July 27, 2010

Important Dates:

Site Walk / 8/12/2010
Proposal Due Date (2:00 pm) / 8/30/2010
Selection Interviews (the week of) / 8/30/2010
Award of Agreement / 9/15/2010
Agreement Start Date / 9/16/2010


Keith Gainey, Director of Fiscal Services

Mojave Unified School District School District

3500 Douglas Avenue

Mojave, California 93501

Phone: (661) 824-4001 Fax: (661) 824-2686


I. Introduction / 2
II. Scope of Services / 3
III. Proposal Format / 4
IV. Selection Process / 5
1. Ability of the Lead Consultant to Design an Approach and Work
Plan to Meet the Project Requirements / 5
2. Ability of the Proposer to Carry Out and Manage the Proposed
Project / 6
3. Capabilities of the Consultant Organization / 6
4. Current Workload of the Consultant Organization / 6
5. The Proposer and/or Team’s Proximity to the Project / 6
6. Proposed Agreement Terms / 6
7. Cost of Proposal / 6
8. Generation and Displacement of Investor Owned Utility Costs;
Green Energy / 7
9. Pre-qualification of the Proposer / 7
V. Proposal Due Date and Delivery / 7
VI. Conditions of Request / 8
VII. Availability of Documents ( / 9
A. CSI Application Information
B. Map of District owned facilities and property
C. General Description of District owned facilities
D. Chart of past year electric use for all District facilities and meters
E. Chart of past year gas use for all District facilities and meters


The Mojave Unified School District (MUSD) is requesting proposals from qualified organizations and firms (“organizations”) to assist the District in implementing renewable energy strategies for the District. The goal is to transition energy supply for District facilities from nonrenewable energy sources to renewable sources, using innovative, forward-thinking strategies.


The Mojave Unified School District (the “District”) was established in 1953 as a unified school district. The District is located in the southeastern portion of Kern County, and includes the City of California City, the communities of Cantil and Mojave, and other unincorporated portions of Kern County. The District covers approximately 1,000 square miles and serves approximately 2,800 students. The District has a number of District-owned and operated facilities that currently operate using traditional gas and electric energy sources from Southern California Gas and Southern California Edison. The District’s annual budget for energy (gas and electric) is approximately $640,000.
Purpose of Request.

The District desires outside professional services to assist the District in transitioning District facilities from non-renewable energy sources to renewable sources at no cost to the District, by means of leveraging District-owned assets, California Solar Initiative credits, the Local Government Renewable Energy Self Generation Program (AB 2466), creative financing mechanisms, grants, and/or other funding sources.

The selected organization(s) will have demonstrated success in working with local government agencies to implement innovative renewable energy strategies; obtaining State/Federal funds, grants, and other innovative funding sources; and, if appropriate, be able to work in a team environment with other project consultants and energy contractors.


The Scope of Services addressed in this Request for Proposals is unique in that the District is looking for the most innovative and forward thinking solutions available to small, local agencies to transition from non-renewable energy sources to renewable sources. Welcoming new ideas and creative thinking, the District is particularly interested in proposals that incorporate one or more of the following programs:

1) A formal review of the District’s overall energy consumption, evaluating its pure potential for utility cost savings, with recommendations for “right-sizing” capital investment for renewable energy projects in conjunction with long-term conservation and efficiency measures which will provide the maximum combined cost savings for the District.

2) Development, including design, engineering, financing, construction and operation, of performance based renewable energy projects to provide energy for District owned facilities. The District is particularly interested in projects financed by the developer or grants through power purchase agreements (PPA), the lease of space to the developer, or other financing mechanisms which do not require up-front payment by the District.

3) The District has applied for California Solar Initiative (CSI) credits and has been conditionally approved at Step 5 of the Trigger Tracker for some of its meters and at Step 6 of the Trigger Tracker for other meters. The approvals are dependent upon and require the RFP process. Solar recommendations should particularly be addressed and considered in the proposal.

4) Additionally, the District is in close proximity to significant wind generation facilities with historical, current, and ongoing expansion evident. Wind recommendations should particularly be addressed and considered in the proposal.

Organizations may respond to parts of the scope of services or to the entire RFP, or may propose a different approach that best suits their proposal. Depending on the responses, the District will either:

1) Choose a variety of the most innovative, cost-effective solutions presented by various organizations/firms; or,

2) Request that a single organization manage a team to implement multiple proposed ideas; or,

3) Take an alternative approach most appropriate for the proposed program(s).


All proposals shall include the following minimum information:


A short discussion of the intended approach to the project that demonstrates the Proposer’s understanding of the issues and tasks and the Proposer’s ability to address them.

Description of the organization including, management, design team members, and installation contractors.

Organization Qualifications:

A description of the team/consultant organization, and a work plan that identifies the personnel to be assigned to each task. The organization description should clearly identify who will be the project manager and the day-to-day contact person for the job.

Provide an outline of the organization qualifications indicating relevant background experience and capabilities for this work. A list of major projects, both ongoing and planned, to which the organization is committed during the time frame of this project should also be provided. Include the staff resources devoted to those projects and the status of the projects.

Scope of Work:

The proposal should contain a description of each work task with an explanation of how the Proposer plans to approach the tasks and the steps that will be taken to complete the task including analytical methods and tools. Proposers must demonstrate that they understand the magnitude and importance of each individual task. Tasks should be organized into phases constituting measurable deliverables. If included, show the critical path for State and Federal approvals, grants and other funding.

Proposed Project Schedule:

Time is of the essence for development of projects. The proposal shall include a schedule to undertake the work program. Program development and implementation should begin as soon as feasible, depending on the particular task/program/project.

