AASHTO Domestic Scan Proposal Form

AASHTO is soliciting topic proposals for a FY 2010 US Domestic Scan Program (NCHRP Panel 20-68A). Each selected scan topic will be investigated through site visits to three to six locations over a one or two week period, conducted by a group of eight to 12 transportation professionals with expertise in the selected topic area. Proposed topics should meet the following criteria:

·  Address an important and timely need for information by transportation agencies;

·  Are of interest to a broad national spectrum of people and agencies;

·  Are complex and also “hands-on,” meaning they lend themselves particularly well to exploration through on-site visits; and

·  Are sufficiently focused that the tour participants are able to investigate and understand key issues in the limited time available on the tour.

Proposals should be returned no later than November 14th, 2008.

Proposal Contact Information
Name: Bobbi Welke
Title: Southwest Region Engineer
Agency/AASHTO Committee: Michigan Department of Transportation
Address: 1501 Kilgore Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Telephone number: 269-337-3900
Date of submission: November 13, 2008
Title of Proposed Scan
Accelerated Bridge Construction Utilizing Precast Bridge Elements
Problem Statement (What topic is to be examined? What drives the need for the scan? Why now?)
Transportation departments are challenged to develop quicker construction methods to rehabilitate and reconstruct the country’s infrastructure in order to minimize the impact of construction activity on mobility. The use of precast concrete elements (abutments, pier caps, columns, beams and deck panels) enable reduced construction time for the replacement of bridges. Sharing information with states through the scan tour about accelerated bridge technology programs, benefits realized from these programs, as well as lessons learned through implementation would assist other states with the development of an accelerated bridge construction (ABC) program.
Scan Scope (What specific subject areas are to be examined? Which cities and states might be visited? Which agencies/organizations (including specific departments or types of staff if applicable)?
Subject areas of primary interest are benefits and costs associated with accelerated bridge construction, ABC program initiation and project selection criteria, means and methods of implementation, and construction quality control practices.
States with an accelerated bridge construction program should be visited, including New York, Florida, Utah and Texas.
Scan Objectives (What key information is to be gained? What information is to be shared after the scan? Who would the audience be for this information?)
The key information to be gained would be the benefits and costs associated with rapid construction, challenges and solutions with establishing an accelerated construction program, and technical information related to construction methods, maintenance considerations, and examining issues surrounding precast substructure versus precast superstructure and the final deck driving surface. Additionally, the longevity of precast elements with grouted connections and the precast deck panel to cast in place backwall connection would be discussed.
States to consider in this scan include New York, Texas, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Virginia. The Department of Transportation bridge engineers and construction engineers would be contacts.
Organizations should include DOT’s, precast suppliers, and construction contractors. Those invited should include bridge design and construction engineers, upper level management and financial managers.
Benefits Expected (Including potential impacts on current technology or procedures)
The exchange of information on accelerated bridge construction would answer questions other states have about rapid technology innovations. Best practices shared through the peer exchange would expand use of ABC, share technical expertise and resources, and prevent duplication of effort as other states initiate an ABC program. The peer network would also serve as a clearinghouse for questions on future projects, further expanding technical expertise in these areas across states.