port elizabeth camera club


Contact Details





3.1 Subscription

3.2Dress Code

3.3 Membership email address




5.2Submitting of photos for judging


5.4Star ratings


5.6Set Subjects

5.7Fixed Set Subject

5.8Images of the Month

5.9 How to upload club winning image onto PhotoVault


6.1What are Salons?

6.2Salon Acceptance Reporting for Club Records



8.1 General


8.3Trophies and Awards

8.4End of year dinner





11.2PSSA Competitions

11.3Diamond Ratings

11.4PSSA Honours and Awards



The PECC is the friendly Camera Club in the friendly city of Port Elizabeth. Our interests lie in the art and science of photography. Our aims are to improve individual creativity and expertise and to share photographic pleasures and knowledge with others.

We have much to offer – photographic knowledge and assistance, practical workshops, participation in local and international competitions and exhibitions, affiliation to PSSA (Photographic Society of South Africa) our parent body – all within congenial and sociable atmosphere. As a member of the PECC, we know that your photography will improve and that you will have an enjoyable time.

This booklet has been written to guide you along and explains how the club functions and introduces you to its various activities. Once you familiarize yourself with Club procedures, you will feel comfortably at home.

Visit us regularly! It will take time to get to know the many people at the Club, and getting to know the other members is the surest way of establishing yourself and participation wholeheartedly in the Port Elizabeth Camera Club.


The Port Elizabeth Camera Club is the second oldest existing Camera Club in the country, after Cape Town, and goes back to 27 July 1891, when a group of enthusiasts gathered to form the Port Elizabeth Amateur Photographic Society.

A report on that first meeting, printed in the Herald Newspaper of 31 July, stated that the enthusiasts “resolved to establish a Camera Club and Society, to enable amateur photographers (of whom there are a considerable number in this Town) to have a good studio and to provide conveniences for the study and practice of the science of photography”, and the “subscription has been fixed at ten shillings and six pence per annum”, and that, “a special feature of the Society is that Ladies as well as Gentlemen may become members”.

The Photographic Society survives today as the Port Elizabeth Camera Club (a title assumed in 1934). Everyone is still welcome – including ladies!

Initially the Society met in private homes, but within a few years, an attempt was made to establish an Athenaeum. (Athenaeum: an ancient institution of learning. The Greek goddess of wisdom resided in the Temple of Athena. The name and concept is often adopted by literary and scientific societies). An Athenaeum had existed many years earlier as an integral part of the Port Elizabeth Town Hall (which had been built by the City Council of the time on Crown lands, for the express purpose of housing Municipal offices, a Public library and an Athenaeum – the last for the use by scientific and art societies of the rapidly growing town). However, the space allotted to the Athenaeum had gradually been encroached upon, mainly by the expanding Library, and eventually ceased to exist.

As a result of action by the Photographic Society, the City Council was pressured to re-establish an Athenaeum, and offered to erect a new building on the hill. This was subsequently done in 1896, and an agreement was reached with the City Fathers whereby the Photographic Society paid towards the construction and in return would be allowed to use the premises rent/rate free in perpetuity.

The club has since moved its home for monthly meetings to the Walmer Library but as a permanent member of the Athenaeum is entitled to use the facilities, as well as those of the City Hall.

In the 60’s a group of PECC members, spearheaded by the late Barrie Wilkins, attended the PSSA Annual Congress and they decided that they should all wear some identifying object and it was agreed that a black knitted beanie with a large white pom-pom would fit the bill. These became very popular and a tradition was started where the PECC beanies were always worn for the Congress Photo and at the Honours Banquet. On Barrie's passing it was decided to retire the Beanie.

Our club badge depicts the lens of a camera with a ship above it - the ship being the Chapman, the first 1820 settler ship to arrive in Algoa Bay.


3.1 Subscription

The enrolment fee and the annual subscriptions are very reasonable, considering the benefits gained from joining the Club. Membership is open to all.

Fees are payable in advance on 1 July for the Club year – July to June. Anyone joining between the 1 January and 30 April will be allowed a 50% rebate on the subscription. Anyone joining in May will have the privilege of a 14 month (2 months free) subscription.

The Club functions as a non-profit organisation. The subs and any other funds accruing are used for the benefit of the Club and its members.

3.2Dress Code

The colours of the Club are black and white. Members are encouraged to wear the club colours to all occasions such as excursions, events and formal functions such as the End of Year function and Congresses.

Traditionally the gentlemen wore a black blazer with a club badge on the pocket. The badges are either the standard club badge as described above, the Five Star badge which has a bar underneath it or the Honours Laureate badge, which has a Laureate surrounding it – depending on what level the member has reached in the Club.

On joining the club you will receive a name badge which you can wear with pride.

3.3Membership Email Address

Any emails with regards to membership must be sent to the following email address:


Between 2 and 4 meetings are held each month.

