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Table of Contents

Procurement Authority

Scope of Service

Submittal Instructions

Required Forms

For Additional Project Information Contact:

Evaluation Process

Review Responses

Evaluation Criteria

Cone of Silence



Negotiation and Award

Public Art and Design Program

Posting of Solicitation and Proposed Contract Awards

Vendor Protest

Rejection of Responses

Public Records and Exemptions

Copyrighted Materials

Local Preference

State and Local Preferences

Right of Appeal

Projected Schedule

Responsiveness Criteria

Definition of a Responsive Bidder:

1.Office of Economic and Small Business Development Program

2.Joint Venture Enterprises

Responsibility Criteria

Definition of Responsible Bidder

1.Financial Information

2.Litigation History

3.Lobbyist Registration - Certification


Employment Verification Program (E-Verify)

Evaluation Criteria

Project-Specific Criteria

Company Profile

Legal Requirements

Tiebreaker Criteria

Required Forms to be Returned

Attachment “E” - Vendor’s List (Non-Certified Subcontractors and Suppliers Information)

Attachment “F” - Domestic Partnership Certification

Attachment “G” - Lobbyist Registration – Certification

Attachment “I” - Litigation History

Attachment “J” - Insurance Requirements

Attachment “K” - Cone of Silence Certification

Attachment “M” - Drug Free Workplace Policy Certification

Attachment “N” - Non-Collusion Statement Form

Attachment “O” - Scrutinized Companies List Certification

Attachment “P” - Local Vendor Certification

Attachment “Q” - Volume of Work Over Five Years

Attachment “T” - Pricing Sheets

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Broward County Purchasing Division

115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 212

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(954) 357-6065 FAX (954) 357-8535

Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Number: R1020905P2

RFP Name: Cost Allocation Plan Services

Procurement Authority

Unchecked boxes do not apply to this solicitation.

Pursuant to the Broward County Procurement Code, the Broward County Commission invites qualified firms to submit Proposals for consideration to provide services on the following project:

Standard Request for Proposals

Construction General Contractor:Two-Step Process - (Step 1) Issue RFP to Short list firms - (Step 2) Issue Invitation for Bids to Shortlisted firms to obtain bids

Establish Library of Firms for Services

Pursuant to the Broward County Procurement Code, the Broward County Commission invites qualified firms to submit Proposals for consideration to provide Construction Manager at Risk Services on the following project.

Standard Construction Manager at Risk

Construction Manager at Risk (Modified): Two Step Process - (Step 1) Issue RFP to Short list firms (Step 2) Issue Invitation for Bids to Shortlisted firms to obtain bids

Pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 287.055 (Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act), the Broward County Commission invites qualified firms to submit Proposals for consideration to provide Professional Consulting Services on the following project.

Non-Continuing Contract: (Check only one box)

Professional services needed for a construction project where the construction costs exceed $ 325,000

Professional services needed for a planning or study activity where the fee for the professional services exceed $ 35,000

Continuing Contract :( Check only one box)

Professional services needed for projects in which construction costs do not to exceed $2 million

Professional services needed for study activities when the fee for such professional service does not exceed $ 200,000

Professional services needed for work of a specified nature

Design-Build: (Check only one box)

Qualification - Based with a Guaranteed Maximum Price and a Guaranteed Completion Date

Scope of Service

  1. The Accounting Division is seeking the services of a qualified firm to develop an annual Full Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) and an A-87 Cost Allocation Plan for Fiscal Years 2014 through 2016, based on actual expenditures for the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 2011 through 2013. Broward County expects to enter into a contract with the selected firm for a period of three (3) years with two (2) annual renewals for a total term of five (5) years. Each evaluation is to be provided as of the end of the County’s fiscal year, which will be September 30, starting in 2012. A copy of the September 30, 2011 cost allocation plans are available for review in the Broward County Accounting Division, Administrative Office, at 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 221, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The purpose of the cost allocation plan is to properly allocate shared indirect costs such as accounting, purchasing, and information technology among the agencies benefiting from these services. This allocation is necessary to conform with generally accepted accounting principles and to reimburse the general fund, thereby lowering the taxpayer burden, for costs more properly charged to enterprise funds. Federal regulations mandate all recipients of federal grants adhere to an approved cost allocation plan in order to be reimbursed for indirect costs. Field work should begin by August 1st each year, a draft report should be submitted to the County by October 15th of each year, and final reports should be submitted by December 1st of each fiscal year stated in the Scope of Service.

