Personal Information
Name: Donna Elena Bentolila
Place of birth: Rosario, Argentina
Country of Residence: U.S.
Office Address: 4800 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 203A
Boca Raton, Fl, 33431
7600 SW 57th Ave, # 225
Miami, Florida
Bachiller Nacional, Rosario English School, Rosario, Argentina.
Certificate in English: Cambridge University, Rosario English School.
Clinical Psychologist Degree (Doctorate) National University of Rosario, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Rosario (Argentina), 1972.
Masters in Social Work. Barry University, Miami (Florida), 1994.
Languages: Fluency (Written and Oral) in Spanish, English and French.
Training Analysis (1972-1976),Jaime Szpilka MD, Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, Member of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) - Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Training Analysis (1995-1999) Graciela Abelín MD, New York Psychoanalytic Institute (IPA).
Supervision of Cases, Seminars and Courses, 1972 -1977, Training and Supervising Analysts, Argentine Psychoanalytic Association.
Supervision of Cases (1990-1999), Eduardo Martínez-Luque MD, Argentine Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) - Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Private Clinical Practice, Buenos Aires (Argentina): 1972-1979.
Clinical Psychologist attached to the Adolescent Unit. Department of Admissions, Short-Term Psychotherapies, Family Therapy, Marital Therapy, Group Psychotherapy,Mental Health Center N 1, Buenos Aires (Argentina): 1973-1979.
Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Supervisor - Associated with a Multidisciplinary Group for the Treatment of severely disturbed adolescents: Individual, Family and Marital Therapist. Multiple Psychiatric Team Approach. Buenos Aires (Argentina) 1973-1979.
Clinical Psychologist. Crisis Intervention, Individual Psychotherapist, Family Therapist, Clinical Supervisor.Miami Mental Health Center. Miami, Fl., 1982-1983.
Individual Psychotherapist attached to Medical Group Practice. Boca Raton (Florida): 1985- 1987.
Delray Community Hospital; Social Services Department, Delray Beach (Florida): 1989- 1990.
Cross Creek School for Severely Emotionally Disturbed Children and Adolescents,Clinical Social Work Department: Individual Psychotherapist, Family and Group Therapist, Crisis Intervention. Pompano Beach (Florida): 1991-1994.
Private Practice (Boca Raton & Miami): 1979 to Present.
1969/1970: Course Instructor."Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology", National University of Rosario (Argentina).
1971:Course Instructor "Contemporary Schools of Psychology”, National University ofRosario (Argentina).
1975: Assistant Professor, responsible for courses in "Psychopathology", National University of La Plata (Argentina).
August 1978: Visiting Professor, Rosario Psychological Association (Argentina). Delivered Four Lectures on: "Some Psychoanalytic Concepts in the work of Jacques Lacan.”
April 1981: Visiting Professor. Five day Seminar on the topic of Sigmund Freud'sConcept of Perversion. The Contributions of Jacques Lacan, "National University of Barranquilla. Barranquilla (Colombia).
1982: Visiting Professor, Miami Mental Health Center (Miami, Florida). Delivered a Seminar on "An Introduction to the psychoanalytic Understanding of Sexual Perversions."
1983:Visiting Professor, Miami Mental Health Center (Miami, Florida), Seminar on Psychoanalytic Psychopathology,understanding of the main diagnostic categories.
September 1994: Faculty Member: Southeast Florida Institute for Psychoanalytic Psychology (SEFIPP), Division 39, American Psychological Association.
December 2000: Guest Faculty, Florida Psychoanalytical Association, American and International Psychoanalytic Association – Miami (Florida).
November 2001: Guest Faculty, Florida Psychoanalytical Association, Miami, Florida.
2003/2004 (Winter Semester): Continuous Case Conference as Member of the faculty at SEFIPP.
February 2004: Guest Faculty Member, Florida Psychoanalytic Association, Miami, Florida
Faculty, SEFIPP 2004-Present.
Guest Faculty, Florida Psychoanalytic Association 2004/2007 Introductory course on the work of Jacques Lacan.
2009 (Fall Semester) Course: “Working with suicidal patients. Treatment considerations and theoretical reflections” (SEFIPP).
2011 (February 03/ to February 17 th): Mini-Course on the work of Jacques Lacan- offered to members of the Florida Psychoanalytic Association. Miami,Fl.
