/ College of William and Mary
Financial Operations Office
1314 S Mt Vernon Ave
Williamsburg, VA 23185


Business Meals guidelines and procedures.


Generally, meal expenses that do not involve an overnight stay are not reimbursable. The exception is Business Meals– which usually should be with at least one other non-College of William and Mary employee –for the purpose of discussing official State business.

Meals for family members, significant others, etc. are not allowable. The Commonwealth establishes maximum amounts for business meals that are found on the State Travel Regulations.

Business Meals are allowed when:

·  The meal involves a substantive and bona fide business discussion that is documented on the Non-Travel Business Meal Form.

·  The President or designated signer approves a completed Non-Travel Business Meal Approval Form.

·  A list of all persons by name involved in the meal and the reason for the meal must be included on this form.

·  If the meal or function is open to the campus or a specific group, identify the group name and include an approximate number.)

·  An original receipt showing all items purchased for the meal is provided. (Credit card slips with only a total are not acceptable.)

·  The College of William and Mary will not pay for alcohol, and if alcohol is served, you should ask for it to be on a separate bill.

NOTE: Delivery costs and a reasonable tip (defined as no more than 20% of the meal expense excluding alcohol are allowed as long as the final total does not exceed the allowable rate shown under the State Travel Regulations per diem tables.


To receive reimbursement for a Business Meal, follow these procedures:

1.  Complete a Business Meal Form with appropriate signatures.

2.  Attached original itemized receipt.

3.  Send the completed Business Meal Form to the Accounts Payable Department.