M/J Grade 6 Math

Mount Dora Middle School

Mrs. Allard’s Class Syllabus



Mrs. Allard Phone: 352-383-6101 ext.3835 3rd Period Planning

Room 109 (All e-mails are public domain.)

Required for Success:

*Willing and positive attitude!!! *Diligent work ethic!!!

*Section for: Math (within large 3in binder for all classes)

* Spiral Notebook for: I J Math Notebook

*Notebook paper

*Graph paper

*Pencils (mechanical OK) with erasers & pens– at ALL times!

*Pencil sharpener (hand held with shavings container)

*Dry erase markers

Course Content: by Nine Weeks

1st: 2nd:

Integers Ratio & Rate

GCF, LCM Percentages

Rational Numbers Numerical Expressions

Fraction Operations Algebraic Expressions

Decimal Operations


3rd: 4th:

Algebraic Equations Displaying, Analyzing,

Area of Polygons & Summarizing Data

Distance & Area in the Review previous units

Coordinate Plane FSA Review

Surface Area & Volume of Solids Review previous / Preview 7th grade

Test Taking Strategies

Course Expectations and Information:

+Attend class daily. We “do” a lot daily, try not to be absent!

+ Complete all assignments, including the “bell work” on board.

+Maintain an I J Math Notebook

+Participate in class and perform at a satisfactory level on all assignments, quizzes, and tests.

+Daily assignments, objectives, homework, and a weekly agenda are posted in the classroom at all times. There are no surprises!

+Abide by classroom social contracts, procedures, and all MDMS rules.

PBS: Positive Behavior System

$$ Textbook: GO MATH! my.hrw.com

Classroom Behavior Expectaions:

Same as the Team Academic Culture Contract

Also each class creates their own Social Contract to follow.

Consequences for Misbehavior:

Students are responsible for tracking and recording their own behavior with the Behavior Tracking System (BTS).

Teacher will record instances in Student Planner.

1. Warning

2. Separate & Meditate (May include a thinking map assignment)

3. Student Detention / Parent Contact

4. Parent Accompanied Detention, (Parent/ Student Conference)

5. Discipline Referral

(Some offenses require an immediate referral w/o previous steps.)

Grading Policy:

Each assignment is based on 100 possible percentage points. Grades will include: Weekly bell work, class work, quizzes, tests, participation, homework, and projects.


Skyward is an online grade book which parents and students can view at any time. Please sign up & monitor this weekly. You should know the grade in this class at all times.

Re-Do Policy:

Most assignments may be re-done for a better grade (up to 90%) within one week of receiving notification of the grade. It is the student’s responsibility to: find out about the “re-do” assignment, show all the work on the “re-do,” and turn it in on time.

Home work :

Home work will consist of any unfinished class work and online assignments in my.hrw.com or pendalearning.com.

Make – up Work:

*When a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to retrieve their own make-up work ! The Make Up Work Folder is located next to the turn in tray in the classroom. All of the day’s assignments will be provided in the Make Up folder by class period for each day of the student’s absence.

Late Work:

*Work turned in late will be accepted until one week prior to the end of each nine weeks. Late work that is more than a week late will lose points.

On line Resources:

http://www.myhrw.com (online textbook, tutorials, games, & additional practice)

http://www.pendalearning.com (fun, engaging online learning)

Center ID: 32757MDMS password: student ID

http://www.KhanAcademy.com (excellent tutorials)

Mathlanding.org, Illuminations.nctm, Learnzillion.com, Mathisfun, Askdr.math, Coolmath, Bigbrainz, Brainpop, & Geogebra are some additional websites

Extra Math Help:

Utilize the excellent online tutorial resources! Be responsible for your own learning!

Mrs. Allard is available for tutoring some Tuesday & Thursday mornings before school by appointment.