The proposer will be responsible for the following:

a.The development of the CAP following all policies and procedures stated in OMB Circular A-87 and in accordance with all applicable local state and federal law, regulations and guidelines.

b.The development of a CAP which identifies various costs to support and administer outside funded programs.

c.The development of a CAP that will be based on Broward County’s actual year end fiscal financial data.

d.The CAP will include the allowable costs of providing each supporting central service.

e.The CAP shall be submitted and defended to the federal and state agencies and audit firms as requested.

f.No portion of the CAP development shall be transferred to any third party without the consent of the County.

g.Sample reports, various status reports and an invoice shall be submitted to the County for review.

h.All expenditure and statistical information shall be obtained from financial statements and actual data.

i.The proposer shall document dependencies or support needed of the County in order for the proposer to carry out required responsibilities.

j.Two on-site meetings, per fiscal year, will be required to be conducted with representatives of the agencies and the budget department, and any other interested parties. One meeting shall take place prior to and one meeting subsequent to, the issuance of the draft report.

k.Respondent shall submit eight (8) hard copies and one (1) PDF file of the draft report and the final report, or fewer copies at the direction of the County.

l.Prepare a comparison of the current year plan with the previous year plan for a list of funds and receiving agencies provided by the Office of Management and Budget and explain all deviations in excess of 5%

m.Prepare Indirect Cost proposal for federal and state grants as necessary

n.Provide the necessary support to the County on an on going basis and to be available to answer questions and address issues that may arise when the cost allocation plan is operational. Any inquiries from the County shall be responded to via e-mail or voicemail and response will be provided within a reasonable period of time. If deemed necessary by the Contract Administrator, additional on site support will be available.

  1. The respondent will also prepare a Broward County Transit Division (BCT) Indirect Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) and/ or Indirect Cost Rate Proposal that will be submitted for approval to the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to be used as the basis to request reimbursement for Indirect Costs incurred by BCT (Grantee) on an annual basis. This plan must be updated annually. Field work should begin by August 1st each year, a draft report should be submitted to the County by October 15th of each year, and final reports should be submitted by December 1st of each fiscal year stated in the Scope of Service.

The CAP must be prepared in compliance with the guidelines as outlined in the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular Title 2 CFR part 225, also known as, OMB Circular A-87, “Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments”. This Circular requires grantees who intend to seek payment for indirect costs to prepare a CAP or an Indirect Cost Rate Proposal and have this CAP or Indirect Cost Rate Proposal approved by the FTA or another cognizant Federal Agency. These guidelines are also referenced in FTA’s Grant Management Requirements FTA Circular C 5010.1D, Chapter VI Section 6, page VI-7 and Appendix E. (Attached copies of Title 2 CFR Part 225 and FTA C5010.1D, Appendix E), and any updates to these circulars.

a.The CAP should identify the grantee (BCT) costs of supporting service units and allocate those costs to benefiting units on an equitable basis.

b.The costs in the plan should be supported by formal accounting records and should cover all applicable costs including costs allocated under plans of other organizational units which are to be included in the costs of other federally sponsored programs.

c.CAPs of all agencies rendering assistance to the grantee (BCT) should be presented in a single document.

d.The CAP must include the following as outlined in FTA C5010.1D, Appendix E,
Section 4:

(1)An Organization Chart;

(2)Financial Statements;

(3)Cost Allocation Methodology;

(4)Cost Allocation Rate Proposal

(5)Identification of costs of each type of service to be claimed,

(6)Determination of the method for allocating each type of service cost to users,

(7)Identification of units rendering/receiving service and associated costs,

(8)Description of services,

(9)Description of Allocation Base (Consistency is important), and

(10)Summary Allocation Schedule for each service.

(11)Proposal Reconciliation with Financial Statements.

