
January 31, 2008

"The time is always right to do what is right.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

·  Booster Meeting Tuesday, February 5th, 6:30 pm at the Fort Thomas Pizza. Come and join the Woodfill Boosters. It is a great way to meet new parents and support the student of Woodfill School. Everyone welcome.

·  Tuesday, February 12th, 7:00 p.m. Science Fair, PTO Founder’s Day Meeting – Papa John’s Night

·  NO SCHOOL – Monday, February 18th

·  Foundation Dance – February 23rd – The Fort Thomas Education Foundation Dance “Celebrate Good Times” as you enter in to the “Time Tunnel” at the Fort Thomas Community Center (Mess Hall) from 8pm-12am. For ticket information please call Jean Farley at 859.441.1487.

·  Spring Picture Day– Thursday, March 6th

·  Spring Break 2008 – March 28 – April 4

·  Make Up Day – June 6, 2008 (In order to be consistent throughout the district, Woodfill will make up our missed school day on Friday, June 6, 2008.)

Entertainment Books

We have a few Entertainment Books available for $20 each. Anyone who would like to purchase a book will also receive a coupon to receive TWO FREE TICKETS TO THE 2008 SMUCKER’S STARS ON ICE TOUR HELD AT U.S. BANK ARENA ON THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2008 AT 7:00 P.M. Please contact Lori Reinhart or Dorise Barth at 859-441-0506.


Miss Chinn, Woodfill Yearbook Sponsor, would like for you to send in pictures you have taken at any event that includes our Woodfill Students – football, basketball, soccer, baseball, volleyball games, cheerleading, school field trips, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies, and Cub Scouts, language clubs, etc. Thanks for your contributions.

Lost and Found

Parents, please have your child check the lost and found. Our bins are filled with lunch boxes, shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets. Parents are also welcome to stop by and check these bins. Thank you!

Supporting Reading

Development Seminar

Thursday, February 21st

Woodfill Elementary School

7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Woodfill Elementary School is hosting a FREE READING SEMINAR for all parents of Fort Thomas primary students (K – 3), both public and parochial. The seminar is designed to help parents support their children’s reading development. (Ms. Eileen Schroeder from The Springer School will be leading the seminar.) Please RSVP to Rachelle Frost by February 15th at 859-815-2236 or

Congratulations to the winners of the Fact Finders question for the week:

·  Alyssa Rector

·  Conner Kreeger

·  Madilyn Tate

·  Allie Stevens

·  Taylor Rose Reinhart

The winners knew that Capricorn was the zodiac sign for a January 2nd birthday and the answer could be found in the Almanac.

This week’s question: Who won the Men’s Boston Marathon in 1975? Did he win it more than 1 year? What is the best source to find this information? Stop by the Media Center to enter the contest.

Congratulations to Mr. Gesenhues’ 5th Grade Class for having the best fifth period attendance with 99.04% (December 19, 2007 – January 25, 2008). Good job students and parents.

Crossing Guard Needed . . .

Woodfill is in need of a Crossing Guard. Please contact Officer Mike Jansen at 441-6562 if interested.

2008–2009 Kindergarten Registration

Thursday, February 28th

8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

·  For residents of the Ft. Thomas School District

·  For a child born on or before September 30, 2003 (no exceptions)

·  Bring certified birth certificate, social security card, and 2 proofs of residency (rental lease, utility bill, etc.)

Woodfill offers both half day and tuition-based all-day kindergarten. Registration is NOT based on a first come, first served basis for either the morning vs. the afternoon sessions OR the all-day program. If requests exceed the class size limit, then a lottery will be held based on those registered by 3:00 P.M

5th Grade Parents

Attention Parents of Fifth Grade Students: The state of Kentucky requires all students entering sixth grade in the fall to have a Tetanus booster documented on an up to date Kentucky Immunization Certificate and a physical documented on a Kentucky Preventive Health Form before sixth grade entry.

Information regarding this requirement will be sent home with all fifth graders in their report card on January 18. The completed forms can be turned in to the office anytime until the end of the present school year. Forms submitted after the end of the year should be turned in to the Middle School. All forms must be submitted by August 11, 2008.

Please be aware that your child will not be allowed to enter school this fall without an up to date Kentucky Immunization Certificate and a physical. If you have any questions please contact Mary Moore RN, School Health Nurse.


REMINDER – PTO is selling in stock Gift Certificates. Remember, the certificates are not just for gift giving, but can be spent just like cash at the store. Please call Karen Gates at 781-0517.

Campbell Soup Labels

Campbell soup labels are being collected in two locations this year. There is a bin by the office door and one in the library by the computer lab. Please deposit labels in the containers at your convenience. Thank you for your support.

Box Tops for Education

Bring your “Box Tops” to the school office. Each “Box Top” is worth ten cents. Thanks for supporting Woodfill School.


Don’t forget to help support Woodfill School by participating in our recycling program. The “PAPER RETRIEVER” bin is located in the corner of our drive-through. The following items can be recycled:

§  Newspapers

§  Magazines

§  Catalogs

§  Mail

§  Envelopes

§  Folders

§  Fax and copy paper

§  Colored paper

Thanks for your support!



Please listen to your local radio or TV station for this information. Our listing is the FORT THOMAS INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS, (not Campbell County Schools). For one-hour delay, teachers report at 9:00 and students report at 9:15. For two-hour delay, teachers report at 10:00 and students report at 10:15. Breakfast will not be served at school when there is a delay. All-Day Kindergarten will follow the above schedule. Half-day Kindergarten should be announced if it will or will not be in attendance when there is a delay.

Woodfill’s 2008 Variety Show

“Calendar Kids!”

Friday, March 14, 2008

Northern Kentucky University

Greaves Hall

The theme for the 2008 Variety Show is “Calendar Kids”! Design your act around a season, holiday or any time of the year! PERMISSION SLIPS ARE DUE TOMORROW, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25TH. Each and every person participating in the variety show needs a permission slip. Please contact Mrs. Donna Hicks or Mrs. Kelly Smith for questions.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

We need the DONATIONS and CRAFTS Committees filled for this years’ Big Top Festival. The donations committee needs to start very soon. This job would be great for two or three moms/dads/families to share. You send out letters now, and then follow up closer to the festival. The craft committee makes craftsover the summer to sell at the festival.

Remember, all $$$$’s from the Big Top Festival go back to our students here at Woodfill School.

Please contact: Paula Houliston if you have any questions. 441-0168

Reading is the foundation of success in school…and in life. (by The Parent Institute* www.parent-institute.com)