju, Y. L. Wang, L. and Zhou, Y. Dynamic simulation of the oscillating flow with porous media in pulse tube cryocooler, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol.33, No.7, pp.763-777, 1998.
- Ju, Y. L. Wang, C. and Zhou, Y. Dynamic experimental investigation of a multi-bypass pulse tube refrigerator with two-bypass tubes, Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.7, No.1, pp.61-66, 1998.
- Ju, Y. L. Chen, Z. Q. and Zhou, Y. Experimental study of melting heat transfer in an enclosure with discrete protruding heat sources, Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol.7, No. 2, pp.196-204, 1998.
- Ju, Y. L. Wang, C. and Zhou, Y. Experimental study of the DC-flow loss in the pulse tube refrigerator, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 414-417, 1998 (in Chinese)
- Ju, Y. L. Jiang, Y. Liang, J. T. and Zhou, Y. Oscillating flow characteristics for regenerator, Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 70-76, 1998 (in Chinese)
- Ju, Y. L. Wang, C. and Zhou, Y. Dynamic numerical simulation of the oscillating flow in a pulse tube refrigerator, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 419-428, 1998 (in Chinese)
- Ju, Y. L. and Zhou, Y. Recent development on mechanics of pulse tube cooler, Physics, Vol. 27, pp. 129-130, 1998 (in Chinese)
- Ju, Y. L. Wang, C. and Zhou, Y. Dynamic experimental investigation of a multi-bypass pulse tube refrigerator, Cryogenics, Vol.37, No.7, pp.357-361, 1997.
- Ju, Y. L. Wang, C. and Zhou, Y. Experimental study of a multi-bypass pulse tube refrigerator, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 413-416, 1997 (in Chinese)
- Ju, Y. L. and Chen, Z. Q. Numerical simulation of natural convection in an enclosure with discrete protruding heaters, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. 30, No.2, pp.207-218, 1996.
- Wang, C. Ju, Y. L. and Zhou, Y. The experimental investigation of a two-stage pulse tube refrigerator, Cryogenics, Vol.36, No.8, pp.605-609, 1996.
- Wang, C. Ju, Y. L. and Zhou, Y. The low temperature of two-stage pulse tube refrigerator achieved 11K, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 17, pp. 576-578, 1995 (in Chinese)
- Zhang, Y. W. and Ju, Y. L. Analysis of solidification in the presence of high Rayleigh number convection in an enclosure, Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.3, No.3, pp.173-176. 1994.
- Zhang, Y. W. and Ju, Y. L. Flow patterns and thermal drag in a one-dimensional inviscid channel with heating or cooling, Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.2, No. 4, pp.266-269, 1993.
Publications in Conference Proceedings
- Ju, Y. L. Dodd, J. R. and Willis, W. J. Cryogenic design and operation of liquid helium in electron bubble chamber, presented at Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Material Conference, Keystone, CO, August 29-September 2, 2005
- Ju, Y. L. Dodd, J. R. and Willis, W. J. Buoyancy-driven natural convection of liquid helium in electron bubble chamber, presented at Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Material Conference, Keystone, CO, August 29-September 2, 2005
- Ju, Y. L.Hyde, J. Nichols, S. et al. Preliminary investigation of properties of electron bubbles in LHe using ultrasonic pulse and laser beam, Proceedings of ICEC 20, Beijing, China, May 11-14, 2004.
- Dang, H. Z. Ju, Y. L. Liang. J. T. et al. Interference characterization of stirling-type nonmagnetic and nonmetallic pulse tube cryocoolers for high-Tc SQUIDs operation, Proceedings ICEC 20, Beijing, China, May 11-14, 2004.
