JONATHAN EDWARDS (1703 – 1758)Thanks to R. P. Griffin

Sarah Pierrepont

Solomon Stoddard - the "Pope of the Connecticut Valley" - HARVESTS

“Rusticated” to Stockbridge

Apologist for Calvinist Puritanism

Evangelical,Mystical, Erudite, Introspective

The Edwards Paradox ~ intensityfor revivingall-engulfing traditions ofthe Puritan past; yet, a lively mind familiarwith the new sciences of Newtonian physics and Lockeanpsychology.

In an age of increasedemphasis on the democratic principles as they apply to individuals, Edwards reintroduces the notion of depravity. He often employs himself the model of the fallen and resurrected man through painfully truthful self-analysis. He is a man who appears to have been born either too early or too late.

John Locke (1632-1703) rejected, the theory of innateknowledge; substituting the theory of evolutionary sensate experience based on the concept of tabula rasa. Edwards modifies the notion of sensate experience by suggesting that the experiences and awareness derived from the senses are themselves providentially imparted. Politically, Locke advocated the supremacy of the individual and the rights of each to seek life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; Edwards saw the rights of the individual as the basis for seeking God.

Edwards’ “Personal Narrative”

A factual record of spiritual odyssey recounted as a retrospective journey to the acceptance of God’s grace

Consolation that God's grace works even though faulty intellect creates waves of sinful disbelief and distracting moments of euphoria

Psychoanalytic self-assessment reducing ego to 0

The Great Awakening

Mid~1740s phenomenon that swept the entire East Coast with a wave of religious fervor promoted by the emotionally charged preaching of revivalist ministers such as Edwards and George Whitfield.

Calvinist revival of waning religious affections.

Pursuit of the “indwelling light” - being emotionally touched by the Word of God is now sufficient evidence of God’s providential stamp upon one. That- you can be so moved is evidence of one’s election. Numbers of communicants multiplies exponentially filling nearly empty churches with a new wave of enthusiasts.


Early reaction to emerging "rationalist" tendencies

Lively response to deadening effect of liturgical formalism

Anticipates and reacts against impending wave of democratization


Stimulated new growth in churches, at least for a time

Paved the way for the doctrine of separation of church and state as a reaction to and suspicion of

over-enthusiastic emotionalism

Questioned denominational barriers and ironically paved the way for the antithetical restrained belief

of Deism

Provided the prototype of periodic waves evangelical revivalism that recognizes emotional

"enthusiasm" as legitimate expressions of faith

Although short term Interests were parochial.In the long run, the reaction of distrust of emotional

fervor led to wider toleration of religious differences