Stellar model 3: The Lane-Emden solutions

REFERENCE: Bowers and Deeming

In the last lesson we arrived at the second order differential Lane-Emden equation of index n:

x2 = -qn,

with the boundary conditions

q = 1, x = 0

= 0, x = 0.

How did we get the following relationships?

R = rc(1-n)/2nx1,

M = 4p rc(3-n)/2n -x2 ,

Pc = 4p(n+1) ,

r> = rc - ,

Eq. 4 can be gotten via r = ax, g - 1 = 1/n, l = rc, and the condition

that x = x1 when r = R, where a = .

Eq. 5 can be gotten via m(r) = - , dr = adx, P = Krg and g - 1 = 1/n, l = rc and the condition that x = x1 when m = M. Eq. 6 and Eq. 7 come from taking ratios of M2/R4 and M/R3 respectively, using Eq. 4 and Eq. 5 (R and M respectively), and cleaning up. For Eq. 7 use the usual definition <r> = 3M/4pR3.

Of course, Eq. 4 through Eq. 7 are useless without values for x1 and dq/dx. Thus we need solutions to the Lane-Emden equation. Eq. 1 can be solved analytically for only n = 0, n = 1, and n = 5. The solutions are as follows, and can be verified:

n = 0, q0 = 1 - x2/6,

n = 1, q1 = ,

n = 5, q5 = (1 + x2/3)-1/2.

The solutions to the Lane-Emden equation for any other indices requires numerical solutions with the assistance of a simple program. Before writing it we will substitute friendlier letters into the Lane-Emden equation, and then we will take the first derivative and rearrange:

x2 = -qn ® X2 = -Tn ® = - + Tn .

The general outline of such a Visual Basic program is as follows:

Option Explicit

Sub LaneEmden()


'Numeric solution to the Lane-Emden differential eq'n |

' d^2T / 2 dT \ |

' ---- = - | - -- + T^n | T = theta, a unitless density |

' dX^2 \ X dX / X = xi, a unitless length |

'Condition 1: T = 1 at X = 0 Density is max at star center |

'Condition 2: dT/dX = 0 at X = 0 See eq. of hydr. equilibrium |

'Condition 3: Exit at T(X) = 0 Have reached surface of star |

'Condition 4: n < 5 Infinite X for n >= 5 |


'Define the variables, set aside memory

Dim T As Single

Dim X As Single

Dim dTdX As Single

Dim dX As Single

Dim dT As Single

Dim n As Integer

Dim i As Integer

'Main program

Text1.Text = "Solutions to the Lane-Emden equation" & vbCrLf

For n = 0 To 9 Step 1 'Initalize the boundary conditions each loop

T = 1 'Condition 1

X = 0.00001 'Condition 1

dTdX = 0 'Condition 2

dX = 0.001 'Adjust for accuracy

For i = 1 To 32000 Step 1 'Set upper limit on iterations

'to guarantee exit from For loop

dTdX = dTdX - (2 * dTdX / X + T ^ (n / 2)) * dX

T = T + dTdX * dX

X = X + dX

If T <= 0 Then

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & "GOOD RESULTS: "

Exit For 'Normal exit at first zero

End If

Next i

If T > 0 Then 'Ran out of iterations - abnormal exit

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & "BAD RESULTS: "

End If

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "n = " & FormatNumber(n / 2, 2, vbTrue)

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & " X = " & FormatNumber(X, 5, vbTrue)

Text1.Text = Text1.Text & " dT/dX = " & FormatNumber(dTdX, 5, vbTrue)

Next n

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Call LaneEmden

End Sub

Sample output for parameters as in program above...

Solutions to the Lane-Emden equation

GOOD RESULTS: n = 0.00 X = 2.44901 dT/dX = -0.81634

GOOD RESULTS: n = 0.50 X = 2.75301 dT/dX = -0.49985

GOOD RESULTS: n = 1.00 X = 3.14201 dT/dX = -0.31818

GOOD RESULTS: n = 1.50 X = 3.65401 dT/dX = -0.20323

GOOD RESULTS: n = 2.00 X = 4.35401 dT/dX = -0.12715

GOOD RESULTS: n = 2.50 X = 5.35701 dT/dX = -0.07619

GOOD RESULTS: n = 3.00 X = 6.90101 dT/dX = -0.04236

GOOD RESULTS: n = 3.50 X = 9.54501 dT/dX = -0.02074

GOOD RESULTS: n = 4.00 X = 14.99401 dT/dX = -0.00799

GOOD RESULTS: n = 4.50 X = 31.93801 dT/dX = -0.00170