Proposed Budget:

Projects are to be performance based, design/build and turn-key. Indicate the costs and hours for the total project, on a task-by-task basis, and on a sub-consultant basis, inclusive of reimbursable. Prices quoted must be binding for a minimum of the life of the project. Demonstrate how the expenses will be offset by outside funding mechanisms. The Intent of the District is to proceed with projects with an annual cost (including development and energy) significantly lower than the current annual budget for gas and electrical utilities, approximately $640,000.

References, Related Experience and Examples of Work:

Provide at least three client references with phone numbers for relevant work. Specify the client, location, consultant firm members and participating individuals and role on team principal, project director, etc., type of work, implementation results or status, examples of work, and other relevant information as needed.



All proposals received by the due date will be evaluated by the District. Only information which is received in response to the RFP or any subsequent interview will be evaluated. The District will judge the responses of each proposing firm in several critical areas. Selected proposers may be invited to an oral interview.

Selection Criteria.

The District will select the most qualified proposal based on the following factors. Responses to the RFP should address the qualities and indicators that are listed below:

1. Ability of the Lead Consultant to Design an Approach and Work Plan to Meet the Project Requirements. An assessment of the overall quality of the proposal: Qualities and indicators that will receive consideration include the Proposer’s performance in converting the Scope of Services into a work plan; the detail and clarity of the discussion as to the Proposer’s approach to undertaking the project; the Proposer’s performance in identifying any special problems or concerns which may be associated with the project and preliminary ideas about how these obstacles should be addressed; the inclusion of any unique approaches which are designed to save time and money or increase the benefits or effectiveness of the proposed work; and the demonstrated ability to work with governmental bodies and a full understanding of applicable laws or regulations that relate to the project.

2. Ability of the Proposer to Carry Out and Manage the Proposed Project. An assessment of the past experience of the organization in general: Qualities and indicators that will receive consideration include the number and types of projects the organization or its employees have completed; the variety of projects completed and a demonstration of the organization’s ability to undertake this project, the general level of experience in the areas of supervision, observing and monitoring projects; the organization’s ability to realize timetables and quality control objectives; and the demonstrated general ability to bring about a successful completion of the projects under the Proposer’s direction.

3. Capabilities of the Consultant Organization. Assessment of the capabilities of
the organization and individuals that will be engaged in the project: Qualities and indicators that will receive consideration include the individual professionals who will be doing/working on each task; the various professional, technical, and educational achievements and registration of each organization and individuals involved; the applicable experience of the proposed assigned staff, and the specific experience gained on similar projects.

4. Current Workload of the Consultant Organization. An assessment of the perceived ability of each organization to devote the necessary human resources and management attention to the project: Qualities and indicators that will receive consideration include the number and size of the projects presently being performed by each organization and the assigned staff; the status of existing projects; the past ability of the organization to deliver projects on a timely basis; and the nature of the existing projects that are behind schedule or past the completion date.

5. The Proposer and/or Team’s Proximity to the Project. An assessment of the geographic proximity to the project; the location of the office from which the proposed project will be administered; the perceived response time and general availability of the Proposer’s management to be on site, the perceived effect that project management location will have on price and the ability of the project to be completed on a timely basis; and the availability of special travel or communication plans which would effectively mitigate difficulties associated with location.

6. Proposed Agreement Terms. Proposals should include a project agreement for the District to review and consider. The agreement must clearly indicate all the terms and conditions involved in the proposed project(s). While open to other forms of agreement, the District is particularly interested in proposals in which the developer would develop, own, and maintain the generating facilities, retain any tax credits or renewal energy credits, and sell the energy generated to the District.

7. Cost of Proposal. Cost, while not determinative, may be considered in the selection process. Clearly indicate all costs involved with the project(s) and how the District would be expected to pay (monthly, annual, term of lease, up front costs, etc).

8. Generation and Displacement of Investor Owned Utility Costs; Green Energy.

The Proposal should include a discussion of the extent to which current obligations to purchase energy from Southern California Edison will be displaced. If the energy generated is other than "base load" in nature, provide a discussion of the expected extent of availability. If any renewable energy credits or tax credits are proposed, provide a discussion of to whom these credits would be available and their value.
9. Pre-qualification of the Proposer. A sample pre-qualification has been provided as Appendix D. Proposals will be rated based on the exceptions taken to the pre-qualification by any Proposer performing work on District property.

Proposed Selection and Project Schedule.

Proposal Due Date / August 30, 2010
Selection Interviews / Week of August 30, 2010
Award of Agreement / September 15, 2010
Agreement Start Date / September 16, 2010

Award of Agreement.

It is anticipated that any award of an agreement for services will be made by the Mojave Unified School District Board of Trustees at their September 15, 2010 meeting.


Four sealed copies of the proposal, clearly marked with the project name, should be submitted to the MUSD District Office, 3500 Douglas Avenue, Mojave, CA 93501, no later than:

2:00 p.m., Thursday, August 30, 2010

All copies received by that time will be date and time stamped. Proposals will not be accepted after this time. Proposals should be addressed to:

Keith Gainey

Director of Fiscal Services

Mojave Unified School District

3500 Douglas Ave.

Mojave, CA 93501

Faxed, PDF/scanned, or e-mailed proposals will not be accepted. Hand carried proposals will be accepted at the above address.


General Conditions.

The District reserves the right to cancel or reject all or a portion or portions of the request for proposals without notice. Further, the District makes no representations that any agreement will be awarded to any organization submitting a proposal. The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted in response to this request or any addenda thereto.

The District also reserves the right to reject any sub-consultant or individual working on a consultant team and to replace the sub-consultant or individual with a mutually acceptable replacement.