Denton High School
Important Information
All athletes will need to bring a completed physical packet! Returning sophomore and seniors will NOT be required to get a new physical. This is due no later than Friday, August 28th.
Tryouts: November, 30th – December 11th
Before School 7:30am-8:40am
Teams will be posted by the end of school Friday Dec 11th
Extended practice will begin Tuesday, November 30th @ 7:30am
Typical Season Practice Schedule:
Monday- Friday 7:30-9:15 a.m.
Practice Uniform:
Players will be required to purchase and wear a practice uniform that consist of a Purple dri-fit shirt, grey dri-fit shirt, black adidas shorts, black socks, and black hoodie. If you need a payment plan please speak with Coach Monk.
Practice Shirt (Dark Gray dri-fit) - $12.00
Practice Shirt (Purple dri-fit) - $12.00
Black Shorts (Adidas) - $12.00
Black Hoodie (Gildan) - $16.00
Black (Adidas Metro) Socks (optional) - $6.00
Total Purchase $ 58.00
Order forms are due by Friday, August 28th!
Winter and Spring Break Practice/ Games:
Alumni game- Tuesday, December 29th @ 2:00PM
Practice- December 28th-31st from 9:00-11:00 AM
January 2nd Scrimmage v Creekview/ Mesquite Poteet at Denton High 9:00-1:30
Spring Break- Monday, March 14th v Wichita Falls @ Denton High
*Schedules are posted on the soccer page on the school website*
While the regular classroom curricular program is a right afforded to each student, participation in the soccer program is a privilege and as such carries certain expectations beyond those found in the classroom situation. Important goals of the soccer program are to give students direction in developing healthful living habits, self-discipline, teamwork, and respect for authority, rules and regulations. It is to these ends that these policies are established for the young women participating in the Denton High School Lady Bronco Soccer program.
The process of athletics is what is important – not just the end results of winning or losing. We will do everything possible to win, but the character traits derived from athletics are those that student-athletes can carry into their adult lives.
Denton High School Athletic Vision: To be a SELFLESS TOUGH team whose CHARACTER and DISCIPLINE create a Play-off Team on the field and in the CLASSROOM.
These are the core values of the program; values that we hope are developed by every athlete that make their way through the Lady Bronco Soccer Program.
Selfless: Helping other get what they want
· Think of ourselves less and others more.
· Whenever we put others before ourselves we come out on top. Our goal should be to put others before myself
· If we help our teachers get what they want, then we will get what we want plus more. This is not only in the classroom…it can be at home with our parents…in public…even with our friends.
· This is the most important Value and should be the first and most talked about Value. If you are not Selfless…then it will be difficult to fulfill the other Core Values.
Tough: Taking Pride in Overcoming Daily Obstacles
· There is a broad spectrum when discussing Tough.
· When an athlete is sore or overcoming and injury…this takes Toughness.
· When you do not get along with an adult or a supervisor…you have to be Tough.
· When you start to lose your temper…you have to be Tough and hold your composer.
· When you find yourself at a party or somewhere people are using drugs, alcohol or doing something illegal…you have to be Tough to avoid it.
Character: Our behavior in Absence of Authority
· It is easy to behave when things are going well…The challenge is when something happens that works against our goals.
· When you are around a coach or an adult, decision making is easy. When you are away in different company we sometimes forget who we are and what we believe.
· How will we react to situations when things aren’t going as planned?
· When you face challenges…there are a lot of eyes on you to see how you are going to react.
Discipline: Dependable Despite Circumstances
· We all have different problems that we carry around every day…although we have problems with our home life, in school, in our classroom, and our social life…we still need to have discipline and be dependable.
· There will be times we are injured or not playing as much as we would like…we still need to have discipline and be dependable.
· There will be times where we have something better to do. This may mean hanging out with friends, being on social media, watching a movie, or having a relationship. With all these distractions…we must still need to have discipline and be dependable.
Academics: Be a Lifelong Learner
· Grades are important and we should strive to make the best grades possible.
· As a student and one day as an adult we must strive to be educated and driven to be better.
· We must come to the realization that athletics is a privilege…it all starts with getting a good education.
· All athletes must strive to be a leader inside our classrooms and be an advocate for our teachers.
· Learn that as an athlete we are always influencing those around us…in a positive or negative way.
Lady Bronco Soccer Expectations
o Soccer players will be expected to make the team a priority and make plans around the soccer practice and game schedule.
o Take care of the school-issued equipment and do not let anyone else borrow or wear it.
o Display absolute respect for coaches, players, officials and opponents at all times.
o All soccer players will be supportive of each other-we are a team.
o Zero tolerance for any use of alcohol or drugs-district policy will be followed for any incidents
o We will represent Denton High well wherever we go at all times in conduct and in speech.
o Any conflict that may arise during the year needs to follow this resolution process:
Player/player à player/coach à player/head coach à parent/coach à parent/head coach à parent/head coach/coordinator/AD
Training Expectations
o You are expected to be at EVERY practice, meeting, and team function on time.
o Wear the correct attire for practice- Purple workout shirt Mon, Wed, Fri, Grey shirts Tues & Thurs, black adidas shorts and black socks.
