Friday’s Newsletter

February 6, 2015

The week was filled with many opportunities for the children to investigate “Where do we get our clothes?” and “What special clothes we wear to work?”

The children worked on changing the dramatic play into a store to shop for clothes and other items. We took a vote and the children named the store “Macy’s”. They are negotiating roles as community workers. Here, Isabella is shopping for clothes and Denise is the cashier checking out her items.

Fashion show clothes are still being created by all. We are very excited about our 4th annual Pre-K fashion show!

Please r.s.v.p if you are NOT coming, otherwise I will plan to see you on Friday, Feb. 13th at 9:00.

Yuvraj painting his shirt. Luther made a scarf. Denise & Matilda are decorating.

Family Partnerships

Please send in photos of family events, e.g. a big brother’s soccer game, a wedding, a holiday celebration, or a beach trip; we can add it to our experiences.

Wow! Experiences

On Thursday, we had Captain Moody from Engine 19 come to talk about his special uniform he wears to work. The kids loved his warm and friendly manner. He talked about creating a family plan to exit the house during a fire, and the procedure of STOP, DROP, and ROLL.

A favorite activity was weaving yarn through the weaving board and creating a criss cross pattern with their pretzels.

Celebration Week!!!! February 9-13

Monday – Pajama Day- wear your pajamas to school!

Tuesday –Costume clothes day – wear your costumes to school! (No masks or violent weapons)

Wednesday – Fancy Day – wear ties and dresses to school!

Thursday – Beach Day – Summer in February! With the room heat it feels like July!

Friday – FASHION SHOW 9:00 AM – Children will wear something they made!

End of study celebration will be held on February 13th at 9:00 am. The children will participate in a short fashion show. School will be closed on Feb.16-20 Enjoy your mid-winter break!

Snack Family: Jonah’s family. Thank you for all your support by providing the children with a healthy snack each week!

Enjoy the weekend! Ms. Debbie and Ms. Diane