April 4, 2011 –One-day course on French Psychoanalytic Theory - Jacques Lacan. Offered to the P.P.C members, Florida Psychoanalytic Association. Miami, Fl.
November 10/13 / 2011. Faculty Seffipp. Mini course on the work of Jacques Lacan. Offered to SEFIPP candidates in Training, Fort Lauderdale, Fl
December 01/ 2011. One- day course on the work of Donald W. Winnicott. Offered to the P.P.C. members , Florida Psychoanalytic Society. Miami, Fl
February 4th 2012. One- day course on the work of Jacques Lacan. Offered to the candidates in Training, Florida Psychoanalytic Society. Miami, Fl
April 27th/ 2012. One- day course on the work of Jacques Lacan. Offered to the candidates in Training. Florida Psychoanalytic Institute, Miami, Fl.
May 12/ 2012: One- day course on the work of Donald W. Winnicott. Offered to the candidates in Training, Florida Psychoanalytic Institute, Miami, Fl.
January 1984: "Who is Jacques Lacan?"- Lecture presented at Nova Southeastern University, Department of Clinical Psychology – Davie (Florida).
May 1984: "Some observations in the cure of a pervert", Intervention during a colloquiumon the subject of 'Love, The Drive, The Object.' New York City.
October 1985. Presentation. Lecture on: " Jacques Lacan: the most controversialFreudian since Freud.” Nova University, Clinical Psychology Department, FortLauderdale, Fl.
July 1986. Presentation: "Frau K and Dora." Paris - New York Psychoanalytic Workshop. 'Clinical Applications of the Work of Lacan.'New York, NY.
May 30-31, 1987. Presentation: "Jacques Lacan: A Re-encounter with the discoveryof Freud.” An International Conference on Lacanian Theory and Practice of Psychoanalysis. Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, Connecticut.
July 18- 19, 1987. Presentation:"The Oedipus Complex.A Lacanian Re-reading."Paris-New York Psychoanalytic Workshop on Neuroses, New York, NY.
May 26-29, 1988. Presentation: “The Role of Castration.” Conference on 'Lacan,Language and Literature.’ Kent State University, Ohio.
November 4-6, 1988. Presentation: “Lacan’s re-reading of The Oedipus Complex."R.S.I. Bibliotheque National de Quebec, Montreal, Canada.
April 6-8, 1989. Presentation: "You are Not Mother, You Must Die.” International Conference on 'La Cure Psychoanalytique dans le Traitment de Psychoses.' Quebec,Canada.
May 25-28, 1989. Presentation: "The Subject Position of a Psychotic Boy." Conference on ‘Lacan, Discourse and Politics.’ Kent State University, Ohio
October 25-26, 1989. Presentation: “Some Observations in the Cure of a Pervert." LacanClinical Forum, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, MA.
April 7,1990: "Dora: 20 Years After and Still.” Paper presented at the Lacan American Clinic.Columbia University, Maison Francaise, New York City.
April 13-15, 1991: Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Division 39. Discussant onPanel on Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Chicago (Illinois).
October 10-11, 1991: “The Praise of the Hysteric: Re-visiting the Caseof Dora". Presentation delivered at the invitation of the Tennessee Psychoanalytic Association, Knoxville (Tennessee).
July 24-27, 1991. "Aids and Adolescents in the U.S.A.', paper presented during the InternationalEncounter on Adolescent Psychiatry,Buenos Aires (Argentina).
May 7, 1992: "An Introduction to the work of Jacques Lacan", SEFAPP Conference, Boca Raton, Fl.
August 7-8, 1992. Presentation: "Es posible el sujeto dividido en los Estados Unidos?." An International Encounter on 'Lacan in Argentina and the United States. National University of Rosario, Rosario, Argentina.
August 12, 1992. Presentation: “Lacanian Psychoanalysis in North-America.”EscuelaFreudiana de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
February 22, 1993. Discussant: “The Case of the Wolf- Man. Neurosis, Psychosis or Border- Line?" SEFFAP Scientific Meeting. Boca Raton, Fl.
March 17, 1994. Speaker: “Lacan in the United States.”Seminaries Psychoanalytiques de Paris. Paris, France.
October 8-9, 1994. Discussant:“IntrinsecusPsychoanalysis” 5th Annual IPFEConference. Chicago, Ill.
October 28-29, 1994: "The Enigma of the Death Drive: A Re-Visiting."Paper presented at the Lacan Clinical Forum, The Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge (Massachusetts).
