MEETING 10th February 2015


ATTENDANCE: Mike Morgan-Jones, AngelaSillence, Robin Hewlett, Colin Burrows, Colin Campbell, Mike Taylor, Edna Webb, June Pennell, Mick Brown

No public questions.

  1. APOLOGIES: Richard Chalmers. Richard’s work commitments are now too great to take part in SG meetings
    Minutes agreed.
    Covered in items below.
    E mail received from Southcott Homes relating to Site 10. See Chair’s report.
    Email communications with WC. See Chair’s report.
    No response received from WC to the email to Sarah Hughes (WC link officer) to request feedback from our meeting with WC on 3rd November 2014 and to arrange a follow up meeting to discuss WC Site allocations DPD.

MT has requested a meeting on the WC proposed Site Allocation process. WC have invited PCs to attend a workshop on Site Allocations on 26th Feb and MT will seek to be the PC representative.
MT described the relevant key points of the WC Core Strategy as it affects Large Villages in general and Winterslow specifically, including:

Focus on employment and affordable housing

Support for the elderly

40% affordable homes but only for sites with 11 or more units
Only 56 new dwellings envisaged across all villages (except Downton) in Southern Area and such number can be provided by ‘windfall’ applications or NPs
The PC is investigating the potential of Winterslow becoming part of the WC ‘Campus’ initiative.

No news yet on the Village Green inquiry.
Southcott Homes (Site 10):

Ken Ludlow has agreed to provide local knowledge on drainage/flood risk.
Initial proposals are expected soon.
We have asked if Southcott can pass us details of foul water capacity.

We have impressed upon Southcott that all communications with the SG must be open to the public and that proposals for the site must be addressed to the PC, not to the SG.
21 Comments have been received in relation to our proposed site list. We have approx 200 people on our newsletter distribution list. Comments range from full agreement to no houses at all and ‘traffic’ is a common concern.
MT has met the Practice Manager and Operations Manager of the Endless St surgery. Increasing care for elderly, less demand for children. Hoping to receive relevant data.
All landowners of sites on our proposed list have now been contacted.

    The final 10% payments from our grants have been received by the PC.

Actions in progress

Stuart Todd has agreed to review the first draft NP being produced by Colin B. Target date 26th February.
Priority order for potential development sites
Members of the SG each ranked the sites according to their interpretation of evidence received to date. Post meeting note: The combined results are attached to these minutes and will be on the agenda for our next meeting.
Protection of open/green spaces

The SG discussed several locations and Colin B will produce an initial draft map.

New actions

Data on demand for ‘starter homes’ Colin B
Data on demand for elderly downsizingMick B

Data on housing need to complement that in HNSMike T

  1. AOB


7.30, Tuesday 10thMarch 2014 at the Pavilion, Recreation Ground.

Meeting closed at 9.20 PM

Winterslow Potential Development Sites / Updated 16.2.15
Priority Order from Steering Group
SG Priority Order / ORIGINAL SITE REF / SHLAA / SHLAA density / Proposed maximum dwellings / Cumulative Total / Consideration by NP Steering Group / Landowner Support?
Proposed Site Allocations:
1 / 10 / N.W Middleton Road / 15 / 15 / Frontage to Middleton Road. Subject to resolving stormwater issues. Need to include bus lay by. This is a potential Affordable development site. / Yes
2 / 44 / Red House Middleton / 2 / 17 / Close to all village facilities. / Yes
3 / 2 / S121 / 20 / Adjacent Wynlyn Weston Lane / 2 / 19 / Full depth to back of Nursery Land in SHLAA. Suggest reduce to depth of Wynlyn / Yes
4 / 45 / Beechwood Middleton / 8 / 27 / Close to all village facilities. SHLAA application submitted. Access issues? / Yes
5 / 1 / S56 / 8 / Adjacent Pandora Tytherley Rd / 4 / 31 / Whole frontage shown in SHLAA. Suggest only part of frontage retaining agricultural access / Yes
6 / 15 / S.E Weston Lane / 2 / 33 / Single site possible barn conversion (2 bed), plus second dwelling / Yes
7 / 6 / N.W Weston Lane / 5 / 38 / Full frontage shown. Suggest reduce frontage retaining field access footpath link to Yarmley Lane / Yes
8 / 20 / S.E Weston Lane[adjacent 15] / 1 / 39 / Linked with site 15 / Yes
9 / 43 / Off Livery Road adjacent Kings Farm / 1 / 40 / single site recent planning history of WC refusal, although strongly supported by PC. / Yes
10 / 3 / S.E Weston Lane [Adjacent Site 2] / 3 / 43 / Full depth to back of Nursery shown. Suggest reduce to depth of Wilwyn achieve space to Weston Hill House / Yes
Proposed Contingency Sites:
11 / 41 / Witt Rd. Adjacent Site 19 / 1 / In front of S31. Open site with woodland behind. / Yes
12 / 7 / N.ETytherley Road / 5 / Full Frontage shown. Suggest reduce frontage retaining field access depth to correspond with East Winterslow properties / Yes
13 / 19 / S.W Witt Road / 1 / Single site close to adjacent property / Yes
14 / 36 / S220 / 20 / East of Clough Lane Park Moor / 4 / Gas main through part of site. SHLAA density too high for road system. Suggest frontage only. / Yes
15 / 42 / Easton Common Hill / 1 / Condition of hill not good / Yes
16 / 11 / S1018 S165? / 11 / Adjacent Baptist Church Weston Lane / 2 / Encroaches into woodland with no benefit to lose trees. / Yes
To be discussed if, in future, there is landowner support:
5 / S105 / 150 / Off Highfield Crescent / 10 / Excellent central location for affordable/starter homes and homes for elderly. / No
46 / S105 / Middleton Road adjacent to Village Hall / 10 / Excellent location for starter/affordable homes. Flood risk needs to be mitigated. / No
Potential homes for the elderly supported by SG:
47 / End of Highfield Crescent / TBA / Potential Council Housing for the elderly. Owned by WC. / Yes