Course Syllabus
St. Helens High School
Course: Woodworking 17006
Prerequisites: None
Course Period: 5th, 7th
Course / office location: Building D Room 64
Course Duration: One Semester – (85 days X 50 min)
Instructor: Joe Mauck
Office hours: 12:00pm to 3:15pm
Office phone: (503) 366-7416
Course Description
Woodworking is a course designed to introduce students to general woodworking practices. Students will expand their knowledge and experience through various projects, lessons, and vocabulary. Students will be expected to learn about and safely use hand tools, power tools, and woodworking machinery. The projects are designed to give students as much experience as possible by using many different machines and tools. The projects will also cover as many aspects of the building and woodworking industries as is possible in an entry level course.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have woodworking skills that will be useful in any aspect of the construction industry. Additionally, the student should have a broader understanding of construction processes as well as more in depth problem solving skills. This course is also a pre-requisite for Building Construction.
Course Fee: $25
Required Equipment and Supplies
1. Pencil (every day)
2. Proper work clothing (no high heels, sandals, etc)
At the end of the quarter I will assign students a letter grade based on the following criteria:
A = 90% to 100%
B = 80% to 89%
C = 70% to 79%
D = 60% to 69%
F = 0% to 59%
I will calculate your grade by expressing your total accumulated points at the end of the term as a percentage of the possible points. It will be a letter grade based on the following:
1. Tool Tests (16%)
2. Projects (68%)
3. Machine Reports / Forms (16%)
All projects should be sanded to a smooth finish with no burn marks, scratches, or odd contours
Assignment 1— Measuring stick (100pts.)
This project is a “warm-up” project for measuring and their first encounter in the class with the band saw or chop saw.
Assignment 2—Puzzle (200pts.)
This project gives students experience using the band saw. This project also requires use of chisels, files, measuring, and detail work.
Assignment 3—Helicopter (300pts.)
The helicopter project introduces students to a variety of different machines, tools, and various woodworking skills. Students will use the planer, band saw, sanders, drill press, and hand tools.
Assignment 4—Dog House (500pts.)
The dog house teaches the basics of house framing. This project demonstrates floor framing, wall, door, and window framing, rafter framing, siding, and roofing and is a group project.
Extra Assignment 1—Brace
This project requires precise cuts using the chop saw. Safety and accuracy are of utmost concern as students will be cutting using miter and bevel cuts. Introduction and use of the Jointer is all
Extra Assignment 2—Band saw box
The band saw project lets students use much of their own creativity. Students are required to choose their own design of wood and design.
In alignment with State and National standards, this course provides representation and assessment in the following areas:
Common Career Technical Core Standards (CCTC) Numbers: AC-CST (1 – 9)
CCTC Curriculum Template:
Oregon Skill Sets Carpentry Focus area: COZ01.01 – COZ10.02
Oregon Skill Sets Carpentry Focus area: COPF10.01 - COPF10.18