March 12, 1995:Panel Discussant: “LAC Annual Seminar on Psychosis and Psychoanalysis” New York City.
August 9-12, 1995. Speaker: "Repetition Compulsion, Instance of the Death-Drive." Reunión Lacanoamericana de Psicoanálisis de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
October 13, 1995: "Sabina Spielrein as the Cause of Beyond the Pleasure Principle", Invited Presentation at the Toronto Psychoanalytic Institute, Toronto (Canada).
October 13-15, 1995: "Revisiting the Enigma of the death-drive", lecture presented during the Sixth Annual IPFE Conference, Toronto (Canada).
April 6, 1996: "Revisiting the Enigma of the Death Drive: from Freud to Lacan" – Lecture delivered as part of the Friday Night Lecture Series. The Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge (Massachusetts).
April 13, 1996: "The desire for Psychoanalysis and its relationship to present cultural discontents", lecture delivered before members of the Knoxville Psychoanalytic Association, Knoxville (Tennessee).
September 27- 29 (1996):Invited Speaker at the 7th Annual Conference of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Education, Presentation on the History of Psychoanalysis in Argentina. Conference held in Boca Raton (Florida).
September 27- 29, 1996: International Federation of Psychoanalytic Education – 7th Annual Conference, Discussant onPanel on the Ethics of Psychoanalysis.
October 5, 1996: "Is Psychoanalysis Revolutionary", Panel discussant-Psychoanalytic conference organized by NOMOS - Fordham University, New York City.
April 1997: "Woman/ Mother?”- Paper delivered at the International Conference on Sexuation. Columbia University, New York City.
April 17, 1997: SEFAPP at the Movies, Presentation: "Il Postino: A Psychoanalytic Commentary. Boca Raton (Florida).
January 19, 1997: Panel Moderator - "The Rock, The Torrent and the Word: A Psychoanalytic-Study of Anti-Semitism", organized by SEFAPP,Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (Florida).
November 1997: "The enigma of Femininity. Woman/ Mother and the question of the Other enjoyment, Presentation to members of the Barcelona psychoanalytic group. Barcelona (Spain).
November 1997: "A History of Psychoanalysis in Argentina", paper presented during a conference on Culture and Psychoanalysis, held at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
April 19, 1998 - "The Anatomy of Prejudices", moderator of panel organized by SEFAPP, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (Florida).
August 1998: "Presentation of a Clinical Case", paper presented before members of theFoundation Mexicana del Psicoanalisis, Mexico City (Mexico).
September 12, 1998: " Action,Interaction and Interpretation: What matters? What is Mutative? What is Therapeutic?" Discussant on panel organized by SEFAPP and the Appalachian Psychoanalytic Society, Conference held at Nova Southeastern University, Davie (Florida).
April 17, 1999. "A Lacanian view of Interpretation.” Discussant on Panel organized by the American Psychological Association(Annual Meeting of Division 39), Meeting held in New York City.
May 13, 1999: "A Case Study: The Question of Woman and Madness", Presentation before members of the The Lacan Clinical Forum, Meeting held at the Gregorian University, Rome (Italy).
May 15, 1999: "Action, Interaction and Interpretation: What matters? What is mutative? What is Therapeutic?"-Discussant on Panel organized by SEFAPP and the Appalachian Society. Knoxville (Tennessee).
July 31, 1999: Presentation: "Mujer/ Madre: El Enigma de su Locura", reunión Lacanoamericana de Psicoanálisis. Rosario (Argentina).
November 19, 1999: Presentation: "Mujer/ Madre: El Enigma de su Locura." Fundación Europea del Psicoanálisis. Madrid (España).
November 26, 1999. Presentation:" Quand la Parole Pervert le Langage." Colloquiom Espace Analytique, Paris (France).
January 19, 2001: Two days of lecture on:“An Introduction to the work of Jacques Lacan", Florida Psychoanalytic Society,Miami, Florida.
November 15, 2002: “A Review of the Dora Case. The Contribution of Jacques Lacan”, Presentation, SEFIPP, Fort Lauderdale (Florida)
November 16, 2002: “Woman/ Mother? The Enigma of Feminine Sexuality”, SEFAPP Boca Raton, (Florida).
