Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools – Career Exploration Graphic Organizer

Personality Type: / Basic Characteristics:
Description – So, what’s this job all about?
Employment Field – What industry is this?
Characteristics – What are a few skills I’ll need to have in order to do this job?
Job Requirements – What are some of the daily functions performed on the job?
Preparation – What kind of school and/or training am I going to need?
Employment Outlook – If I pursue this career, will I be able to find work?
Wages – What’s the average starting salary? Average salary overall?
Related Occupations – What are some similar jobs I might want to look into?
National Associations – Are there any groups or associations that support people in this job?
/ Personality Type: / Basic Characteristics:
Description – So, what’s this job all about?
Employment Field – What industry is this?
Characteristics – What are a few skills I’ll need to have in order to do this job?
Job Requirements – What are some of the daily functions performed on the job?
Preparation – What kind of school and/or training am I going to need?
Employment Outlook – If I pursue this career, will I be able to find work?
Wages – What’s the average starting salary? Average salary overall?
Related Occupations – What are some similar jobs I might want to look into?
National Associations – Are there any groups or associations that support people in this job?
/ Personality Type: / Basic Characteristics:
Description – So, what’s this job all about?
Employment Field – What industry is this?
Characteristics – What are a few skills I’ll need to have in order to do this job?
Job Requirements – What are some of the daily functions performed on the job?
Preparation – What kind of school and/or training am I going to need?
Employment Outlook – If I pursue this career, will I be able to find work?
Wages – What’s the average starting salary? Average salary overall?
Related Occupations – What are some similar jobs I might want to look into?
National Associations – Are there any groups or associations that support people in this job?

Okay, what do you think? Brainstorm: Compare the three careers you’ve explored above. Is there one that seems more suited to you than the others? Write your reflection

in the space below. Do you have some new ideas about potential jobs, or do you need to keep exploring? Jot down some thoughts now to help you with your essay.