- Dang, H. Z. Ju, Y. L. Liang, J. T. et al. Performance investigation of stirling-type non-magnetic and nonmetallic pulse tube cryocoolers for high-Tc SQUIDs operation, Cryocoolers 13, New Orleans, U.S.A., March 29-April 1, 2004
- Ju, Y. L.On the oscillating flow behavior of pulse tube refrigerators, Proceedings of 21st. International Congress of Refrigeration, pp. 522-559, Washington, D.C.USA, August 17-22, 2003
- Ju, Y. L. Yuan, K. He, G. Q. et al. Measurements of the flow resistance and inductance of inertance tubes at high acoustic amplitudes, Proceedings of ICCR 2003, pp. 81-85, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2003
- Ju, Y. L. Yuan, K. Hou, Y. K. et al. Design of cryogen-free operation of HTS filter subsystem with co-axial pulse tube cryocoolers, Proceedings of ICCR 2003, pp. 304-307, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2003
- Hou, Y. K. Long, X. H. Ju, Y. L. et al. The second law of thermodynamic analysis for the high frequency pulse tube cryocooler, Proceedings of ICCR 2003, pp. 105-108, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2003
- Jing, W. Hou, Y. K. Ju, Y. L. et al. The design of linear compressor driven pulse tube cryocooler, Proceedings of ICCR 2003, pp. 109-112, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2003
- Zhang, L. H. Ju, Y. L. and Liang, J. T. Design and performance analysis of small cryogenic heat pipes as thermal links for cryocoolers, Proceedings of ICCR 2003, pp. 232-235, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2003
- Dang, H. Z. Ju, Y. L. Zhou, Y. and Liang. J. T. Analytical and experimental study of a co-axial nonmagnetic and nonmetallic miniature pulse tube cryocooler for High-Tc SQUIDs operation, Proceedings of ICCR 2003, pp. 308-311, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2003
- Ju, Y. L. Yuan, K. Hou, Y. K. et al. Performance and system design of 60K pulse tube coolers driven by a linear compressor for HTSC RF filters, Cryocoolers 12, pp. 123-129, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003
- Dang, H. Z. Ju, Y. L. Liang, J. T. and Zhou, Y. On the development of a non-metallic non-magnetic miniature pulse tube cooler, Cryocoolers 12, pp. 799-804, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003
- Hou, Y. K. Ju, Y. L. Jing, W. and Liang, J. T. The role of the orifice and the secondary bypass in a miniature pulse tube cryocooler, Cryocoolers 12, pp.361-369, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003
- Yuan, K. Wang, L. Zhou, Y. Liang, J. T. and Ju, Y. L.Oscillating flow characteristics of a regenerator in pulse tube cryocooler under low temperatures, Cryocoolers 12, pp. 539-545, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003
- Yuan, K. Liang, J. T. and Ju, Y. L.Experimental investigation of a G-M type co-axial pulse tube cryocooler, Cryocoolers 12, pp. 317-323, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003
- Liang, J. T. Cai, J. H. Zhou, Y. Zhu, W. X. Yan, L. W. Jing, W. Ju, Y. L. Hou, Y. K. and Yuan, K. Development of 40-80K linear-compressor driven pulse tube cryocooler, Cryocoolers 12, pp. 115-121, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003
- Ju, Y. L.and Wang, L. Performance study and optimization of a new type of 4K GM/PT hybrid refrigerator, Proceedings of ICEC 19, pp. 403-406, Grenoble, France, July 22-26, 2002
- Dang, H. Z. Ju, Y. L. and Zhou, Y. Design and construction of a non-metallic non-magnetic miniature pulse tube cooler, Proceedings of ICEC 19, pp. 423-426, Grenoble, France, July 22-26, 2002
- Hou, Y. K. Ju, Y. L. Zhou, Y. et al. DC flow in a high frequency miniature pulse tube cryocooler, Proceedings of ICEC 19, pp. 431-434, Grenoble, France, July 22-26, 2002
- Liang, J. T. Huang, Z. W. Zhang, H. Cai, J. H. Hou, Y. K. Jing, W. Zhou, Y. and Ju, Y. L.Development of the 0.5W/80K co-axial and U-shaped pulse tube cryocooler, Proceedings of ICEC 19, pp. 387-390, Grenoble, France, July 22-26, 2002
- Ju, Y. L. Yuan, K. Hou, Y. K. et al. System design of 60K co-axial pulse tube coolers for HTSC RF filters, Superconductors for Practical Applications (SPA'2002), Xi'an, China, June 16-20, 2002
- Ju, Y. L.A numerical model of a 4K two-stage pulse tube cooler with a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian method, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.47B, pp.715-722, 2002
- Ju, Y. L.On the heat conduction losses of pulse tube and regenerator at temperature range of 300-4K, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.47B, pp.942-949, 2002
- Ju, Y. L.Real gas features on the performance of pulse tube cryocoolers, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.47B, pp.950-956, 2002