May 16 -18, 2003: “The Otherness of Woman: Euripides’ Medea”, Paper presented in context of a psychoanalytic conference organized by members of the Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workshop, Conference held at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh (PA).
May 23 -25, 2003: “Francois Peraldi’s death, 10 year memorial”. Paper presented before members of the Lacanian Clinical Forum, meeting held at Val David, Quebec, Canada.
June 26, 2003: Presentation to SEFFIPP candidates, Freud’s Clinical Cases: “The Rat Man. The Contribution of Jacques Lacan.” SEFIPP, Fort Lauderdale (Florida).
September 24, 2003: Presentation to students and staff “The Otherness of Woman, Euripides’ Medea” Rosario National University, Rosario (Argentina).
October 26, 2003: Presentation to the members of The Lacanian Clinical Forum “Trauma: A re-visiting of its actuality.” Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge (Massachusetts).
May 25, 2004: Keynote Speaker: “Sabina Spielrien as the Cause of Beyond the Pleasure Principle.” Northern California Psychoanalytic Institute, San Francisco, California.
February 21,2004: Presentation to SEFAPP “Trauma: Some psychoanalytic guidelines on the treatment of severely traumatized patients.” Boca Raton, Fl.
May 28, 2005: Presentation before members of the Lacanian Clinical Forum, topic
“Rewriting the Real: the destiny of the letter in the case of Melanie”, meeting held at Val David, Quebec (Canada)
February 23, 2006: “Rewriting the Real: The Burning Actuality of Trauma”, Presentation to International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education” Queretaro, (Mexico).
April 12, 2006: Presentation to National University of Rosario, Argentina:” La imminente actualidad del Trauma: lo que no cesa de no inscribirse.”
May 28-29, 2006: “The Believer. A psychoanalytic Commentary”, paper presented before members of the Lacanian Clinical Forum, meeting organized in celebration of the 20th year anniversary of the group, Val David, Quebec(Canada).
March 11, 2007: Presentation to SEFAPP: Symposium Branch “A Psychoanalytic
Examination on Anti-Semitism: The Believer.”
March 22, 2007:“Some reflections on Catastrophic Trauma, the Contribution of Jacques Lacan”, presented to students at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (Florida).
May 3, 2007: Presentation: “Silence and Language: Reflections on Catastrophic Trauma.” National Unvisity of Rosario,
September 27, 2007: Guest Lecturer “Passage into Action: A Lacanian Perspective on Acting Out Behavior.” Presented to clinical psychology students, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (Florida).
October 19, 2007:“Trauma and the failure to mourn, speaker in conference organized by I.F.P.E, 28thAnnual Interdisciplinary conference, held in Toronto (Canada).
February 8-10, 2008: Presentation.“Passage a l’ Acte as Response to the Inequity of the Other: Rage, Murder, Suicide.” Conference organized by Nomos, Psychoanalytic Group, New York City.
March 7-9, 2008: Presentation “Passage a l’ Acte as a Response to the Failure of Love”,
Conference organized by APW, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
April 9-13, 2008:Presentation“Trauma and the Failure to Mourn: A Lacanian perspective on serious acting-outs.” APA’s Division 39 conference on “Knowing and not Knowing.” New York City.
July 9-10, 2008: Presentation: “The Silent Language of Trauma.”Psychoanalytic Conference held inRosario (Argentina).
October 24-26 (2008): Presentation “Violence as a Response to the Inequity of the Other, Clinical and Theoretical Reflections. “Lacanian Clinical Forum, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, MA.
January 2009:Presentation “Rage, Suicide, Murder, a Response to the Inequity of the Other.” Sefapp’ Scientific Conference, Hollywood Memorial Hospital, Hollywood (Florida).
July 29, 2009: Presentation, Panel on “Castration and Intolerance”, International Psychoanalytic Association. Chicago (Illinois).
September 25, 2010: Presentation “Love and Hate in the Therapeutic Relationship: Clinical Considerations and Theoretical Implications.” SEFAPP, Hollywood Memorial Hospital, Florida.
October 15- 17, 2010: “The Failure of Love. Passage A L’ Acteas a Response to the
Inequity of the Other.” Austen Riggs Center, MA.
March 1, 2011: “The history of The Austen Riggs Center and the treatment ofseverely disturbed patients”, presentation made at the invitation of Letra Urbana – anonline psychoanalytic journal, Hallandale (Florida).
