Consult the Instructions for Completing Program Revisionon the Curriculum Guide website for instructions.
Contact Person: / Email:
Submission Date: Click to enter date. / Proposed Effective Date: Fall Year
*Program Revisions are effective Fall semesters only.
Please address all applicable items and use bold font for responses. Failure to complete items may result in a delay in consideration of the proposal by the UCC/GSC.
Provide a clear and concise explanation for the requested change(s). Additionally, please include rationale for certificate length if changing number of credit hours, including references to external professional standards, accreditation requirements, etc.
Completethefollowingandindicate “(X)” for applicable:☐ Change of Title:
1. Currenttitleof concentration/minor:
2. New nameof concentration/minor:
☐ Change in number of hours required:
3. Current Numberof hours requiredfor degreeor certificate program:
4. New number of hours required for degree or certificate program:
5. Indicate if the change in credit hours is 25% ☐Yes ☐ No ☐ NA
☐ Revised Program Student Learning Outcomes:
6. Current Student Learning Outcomes:
7. New Student Learning Outcomes
☐Change in admission,progression, or GPA requirements:☐Admission ☐Progression☐GPA
8. Current requirements:
9.New requirements:
☐ Addition/Deletion of courses (major or related area requirements):
10.Courses tobeaddedto majoror relatedarearequirements (include New Bulletin Text)
11. Courses to be deleted from major or related area requirements
Current Bulletin text:
New Bulletin Text:
☐ Addition/Deletion of courses (concentrations or minors):
12. Courses to be added to concentrations/minors
Current Bulletin Text:
New Bulletin Text:
13. Courses to be deleted from concentrations/minors
Current Bulletin Text:
New Bulletin Text:
☐ 14. Changes in requirements for General Education Core/Marker Requirements
(Undergraduate only)
Current Bulletin Text:
New Bulletin Text:
☐ 15. Changes in Program Requirements/Language (not addressed above):
Current Bulletin Text:
New Bulletin Text:
☐16. Include Course/Program Consultationor copy of memo notifying all departments that may be affected by this change; and bulletin copy indicating editing changes should also be included (for example, because this is a required or elective course in a program offered by the department).
☐ 17.Attach completedProgram Revision Signature Sheet (follows) REQUIRED
For a few academic departments, the University's software systems (CAPP/Degree Works) are unable to accurately audit portions of the degree program requirements. In such cases, the University Registrar's Office will notify the department, which will be called upon to assist with the manual degree clearance process.
Requests will not be considered without the appropriate signatures and summary statements.
Department:Program Title:
Contact Person:
Please Complete and Sign in the Following Order
1 / Academic UnitDean of Academic Unit / Date
2 / Department Curriculum Committee
Chair,Department Curriculum Committee (if applicable) or Department Head / Date
3 / Academic Unit Curriculum Committee
Chair, Academic Unit (College/School Curriculum Committee) / Date
4 / School of Education (If applicable for teacher licensure)
AssociateDeanfor Academic Affairs andStudentServices intheSchoolof Education
(If applicable for teacher licensure) / Date
Approval by UCC and/or GSC
The requested action has been approved through UNCG’s internal curricular processes.
This change is found to be within the scope of the mission of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
DATE APPROVED / Chair,GraduateStudies Committee
DATE APPROVED / Chair,Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
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