- Zhou, Y. Liang, J. T. Zhu, W. X. Cai, J. H. and Ju, Y. L.On the development of co-axial miniature pulse tube coolers for space applications, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.47B, pp.1069-1076, 2002
- Hou, Y. K. Ju, Y. L. Yan, L. W. et al. The Effect of the regenerator and tube size on the performance of high frequency miniature pulse tube refrigerators, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.47B, pp.723-730, 2002
- Hou, Y. K. Ju, Y. L. Yan, L. W. et al. Experimental study on a high frequency miniature pulse tube refrigerator with inertance tube, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol. 47B, pp.731-738, 2002
- Ju, Y. L. Zhou, Y. and de Waele, A. T. A. M. Dynamic behavior in oscillating flow regenerators with thermal diffusion effects, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.45, pp.383-390, 2000
- de Waele, A. T. A. M. and Ju, Y. L. Multi-stage pulse tubes, Proceedings of Int. Cryogenic Conference, Beijing, China, pp.35-39, 2000
- Ju, Y. L. Zhou, Y. Liang, J. T. and Zhu, W. X. Optimal design of a compact co-axial miniature pulse tube cryocooler, Cryocoolers 10, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York,pp.197-204, 1999
- Liang, J. T. Yang, J. H. Zhu, W. X. Zhou, Y. and Ju, Y. L. Performance of two-types of miniature multi-bypass coaxial pulse tube refrigerators, Cryocoolers 10, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York,pp.205-211, 1999
- Ju, Y. L. Wang, C. and Zhou, Y. Dynamic experimental study of the multi-bypass pulse tube refrigerator with two-bypass tubes, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.43, pp.2031-2037, 1998
- Ju, Y. L. Wang, C. and Zhou, Y. Numerical simulation and experimental verification of the multi-bypass pulse tube refrigerator with area change, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.43, pp.1949-1955, 1998
- Jiang, Y. Ju, Y. L. and Zhou, Y. A study of oscillating flow characteristics of the regenerator in high frequency pulse tube refrigerators, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.43, pp.1635-1641, 1998
- Ju, Y. L. and Zhou, Y. Numerical simulation of the high frequency miniature pulse tube refrigerator, Proceedings of ICCR 98, Hangzhou, China, pp.59-62, 1998
- Ju, Y. L. Zhou, Y. and Zhu, W. X. Analytical and experimental study of the co-axial miniature pulse tube refrigerator, Proceedings of ICCR 98, Hangzhou, China, pp.43-46, 1998
- Ju, Y. L. Jiang, Y. Zhou, Y. and He, G. Q. Investigation on the phase shift of the oscillating flow regenerator for the pulse tube cooler with high frequency, Proceedings of ICEC 17, Bournemouth, UK, pp.93-96, 1998
- Ju, Y. L. Zhou, Y. and Zhu, W. X. A numerical model of a compact co-axial miniature pulse tube cooler, Proceedings of ICEC 17, Bournemouth, UK, pp.267-270, 1998
- Yang, J. H. Zhou, Y. Tao, Z. D. Zhu, W. X. Cai, J. H. Liang, J. T. and Ju, Y. L. Experimental study on miniature pulse tube cryocooler, Proceedings of 5th. Japanese-Sino Joint Seminar (JSJS-5), Osaka, Japan, pp. 179-183, 1997
- Zhou, Y. Ju, Y. L. Wang, C. et al. The Influence of check valve with a filter on the performance of pulse tube refrigerator, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.41B, pp.1449-1454, 1996
- Ju, Y. L. and Chen, Z. Q. Melting heat transfer in an enclosure with discrete protruding heat sources, Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering in Honor of Chancellor Chang-Lin Tian, Berkeley, CA, USA, pp.359-364, 1995
- Ju, Y. L. and Zhang, Y. W. Solidification process of spacecraft thermal control system with fin array, Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer, 3rd International Symposium, Xi'an, China, No.2, pp.1349-1355, 1994
- Ju, Y. L. Yuan, K. Jing, W. Hou, Y. K. Liang, J. T. and Zhou, Y, Cryogen-free operation of HTS filter subsystems integrated with two-stage co-axial pulse tube refrigerator, Chinese Patent, No. ZL 02125555.5
- Ju, Y. L. Dang, H. Z. and Zhou, Y. A non-magnetic co-axial pulse tube cryocooler with low mechanical vibration, Chinese Patent, No. ZL 02239738.8
- Ju, Y. L. Zhang, L. H. Hou, Y. K. and Liang, J. T. Pulse tube refrigerator integrated with a cryogenic heat pipe for cooling and/or heat transfer, Chinese Patent: No. ZL 02123950.9
- Ju, Y. L.Anti-phase gas-cycle refrigerator without regenerator, Chinese Patent, No. ZL 01109092.8
- Ju, Y. L.A simple system for the adjustment of gas phase shifting at cold end of the pulse tube refrigerator, Chinese Patent, No. ZL 01203696.X
- Ju, Y. L. and Zhou, Y. A new kind of high efficient rotary valve for adjusting phase angle, Chinese Patent, No. ZL 97226279.2