May 26-28, 2012: Presentation: “The Psychotic Mirror and the Piercing Wound to the Symbolic Order.” Lacanian Clinical Forum, Montreal, Canada.
May, 2005: Erik Erikson Scholar, The Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge (Massachusetts).
October, 2005: I.F.P.E Education Award to most distinguished analyst, Fort Lauderdale, (Florida).
May, 2007: Most Distinguished Analyst Award, presented by SEFAPP and SEFIPP- Boca Raton (Florida).
June, 2007: Erik Erikson Scholar - The Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge (Massachusetts).
October 15-17, 2010: Erik Erickson Scholars Award. 25 year Anniversary Celebration. Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge (Massachusetts).
Lacan en los Estados Unidos", papers Editor and Translator. (Ediciones Homo Sapiens, Rosario, Argentina, 1992).
Fetishism: A Review of Freud’s understanding of perversions.” In: Lectura Lacaniana de algunos conceptos psicoanaliticos. Publicacion de la Secretaria Cinetifica de la Asociacion de Piscologos de Rosario. Rosario, Argentina, 1980.
Frau K and Dora, In Lacan, Criticism and Language, edited by Patrick Colm Hogan and Lalita Pandit.The University of Georgia Press (1990).
Lacan in America", In The Subject of Lacan. A Lacanian Reading for Psychologists, edited byKareen Malone and Stephen Friedlander, Albany: State University of New York Press (2000).
“Reflexions sur le processus de deuil.” In: Francois Peraldi, Voix ,Legs, Parcours D’Un Psychanalyste. Sous la direction de gilles Chagnon et Danielle Monast. Editions Liber, Montreal 2005.
“La Brûlure du trauma”, translated from English to French by Christian Peterson, in Penser la Clinique Psychanalytique, sous la direction de Gilles Chagnon, M Hazan and Michel Peterson, Montreal: Liber, pages 183-196 (2010).
Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts. Edited by Elizabeth L. Aunchincloss, M.D., and Eslee Samberg, M.D. Chapter on Lacan, coedited with John P. Muller, Rick Simpson, and Bill Richardson. Copublished with the American Psychoanalytic Association and Yale University Press.
"The Enigma of the Death Drive: A Re- Visiting”, published in Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, Leo Goldberger, Editor. New York, International University Press, Volume 19, Number 1 (1996).
"Psychosis and the Desire of the (M) Other. In: Clinical Studies: International Journal of Psychoanalysis.Volume 1, Number 2 (1995).
"El enigma de la pulsión de muerte: una revisión.” In Tres al cuarto, Editorial Lumen, Barcelona, Número 6, Noviembre 1995.
"Aids and Adolescents in the U. S." 1991, Actas del segundo CongresoInternacional de Psiquiatría de la Adolescencia. Buenos Aires.
"Compulsión de Repetición, Instancia de la Pulsión de Muerte," co-authored with Mario Beira, Actas de la Reunión Lacanoamericana de Psicoanálisis de Buenos Aires (1995).
"Introduction of Eduardo Martínez Luque's Paper ". 1995. In: Collected Papers from the Fifth Annual Conference of The International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education. Stephen Friedlander, Ph D Editor.
"Lacan en los Estados Unidos ". 1996. In: EL OTRO. Editor: José Méndez, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Acting-Out and Passage into Action”: Published, 2010, Psyche and Sol. Volume 16, Issue 3.
La Inminencia del Trauma.” En Extension Digital. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Psicologia. Revista de la Secretaria de Extension Universitaria. Ano 3, No. 2, Noviembre 2010.
“Celebrando Juntos en Austen Riggs: El legado de Edward R. Shapiro.” In: Letra Urbana. Journal for Culture and Humanities, Miami. 2011.
John Muller's "Beyond the Psychoanalytic Dyad", London: Routledge (1996), review published in Psychoanalytic Books: A Quarterly Journal of Reviews, edited by Francesca Reppen, New York, New York, Volume 9, issue 1, pages 70-73 (1997).
Jacques Hassoun's: "The Cruelty of Depression." In Psychoanalytic Books. 1998.
Rob Weatherill 's "The Sovereignty of Death." In Psychoanalytic Books. 1999.
August 9, 1996: Interview, published in the Journal "EL OTRO ", Edited by José Méndez, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
July 1998: Interview, published in "Psyche and Sol", Newsletter of the Southeast Florida Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology, Boca Raton (Florida).