Please note: for purposes of illustration, the screens used in this document are printed from the Sandbox (test) account, but users will log in to the Collive (Live) account.


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(Your screen will have fewer items on the menu)

To view GL Account History, go to GLAHST.

To review your GL account balances on screen, go to ACBL:

You will then be prompted to key the Fiscal Year you wish to view.

Use the four digit fiscal year when prompted in the Lookup box at the bottom of the screen.

Detail in on field 1 – Encumbrances or field 2, Requistions.

Black asterisk * means there is more information behind this screen, green asterisk * means more information is required.

Use the Function Key 2 to detail in on the Encumbrances field to bring you to the Encumbrance Inquiry Screen, ENCI.

Once on ENCI, you can detail in further on one of the encumbrances to see more detail.

Detailing in on a particular Purchase Order number will bring you to the PINQ screen, Purchase Order Inquiry.

You can use the Function 4 key (F4) to jump to the Line Items beginning with field 12. When prompted for the field number, key in “12”.

To run your budget reports, go to GLBS. (CFGLGLBGLBS):


  1. Field 1 – Fiscal Year – enter 4 digit year
  2. Field 2 - Detail or Summary – When you enter [S] in this field, you can then enter the desired calendar month in field 3 (Calendar Ending Month of) and fields 4-6 are bypassed. When you enter [D] in this field, field 3 is bypassed and you can then enter the pertinent information in fields 4-6.
  3. Field 3 - Calendar Ending Month of: only used if you entered S in field 2.
  4. Fields 4-6 – only used if you entered D in field 2
  5. Field 6 - Enter [Y] to display condensed activity in detail; [N] for summary format.
  6. Field 7 – detail in to specify what GL accounts to include in the report

(The green asterisk * means more information is required. You must specify what accounts should be included in your report.)

Detail in (F2) on Field 7 to the GL Standard Selection screen:

Enter I or E in Field 5, and your 4-digit cost center number in field 6. Most users Exclude Salaries from the GLBS reports by keying in E in Field 7 and 601 in Field 8 to Exclude the 601 accounts. Be sure to answer No to Field 13, Prompt for additional Selection Criteria. You cannot leave this screen without keying in a response there.

Note how the following screen also Excludes GL class 601 (Salaries) from the selection and that the screen says ‘PAYROLL’ on top.

Saving and exiting the Standard Selection screen above returns you to this screen.

Now you must also specify sort criteria, with at least one break field – i.e., what will the report output be grouped by.

Detail in on field #2, Sort.

The next screen to appear indicates the groups by which you can sort the output. You must choose at least one of the groups as the break (group by) field by keying in Yes in the column under the word Break. We will break by the field Department.

Go down to Department (#4) by hitting F5 (Window Forward), then hit Enter until your cursor is in the Break column. Key in Yes to break on Department, then hit F9 twice.

You will be returned to the GL Standard List/Sselect Screen.

You can enter Yes in field #4 to get a count of the number of items matching your criteria in field #3, or you can leave field #4 blank, hit F9 twice, and you will be returned to the GLBS screen.

Be sure to enter Yes in field number 8.

Hit F9 twice, and you will be brought to the Output Device screen.

Hit F9 twice, then run XESP (to start Easy Spooler) to release your printout to your printer. See the help documents on Easy Spooler on the Web Site for Bergen.


This is a Line Item report by Account. Works in the same way as GLBS screens.

Field 4:

The Help Text for this field follows:

The following are the types of accounts you can select:

  • B - Accounts that have budget available
  • M - Accounts that have met the budget
  • E - Accounts that have exceeded the budget
  • A - Accounts with all statuses

The accounts included on the report are further restricted by the selections you make in the GL Account Definition field.

Field 5:

As with the GLBS screen the green asterisk on field 5 indicates you are required to specify which GL accounts should be included in the report. Detail in and this screen appears next. The green asterisks for fields 1 and 2 mean you detail in on those two fields to specify which GL accounts to report on and how the output will be sorted.

Detail in on *Select/List to the GL Standard Selection Screen:

Jump to Field 5 to specify whether to Include or Exclude the GL accounts you enter in field 6 (you may key in more than one 4-digit account number in field 6.

Notice how the screen above specifies that my report Include Cost Center 1234:

To exclude Salaries from your report, key in E in field 7 and 601 in field 8.

When finished specifying the GL criteria, be sure to answer No to field #13 or you will not be able to exit the screen. Hit F9.

You will be sent back to the GL Standard List/Sselect screen to complete the required specifications for the sort order of your report.

Now you must enter the Sort criteria in Field #2 (Sort) in the GL STANDARD LIST/SSELECT screen. Again, this is a required field. Hit the F2 key to detail in on Field #2, to go to the Sort/Break Definition Screen.

The above screen specifies that the report output should be grouped by DEPARTMENT.

Hit F9 twice to save and exit and go back to the GL STANDARD LIST/SSELECT screen.

On the GL STANDARD LIST/SSELECT screen, if you say Yes to verify criteria (Field #4) to see if your Select worked a list of GL account numbers belonging to your cost center number will appear. This is an optional field you may skip.

Hit F9 to Exit, and F9 again to confirm.

You are sent back to the main GLBR screen.

You will end up here. Field 6 should say summary, field 7 should say No.

Be sure to key in Yes to field number 8 - Proceed with the Report.

When the screen asking where to send your output comes up, remember to change the name of the printer in field #2 to the name of the printer you usually send your Datatel Colleague jobs to.

REMEMBER TO RUN XESP to get your printout to print - check Easy Spooler documentation on the Web Site if you need assistance.