Venues, times and details will be published in our club magazine, Lumen, and on our Facebook page. Please ensure that the Committee has your correct e-mail address, and “Like” the Facebook page to be notified of events.

The first WEDNESDAY of the month: Judging evening

Entries for the E-log are evaluated (judged) at this meeting.

The second WEDNESDAY of the month: Workshop or lecture evening

A practical workshop or lecture is presented, aimed at furthering your knowledge of photography.

Members are encouraged to attend as many meetings as possible and invite friends and family along. Families are always welcome, especially on outings and other social events.

Visitors are always welcome at the Club. They may submit images for the judges’ helpful comments and any ratings given are for guidance only. A maximum of two images may be submitted by visitors.



Each member may submit up to four digital images for evaluation each month and constructive teaching comments are given by the judges.

In addition to the comments the judges also give a score and these go towards the club log and the members own personal log.

Members start out in 1 Star and as they achieve the relevant awards they progress up the ladder until they reach Honours.

The Club Log runs for one year at a time and forms in effect an intra-club competition. This is conducted on a friendly basis where Club Members strive to gain the highest number of points on one or more of the Club Logs, namely Open and Set Subject.

5.2Submitting of images for judging

No image which has previously been submitted for e-judging may be resubmitted, even if it has been reworked.

This consists of:

4 images in the Open category


3 image in open and 1 image the Set Subject category

All images must be original and may not include any elements produced by anyone else but the Photographer. All post processing (editing) must be done by the Photographer.

A photo may only be submitted for judging once, including conversions from colour to black-and-white and vice versa.

  1. Any image upload must be uploaded to the HD size Category. The size must be 1920 px wide exactly or 1080 px high exactly. We therefore recommend that you always size for the maximum vertical of 1080 px and remember to maintain your original aspect ratio (constrain proportions) and the resultant image will be able to be uploaded and projected correctly.
  2. File size for the HD category can be up to 2 MB per image.

Entries are via Photo Vault Online.

5.3Photo Vault Online

This is the link to enter images for all PECC events, including e-judging, set subjects, fixed set subjects and salons.

If in doubt, go to the site and under the heading “Help” you can read “how to use this site”.

  1. This is the link to enter images for all PECC events, including e-judging, set subjects, fixed set subjects and salons. You can bookmark the address in your browser (Control + D).
  2. If in doubt, go to the site and under the heading “Help” you can read “how to use this site”.
  3. How to enter:
  4. Open the site
  5. If already registered, Log In and go to step 5 below.
  6. For first time users – Register by setting your own Username and Password.
  7. Ensure your current Star Rating, e.g.1, 2 or 3, is completed and correct (use number only).
  8. After you are logged in (or registered), it is time to add Your Club and upload your images to your Photo Vault.
  9. After logging in, the window that appears has a menu bar with various headings.
  10. First time users need to select “Join a Club” from the “My Clubs” header and scroll to select Port Elizabeth Camera Club.
  11. Existing users should also check their information and make sure they have PECC on their profile under this header.
  12. The facility on PhotoVault for Club Advancement has not been activated yet by PECC.
  13. Click on “My Photo Vault”.
  14. A window appears with all your entries thus far.
  15. At the top there is a choice typed in blue : [Upload New Photo] [My Archived Photos]
  16. Select [Upload New Photo].
  17. A window will appear “Upload new Photo”.
  18. Select “Choose File“. You can browse your images on your computer and upload it.
  19. Any image upload must be uploaded to the HD size Category. The size must be 1920 px wide exactly or 1080 px high exactly. We therefore recommend that you always size for the maximum vertical of 1080 px and remember to maintain your original aspect ratio (constrain proportions) and the resultant image will be able to be uploaded and projected correctly. File size for the HD category can be up to 2 MB per image.
  20. After uploading, give the image a Title – you can use a short-and-simple name, such as Sunset, Lion kill or Smiles. Only the first letter of Image name to be capital (unless it is a name). Each image must have a unique name i.e. the name of an image must not be changed at any time as all records are based on the image name. Select Submit. Your image will appear on a new page.
  21. An image may only be used once in a competition other than the annual End of Year competition, irrespective of the category or of the image being in colour or monochrome. No similar images may be used.
  22. On the top it shows [Back to List] [Upload New Photo]
  23. Select [Upload New Photo]. Do the same for all images you want to enter – including the Set Subject image.
  24. You are now ready to enter an event.
  25. Select “My Club” on the menu bar. Scroll down to “My Club Entries”.
  26. Events for Port Elizabeth Camera Club will display.
  27. Choose the one that you want to enter by selecting “Enter here”.
  28. # of Categories Entered is 1 for only entering 1 category and 2 for open and set subject. Check your Star Rating. “Save details and continue to Photos”.
  29. Select Open. Scroll to “Available Photos from my Vault”.
  30. Double click on the image that you want to enter. It will move up to “My Entry for Open”. Do so for all three images in Open.
  31. Select Set Subject (title).It will direct you to “Available Photos from my Vault”. Choose the image you want to enter as with Open.
  32. You may “remove” images by double clicking on them in “My Entry for Open (or Set subject”).
  33. When all images are loaded, select “Finalise My Entry” on the right. You may click on “Re-finalise My Entry). Your images are now uploaded.
  34. You can now “Log Out”
  36. You will receive an e-mail to confirm your entries.
  37. After judging you will receive an e-mail with your results.
  38. Once uploaded to PhotoVault, you do not need to upload the same image again when you want to enter them in another competition or salon hosted on PhotoVault.