Note: Allocated costs must be reasonable and trackable to the financial Statements.

e.Identification of Federal Award Direct Cost Base; and

f.Certification of Conformance with OMB Circular A–87. A proposal to establish a CAP or an Indirect Cost Rate Proposal will be unacceptable if the CAP Certificate of or Certificate of Indirect Costs is omitted. The certificate must be signed on behalf of the governmental unit by an individual at a level no lower than chief financial officer of the governmental unit that submits the proposal or component covered by the proposal.

Broward County reserves the option to negotiate with the selected consultant for additional services.

Submittal Instructions

Unchecked boxes do not apply to this solicitation.

Only interested firms from the Sheltered Market may respond to this solicitation.

This solicitation is open to the general marketplace.

Interested firms may supply requested information in the “Evaluation Criteria” section by typing right into the document using Microsoft Word. Firms may also prepare responses and any requested ancillary forms using other means but following the same order as presented herein.

Submit six (6)CDs, containing the following files:

CD or DVD discs included in the submittal must be finalized or closed so that no changes can be made to the contents of the discs.


  1. A single PDF file that contains your entire response with each page of the response in the order as presented in the RFP document, including any attachments.
  2. Responses to the Evaluation Criteria questions are to be provided in the following formats:
  1. Microsoft Word for any typed responses.
  2. Microsoft Excel for any spreadsheets

Submit five (5) total printed copies (hard copies) of your response.

It is the responsibility of each firm to assure that the information submitted in both its written response and CDs are consistent and accurate. If there is a discrepancy, the information provided in the written response shall govern.

This is of particular importance in the implementation of the County's tiebreaker criteria. As set forth in Section 21.31.d of the Procurement Code, the tiebreaker criteria shall be applied based upon the information provided in the firm's response to the solicitation. Therefore, in order to receive credit for any tiebreaker criterion, complete and accurate information must be contained in the written submittal.

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Broward County Purchasing Division

115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 212

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(954) 357-6065 FAX (954) 357-8535

Required Forms

This Request forProposal requires the following CHECKED forms to be returned:

(Please initial each Attachment being returned)

Documents submitted to satisfy responsiveness requirement(s) indicated with an (R) must be attached to the RFP submittal and returned at the time of the opening deadline.

Verification of return

(Please Initial)

Attachment ABidders Opportunity ListRemoved – Not Included

Attachment BLetter of Intent (CBE)Removed – Not Included

Attachment CSchedule of (CBE) ParticipationRemoved – Not Included

Attachment DCBE Unavailability ReportRemoved – Not Included

Attachment EVendor’s List
(Non-Certified Subcontractors and
Suppliers Information)______

Attachment FDomestic Partnership Certification______

Attachment GLobbyist Registration – Certification______

Attachment HEmployment Eligibility Verification
Program Contractor CertificationRemoved – Not Included

Attachment ILitigation History______

Attachment JInsurance Requirements______

Attachment KCone of Silence Certification______

Attachment LLiving Wage OrdinanceRemoved – Not Included

Attachment MDrug Free Workplace Policy Certification______

Attachment NNon-Collusion Statement Form______

Attachment OScrutinized Companies List Certification______

Attachment PLocal Vendor Certification______

Attachment QVolume of Work Over Five Years______

Attachment RProposal BondRemoved – Not Included

Attachment SCertificate As To Corporate PrincipalRemoved – Not Included

Attachment TPricing Sheets______

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Broward County Purchasing Division

115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 212

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(954) 357-6065 FAX (954) 357-8535

Send all requested materials to:

Broward County Purchasing Division

115 South Andrews Avenue, Room 212

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: RFP Number: R1020905P2

The Purchasing Division must receive submittals no later than 5:00 pm on June 11, 2012. Purchasing will not accept electronically transmitted, late, or misdirected submittals. If fewer than three interested firms respond to this solicitation, the Director of Purchasing may extend the deadline for submittal by up to four (4) weeks. Submittals will only be opened following the final submittal due date.

