A-Give one word for the following.

1-Tall grasses cultivated for their nutritious seeds------

2-Producing vegetables ,fruits,flowers and decorative plants------

3 The process of loosening and turning of soil------

4-Sowing seeds by a seed drill------

5-Seed beds where seeds are developed into seedlings------

6-Leaving the field without crops for one or more seasons------

7-A manure obtained from decomposition of dead plants and animal waste------

8-Supplying water to crops in the field ------

9-The process of removing weeds from a field------

10-Organisms that attack and damage crops------

11-Chemicals that destroy fungi------

12-A farm machine that can do both harvesting and threshing------

13-Extra stock of grain kept for emergency use------

14-Development of new and better varieties of crop plants------

15-Conversion of proteins into ammonia------

16-Large scale rearing of fish------

17-Nitrogen fixing bacteria in root nodules of leguminous plants------

18-Large scale rearing of honeybees for honey------

B-Answer in one word only.

1-Which agricultural process ensures that atr gets trapped in the soil?

2-Which important ingredients of the soil do harvested crops take away?

3-Which important nutrient do leguminous crops give to the soil?

4-What class of nutrient are human made fertilizers rich in –organic or inorganic?

5-In which kharif crop are seedlings transplanted into fields full of water?

C-Match the columns.

1-maize a)pulse

2-gram b)sugar crop

3-groundnut c)fibre crop

4-rubber d)cereal

5-cotton e)plantation crop

6-potato f)oilseed

7-beetroot g)tuber crop

8-amaranthus h)weed

D-Write true or false.

1-All microbes and other organisms in the soil must be killed, otherwise they damage the crops.

2-The deeper the seeds are planteds in the soil ,the more healthy are the plants.

3-Pesticides and weedicides are only poisonous for the pest or the weed .they do not harm us.

4-Cross breeding can yield varieties of plants that have desired characteristics.

5-In future ,increase in crop production is mainly expected to come from increase in the area of land under cultivation.