International Baccalaureate
IB Diploma Application(Updated June 2017)
Name / CPR no.Address
Post Code / District
Phone / E-mail / Nationality
Present school / Class/Grade
First Language (mother tongue)
PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN (If applicant is under 18 at time of application)
Post Code / District
Phone / E-mail
IB Diploma students take 6 academic subjects, normally one from each group. However, please note:
Students are required to select at least one language from group 1. They are also required to select a different second language from either group 1 or group 2. Students also have the option of studying a third language (from either group) as an elective instead of a group 6 subject.
If you choose only two languages, you have the option of choosing an extra group 3 or 4 subject as an elective instead of a group 6 subject.
Group 1Language A / Group 2
Foreign Languages / Group 3
Individuals & Societies / Group 4
Experimental Sciences / Group 5
Mathematics / Group 6
Creative subjects
Danish Literature
English Language and Literature
Self-taught / English B
Danish B
Spanish Ab Init / Economics
Psychology / Chemistry
Environmental Systems and Societies
Physics / Mathematics HL
Mathematics SL
Maths Studies SL / Visual Arts
To enable effective timetabling, some combinations are not possible, so you should ensure your choices can be made within the framework overleaf.
Please make your choices below by writing the subject chosen in the column to the right:
6 subjects at Standard Level, plus 3 subjects only at Higher Level. To take a subject at Higher Level, you must also select it at Standard Level
Standard LevelChoose 6 subjects / Subjects chosen
Write 6 subjects
(include those you will also take at HL. Choose max 1 from each box)
Also choose a TOK class from a box where you have no other subject choice. / Higher Level
Choose 3 / Subject chosen
(Choose max 1 from each box)
Danish Literature A
Danish B
Self-taught SL / Danish Literature A HL
Danish B HL
Chemistry HL
Mathematics (HL)
Mathematics SL
Maths Studies SL / Economics HL
Psychology HL
History SL
Spanish Ab Initio SL / English Lang &Literature A HL
Physics HL
Chemistry SL
Visual Arts SL / Mathematics HL
History HL
Visual Arts HL
English Lang & Literature A
Economics SL
Psychology SL
Environmental Systems and Societies SL
Physics SL
If there are insufficient applicants to make running a subject viable, we will contact you regarding a new choice.. You should therefore respond quickly to any contacts from the school, or nominate someone to respond on your behalf.
Enclosed Material
Most recent report card (required)Statement from present school (required)
Other (optional)
Applicant / Parent/GuardianMail or fax to the school before 15th March
Kolding Gymnasium . HF-kursus .IB School
Skovvangen 10, 6000 Kolding • Tlf.: 76 33 96 00 - Fax: 76 33 96 01 • e-mail