For Additional Project Information Contact:

Project Manager: Mary Baewer

Phone: 954-357-7164


Evaluation Process

A Evaluation Committee (EC) will be responsible for recommending the most qualified firms and rating them. The process for this procurement may proceed in the following manner:

Review Responses

The Purchasing Division delivers the RFP submittals to agency staff for summarization for theEvaluation Committee members. The Office of Economic and Small Business Development staffevaluates submittals to determine compliance with the Office of Economic and Small BusinessDevelopment Program requirements, if applicable. Agency staff will prepare an analysis report whichincludes a matrix of responses submitted by the firms. This may include a technical review, if applicable.

Staff will also identify any incomplete responses. The Director of Purchasing will review the information provided in the matrix and will make a recommendation to the Evaluation Committee as to each firm’s responsiveness to the requirements of the RFP. The final determination of responsiveness rests solely on the decision of the Evaluation Committee.

At any time prior to award, the awarding authority may find that an offeror is not responsible toreceive a particular award. The awarding authority may consider the following factors, withoutlimitation: debarment or removal from the authorized vendors list or a final decree, declaration ororder by a court or administrative hearing officer or tribunal of competent jurisdiction that the offerorhas breached or failed to perform a contract, claims history of the offeror, performance history on aCounty contract(s), an unresolved concern, or any other cause under this code and Florida law forevaluating the responsibility of an offeror.

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Broward County Purchasing Division

115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 212

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

(954) 357-6065 FAX (954) 357-8535

Evaluation Criteria

The following list of Evaluation Criteria total 100 points. Subsequent pages will further detail and define the Evaluation Criteria which are summarized with their numerical point ranges.

Qualifications and Relevant Experience of Key Personnel: / 35 Points
  1. Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel (Project Specific Criteria Item 1 page 20 of 44)

1a. Key Personnel
1b. Number of years of service with the company
1c. Years of experience in Cost Allocation Services
1d. Experience with Florida Government Agencies doing Cost Allocation Service
1e. Resume with References
  1. Organizational Chart of Project Team (Project Specific Criteria Item 2 page 20 of 44)

  1. Work Experience (Project Specific Criteria Item 3 page 20 of 44)

3a. Knowledge of Florida State Law
3b. Accounting Practice
3c. References with Local Government Agencies (minum 3 references which similar engagements
have been completed)
  1. Firms Experience on similar projects (Project Specific Criteria Item 4 page 21 of 44)

Technical Capability and Approach / 35 Points
  1. Company’s approach to manage and perform Cost Allocation Service
(Project Specific Criteria Item 5 page 21 of 44)
  1. Methodology and tool set to be used (Project Specific Criteria Item 6 page 21 of 44)

  1. Cost Allocation Plan follows policies and procedures as stated in OMB Circular A-87, and applicable Federal, State and local laws, regulations and guidelines.
(Project Specific Criteria Item 7 page 21 of 44)
  1. Cost Allocation Plan which identifies various costs and supports outside funded programs
(Project Specific Criteria Item 8 page 21 of 44)
  1. Cost Allocation Plan for a Florida Government agency (Project Specific Criteria Item 9 page 21 of 44)

  1. Cost Allocation Plan which includes allowable costs (Project Specific Criteria Item 10 page 21 of 44)

  1. Evidence Cost Allocation Plan can be defended to the Federal and State Agencies and Audit firms
(Project Specific Criteria Item 11 page 21 of 44)
  1. Samples of deliverables which includes reports, status reports and invoice
(Project Specific Criteria Item 4 page 12 of 44)
  1. Detailed work plan and schedule (Project Specific Criteria Item 13 page 21 of 44)

  1. Staffing Plan – showing positions and approximate hours
(Project Specific Criteria Item 14 page 21 of 44)
  1. Warranty for security of data (Project Specific Criteria Item 15 page 21 of 44)

  1. Experience on similar projects within the past five (5) years
(Project Specific Criteria Item 16 page 21 of 44)
16a. Scope
16b. Duration of project
16c. Completion on time and within budget
  1. Willingness to meet delivery schedule of reports (Project Specific Criteria Item 17 page 21 of 44)

Pricing* / 30 Points

* Total points awarded for price will be determined by applying the following formula: