West Catholic High School Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
West Catholic High School
February 3, 2016
Attendees: John Brechting; Mike Dorado; Don Duba; Jean King; Lucian Leone; Kevin McGrath; Greg Meyer; Tom Mikowski; Sr. Colleen Ann Nagle; Fr. Tony Russo; Bill Roth; Miles Schmidt; Tim Thimmesch; Dave Veneklase.
Absent: Msgr. Lou Stasker; Mary Kay VanDriel
Resources: Cindy Kneibel, WC Principal; Jill VanderEnde, WC Development Director; Megan Kulak, WC Development Office
Guests: None.
Agenda Item / Discussion/Conclusion/Action / Responsibility1.1 Call to order and welcome
1.2 Opening prayer and remarks
1.3 Roll Call / Veneklase called the meeting to order at 6pm
Mikowski led opening prayer
Duba called roll / Veneklase
Comments from the floor / None / N/A
2.1 Campaign Progress and Plan
2.2 Vision 2020 Update
2.3 Financial Division of Assets
2.4 Five Year Planning Taskforce
2.5 Tuition Taskforce
2.6 Principal’ s Report / VanderEnde presented her global overview of the WC development department, its strategic plan, its short and long term goals, and dramatic successes over the last five year period. VanderEnde provided insight on the various categories of development opportunity relevant to alumni resources, special events, and targeted donors. VanderEnde gave an up to date progress report on the Fifty Year Campaign and its next phases. Extensive discussion was had by the Board regarding its Fifty Year Campaign and its various phases, its parameters, its scope and its going forward plans identified.
Veneklase and Kneibel lead a discussion regarding Board comments, suggestions and ideas regarding the working draft Vision 2020 statement. Kneibel reported that through a contact of Board member VanDriel, marketing professional Joe Jones was providing a professional look at the proposed Vision 2020 language. That process is ongoing.
Roth provided additional discussion of progress and methods considered by WC Finance committee and CC Finance committee on the separation of Catholic Secondary Schools balance sheet process. WC and CC are working with the Catholic secondary schools finance staff and auditor Beene Garter with a target resolution date of March 2016.
Kneibel lead a discussion about her initiation of a strategic planning process on all factors relevant to WC that includes a five year vision and a ten year plan relevant to all administrative categories including building and capital improvement needs, staffing policies, succession planning, living wage and structure on staff compensation and benefits, and additional best practices management and administrative policies.
Veneklase lead a discussion about implementation of a systematic tuition taskforce review committee. The goal would be to look at affordability of Catholic education and how to best accomplish the same. The committee is looking at community members from outside the Catholic school system, to challenge each other to look at different models. Board members offered and suggested several candidates.
Kneibel provided both a verbal, and written, Principal’s Report which is included and incorporated herein by reference. Kneibel emphasized progress with development progress, donor cultivation and implementation of growth goals. Kneibel reported incoming freshmen class has been upgraded to over 100 students but pointed out a system wide small 8th grade class but reported a target influx of current 7th graders with larger than typical class size. Todd Peters, Admissions Director, is emphasizing 8th and 7th grade recruitment at this time. / VanderEnde
3.1 Review and Approval of Minutes
3.2 2016/2017 Tuition Rate
3.3 Board Member Terms
3.4 Uniform Provider / Duba presented minutes from the November 11, 2015 board meeting. After review and consideration, upon motion by Thimmesch, support by Roth, the minutes were unanimously approved.
Roth provided a proposal for approval of the 2016/2017 tuition and fee schedule. Roth outlined the negotiation and discussion reached with Catholic Central and their agreement to an identical tuition rate schedule is recommended for both schools for 2016/2017 school year. Upon motion by Roth, support by Schmidt, the proposed 2016/2017 tuition rate and fee schedule was unanimously approved pursuant to the written resolution attached and incorporated herein by reference.
Veneklase lead a discussion as to review of WC board member terms and expiring terms and replacement candidates. It was reported that Mikowski’s term shall expire on June 30, 2016 and that McGrath’s term shall expire on June 30, 2016 but McGrath has agreed to extend his term through June 30, 2017. Schmidt and Thimmesch terms were renewed with each having expiration date of June 30, 2019. An open board seat is available for selection effective July 1, 2016 and VanDriel is leading a search committee.
Kneibel outlined a concern with existing school uniform provider, Sunshine Uniforms and unsatisfactory performance by Sunshine. Kneibel explained that both Catholic Central and West Catholic have agreed to modify its recommended uniform supplier to Land’s End effective immediately. / Duba
Committee and Other Reports:
4.1 Finance
4.2 Development
4.3 Facilities
4.4 Technology
4.5 Catholic Culture
4.6 Marketing and Enrollment
4.7 Collaboration Committee /
Roth provided his finance committee report and updated that committee member Jeff Powers did not renew his term but that Roth had secured a replacement committee members, Brad DeBruyne and Carol Brundy. Finance committee meetings were also provided and incorporated by reference.
Meyer deferred to the extensive VanderEnde presentation and minutes of development committee meetings were also provided and incorporated by reference.
Thimmesch provided summary facility reports and that minutes of meetings were in process. Thimmesch also provided directions and suggestions regarding certain portions of the development capital campaign.
Technology committee reports were provided and incorporated by reference.
Kneibel referenced the subcommittee minutes incorporated by reference. Kneibel also reported that the goal of strengthening the faith of the staff was moving forward with positive progress.
Leone referenced the subcommittee minutes incorporated by reference.
Veneklase referenced the ongoing asset segregation project and possible future deviation from matching tuition models at CC and WC. / Roth
5.1 Closing Prayer
5.2 Adjournment
5.3 Dates to Remember / Meyer led closing prayer
Veneklase adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm
April 13, 2016 – WC Board Meeting
April 22, 2016 – Celebrate West Auction
May 24, 2016 – WC Graduation
June 1, 2016 – WC Board Meeting / Meyer
S:\5263\West Catholic High School\Minutes\February 2016.docx