5.4Star ratings

New Members start in “One Star”. New Members joining from other Photographic Clubs where they may have gained expertise or be holders of PSSA Honours, may – at the discretion of the Committee – be placed in a Star Rating higher than One Star. They will be requested to submit a selection of 12 images for evaluation. No new member will be rated higher than a Three Star.

Through time and hard work, members may progress into higher star categories, reaching “Five Star” status and from there moving up to become an Honours Member. To gain points for promotion up the Star-rating ladder, members submit their best images at each monthly Club judging evening.

Three Judges separately evaluate (judge) the submitted photographs, rating them on technical quality, creativity, visual appeal and intellectual or emotional impact. A rating is given out of 5 where 2 is weak, 3 is average, 4 is good and 5 is very good. The points of the three judges are then totalled and an award is made according to the handicap system as shown below.

STAR RATING / No award / Bronze / Silver / Gold / Certificate of Merit
1 Star / 6 – 7 / 8 – 9 / 10 – 11 / 12 – 15
2 & 3 Star / 6 / 7 – 8 / 9 – 10 / 11 – 12 / 13 – 15
4 & 5 Star & Honours / 6 - 7 / 8 - 9 / 10 - 11 / 12 - 13 / 14 - 15

Each award is then itself worth a certain number of points and these points are added to a Members’ personal file, and with time count towards promotion up the Star-rating ladder. The same points gained during any one year contribute to the Club Log.

Bronze Award1 point

Silver Award2 points

Gold Award3 points

Certificate of Merit5 points


Promotion from one star to the next star occurs when the following conditions have been satisfied:

* 1 to 2 Star: 20 points, including at least 5 Gold Awards or Certificates of Merit.

* 2 to 3 Star: 40 points, including at least 10 Gold Awards or Certificates of Merit.

* 3 to 4 Star: 60 points, including 15 Gold Awards or Certificates of Merit. In addition, 6 Salon Acceptances from at least 3 digital images.

4 Star Members receive the PSSA Infinity badge which will be handed out at the meeting following their promotion.

* 4 to 5 Star: 100 points, including 25 Gold Awards or Certificates of Merit. In addition, a further 12 Salon Acceptances from at least 6 digital images.

5 Star Members are entitled to have the Club Five Star badge embroidered on items of clothing of their choice.

* 5 Star to Honours: 200 points, plus 50 Gold Awards or Certificates of Merit. In addition, a further 42 Salon Acceptances from at least 20 digital images.

In addition to meeting these requirements in order to be promoted from 5 Star to Honours members are expected to be active members of the club, participating in all its facets. Lecturing, running workshops, writing articles for Lumen & Facebook and ongoing service to photography and the PECC are a prerequisite. Honours members must have achieved an Associateship from PSSA.

* Honours Members are entitled to have the Club Five Star badge embroidered on items of clothing of their choice.

Promotions can only occur from a star rating to the next higher star rating when all the required points, gold awards, Certificates of Merit and Salon Acceptances have been obtained. If, as often happens, Members obtain the target of points but fall short of the quota of Gold Awards or Salon Acceptances, they continue to submit images at Club Judging evenings in the lower star rating until this quota is reached. Any points gained during this period count towards the club log, but not towards the promotion log.Salon acceptances however are cumulative and will count regardless of whether or not the other requirements have been met.

5.6Set Subjects

In order to stimulate and to give members a photographic purpose, 12 prescribed subjects are set for each year. All images entered in the set subject category must have been takenwithin 18 monthsof entry.

The set subjects and definitions are published in the LUMEN and on the Facebook page.

Scoring and commenting is done as for the judging mentioned above and the awards received are added to the club and personal logs. In addition however a winner and runner up are chosen and the Winner receives 3 points and the Runner Up receives 2 points for the Set Subject log. All those entering receive 1 point on the set Subject Log.

5.7Fixed Set Subject

1 prescribed subject is set each year and the closing date for this is the same as for the End of Year Competition. The points scored for this competition do not count towards any log.

5.8Images of the Month

The best Image of the month in 1 star, in 2 & 3 star and in 4, 5 & Honours are selected from the gold awards and certificates of merit awarded each month. The audience at the meeting vote for their favourite image.