o Warm up is to be taken seriously, as a proper warm up is essential to prevent injury and increase agility.
o Giving 100% during practice is expected. Hustle during transition time, be vocal on the field, and praise your teammates.
o Everyone helps set up and clean up-we collect balls and pick up cones together.
o Do not miss a practice to go to another class-tutorials or make-up work should be taken care of some other time.
o Dentist, Orthodontist, and Doctor appointments are not to be scheduled during practice or games times, unless it is an emergency.
o If you have an injury, you must go to the training room in the morning before practice. Excluding emergency situations. You are expected to be at practice on time! Please see our trainer first before going to a doctor as part of our return to play protocol.
o If you have to miss practice or will be late you must notify Coach Monk by text or email in advance.
o Missed training session without a doctor/trainer note will result in loss of playing time (parent note is not an excused absence). Second unexcused absence results in a 1 game suspension.
Make-Up Workout: 1 mile run with a ball
Discipline Issues: 4x100 yard sprints, 100 yard lunges, & 100 yard bear crawl
Game Expectations
o All players will abide by all UIL rules
o Players will not miss any games unless a medical emergency or extenuating circumstances.
o Missing games will have consequences from conditioning, suspension, or removal from the team. The consequences will be determined by the coaches.
o Only captains may address the officials
o No player will ever address the opposing team’s coaches or fans
o Do not argue with teammates or coaches during games
o Absolutely NO PROFANITY-you will be taken off the field if I hear it
o All bench players will be attentive during the game
o Be on time for games, home and away-the bus will leave with or without you.
o We ride the bus to the game and home together- no one rides home with a parent unless it is an emergency or truly extenuating circumstance.
Academic Expectations
o Take care of business and set an example in the classroom-you are a student first.
o DO NOT miss practice for tutorials, there are plenty of other opportunities to see your teachers.
o If you are going to miss class for any reason (especially for soccer) make arrangements, if possible, to get the work from your teacher ahead of time. Communication is the key.
Team Captains
o Team Captains will be chosen by the coaches once teams have been decided.
o Most importantly, captains must understand they will be held to a higher standard than the rest of the team because they are to set the example through attitude, work ethic and appearance.
o Captains will not be the winner of a popularity contest-they sometimes may make decisions that are not popular with every player in order to do what is best for the team.
o They must be a captain on and off the field and represent the team in everything they do-including the classroom, weight room, fundraisers and any other soccer related functions.
o Must always encourage and never bring down their teammates, on or off the field.
o Must be willing to lead and organize in decision making for the team.
Letterman Policy
o Athletes that remain eligible on the varsity roster the entire season, and play in at least half of the district games, may be awarded a letter.
Lady Bronco Soccer Parent Guidelines
o Parent support is welcome, appreciated, and needed at every match.
o Positive verbal feedback is highly encouraged.
o Regardless of how the other team, players, or parents are acting it is our responsibility to continue to display good sportsmanship.
o Please remember we are representing the Lady Bronco Soccer Team, Denton High School, and Denton ISD and we must all conduct ourselves in a manner that does not bring disgrace to the players, team, coaches, school or district.
o Please do not tell the coach what your child should play or what they are best at playing. There are numerous things that go into the decisions with regards to positions and playing time. As a parent you are there to support your student athlete and let the coach do the coaching. The coach makes decisions for the benefit of the players and the team without any favoritism to anybody. It is your responsibility as a parent to support those decisions and set a good example for the player.
o If you would like to know why your child is not playing or other information please schedule a meeting with one of the coaches on a non-competition day and we will be happy to give you some insight.
o If you have an issue, DO NOT address any coaches after a game. Emotions run high during the excitement on game nights, it is best to wait until morning and then address the issue.
Social Media
o Think before you post. It is a simple piece of advice but one that is the most important.
o Assume it’s all public. Post only thoughts and pictures that you would feel comfortable sharing with a large group of people that you might not know. You should feel comfortable with your post/picture being seen by your grandmother!
o Always err on the side of caution. If your content could not be shared comfortably in a face-to-face conversation or a telephone call then it most likely would not pass the bar for being acceptable on any social media site.
Please refer to the handbook to answer most questions. Good communication is highly encouraged, so if you still have any questions please contact one of the coaches through one of the avenues listed below. The last page of the handbook must be signed and returned by Friday August 28th in order to participate in the soccer program.
Coach Monk
Soccer Office: (940)369-2193
Classroom: (940)369-2074
Coach Stein
Classroom: (940)369-2084
Coach Scales
Classroom: (940)369-2160
Sign and return this portion to Coach Monk by Friday August 28th
Throughout the year we will be taking photos of soccer events such as team week, try-outs, practices, matches, banquets, etc. These pictures may be posted on the Denton High School Soccer website and Lady Bronco Soccer Twitter as well as results of the matches and other information.
I authorize pictures and soccer specific information about my child to be posted on the Denton High School Soccer web site and twitter.
I do not authorize pictures of my child to be posted on the Denton High School Soccer web site and twitter.
By signing below I acknowledge that I have read and will respect all the guidelines above. I give my permission and support for my daughter to be a part of the Lady Bronco Soccer Program.
______Athlete Name Athlete Signature Date
______Parent Name Parent Signature Date