Note: A Progress Review does not need to be completed if the candidate has completed an Early Stage or Late Stage Review within the last 12 months.

The University monitors the academic progress of candidates on an annual basis either through the Early Stage Review (ESR), Late Stage Review (LSR), or through the completion of a Progress Review Report. The dates for the ESR, LSR and Progress Reviews should be provisionally set during a candidate’s induction.

Completion of the Progress Review Form

Principal Supervisors and students should meet to discuss and complete the progress report form.

Students should complete Section A of the form and return it to their supervisor before the meeting. Section B should be completed by the Principal Supervisor either during or shortly after the progress meeting. Both the Principal Supervisor and student should sign Section C to confirm the content of the form.

If the Principal Supervisor and student cannot agree on Section B the supervisor can submit the form without the signature of the student and the supervisor and student will be referred to Chair of the Faculty Research Degrees Committee. Where the Principal Supervisor is the Chair of the FRDC issues will be referred to the Faculty Associate Dean for Scholarship, Enterprise and Research.

Completed forms should be submitted to the appropriate Faculty Administrator within two weeks of the meeting.



If there are any issues which you prefer to discuss outside the supervision team, you should arrange to see the Chair of the Faculty Research Degrees Committee. Where the Principal Supervisor is the Chair of the FRDC matters can be discussed with your Faculty Associate Dean for Scholarship, Enterprise and Research.

Name of Candidate
Candidate Number
Title of Research Project
Mode of Study / Full Time
Part Time
Principal Supervisor
Supervision Team
Date of enrolment on award
Date of Transfer from
MPhil to PhD
Number of registration suspensions approved
(with dates)
Number of registration extensions approved
(with dates)


1. Report of your work during the last 12 months

Please comment on the following points:

a) / Give an account of the progress you have made on your research project in the last year. Please include details of any chapters drafted.
b) / Please list any actions from the ESR or LSR and how and when they have been addressed.
c) / List any research training or professional development you have undertaken during the year:

2.  Research programme during the last 12 months

a) / Have you maintained sufficient progress, in line with the plan of work, to the agreed timescale?
If No, please give reasons: / Yes / No
b) / Have you experienced any difficulties, which have impeded your progress?
If Yes, please give reasons:
If you answered yes above, have any such difficulties been resolved? / Yes / No
c) / Have you maintained documented records of your progress?
If No, please give reasons: / Yes / No

3. Plan for Completion

What research remains to be done, and what is your timetable for completing it? When do you expect to complete and submit your thesis, and how you plan to meet that target. (Max: 500 words)

4. Facilities

Please comment on the facilities that have been made available to support your project.

(Max: 200 words)

5. Employability

To what extent does your research complement present employment or lead towards future opportunities? (Max: 250 words)


Date of Progress Meeting:

1. Student’s research programme during the last 12 months:

Was the student actively engaged on his/her research programme? / Yes
Have you have received sufficient submitted written work from the student for comment and feedback? e.g. draft chapters. / Yes
Has the student maintained sufficient progress in terms of the quality and quantity of work produced, in line with the plan of work, to the agreed timescale? / Yes
Has the student experienced any difficulties, which have impeded his/her progress? / Yes
Have you maintained documented records of the student’s progress? / Yes
Expected date of submission

2. Meetings with the student

a) / Please comment on the nature and frequency of supervisory meetings with the student.
b) / Have you agreed targets/objectives from your meetings with the student? (Please comment in the notes box below) / Yes

3. Performance Progress

a)  Please indicate the student’s progress against one of the following categories:

box / Classification of
Performance / Progress
1 / Has achieved all stated objectives for the year and perhaps more, on or ahead of schedule.
2 / Has achieved all stated objectives for the year.
3 / Progress towards objectives has been satisfactory, but there remain some concerns about whether the project can be completed on schedule. Student is aware of these and attempting to formulate appropriate plans or strategies for the future.
4 / Progress slow and no realistic plans for future progress have been forthcoming.
b) / Please provide comments and a brief progress report on the student. If withdrawal of registration is recommended please give reasons for this decision.
c) / Highlight any problems or issues regarding the student’s progress both in relation to the programme of research and general aspects of the student’s activities.

4. Action Plan

a) Please list any actions which need to be addressed by the supervisor and/or student:

Please clearly state the action required / Indicator of Success
How the supervisor and student will assess whether the action has been successful / BY WHOM
Who will carry out the action / BY WHEN
Please give an estimated completion date


Signature of Principal Supervisor:………………………………………. Date:


Additional Comments from Principal Supervisor:

Signature of Student:………………………………………………….. Date:


Additional Comments from Student:
Date Approved by Faculty RDC:

If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact the appropriate Faculty Administrator.