Sheena Varghese

Classroom Management Plan
AE 6200

Classroom Space

My ideal classroom space would address all six functions of the classroom. The layout would provide security and shelter by providing adequate room for all students (including students with disabilities) to move around when necessary, and there would be routines and procedures to ensure safety. Social contact would be encouraged by collaborative table groupings and studio work time. The classroom would be symbolically identified as the students’ and my space by both student work and my personal art work. As an elementary classroom, task instrumentality would be accomplished by sinks, tables, and counters at an appropriate height for students. Further, materials that should not be accessed by students would be stored on higher shelving around the perimeter of the classroom. The classroom would be pleasurable with a warm structured environment and attractive with posters of famous artists’ works. As art rooms can become over stimulating, I would pay special attention to keep every display functional. Lastly, growth would be stimulated by an art literacy center with art books and art magazines and a center for early finishers to pick up extension work.



Though I understand the benefit of explicit rules, I believe these three rules are comprehensive and allow room for varying circumstances. These rules are positive and can be expanded to fit many situations as need be.

Safe Studio Procedures

·  Stay in your space (sitting or standing).

·  Voices on GREEN.

·  Use creative problem solving:

1.  Try to solve problems by yourself.

2.  Ask a tablemate.

3.  Ask Ms. V if tablemates don’t know.

·  Work safely!

1.  Always use tools and materials as intended.

2.  Walk if you need to get out of your seat.


Whole Group: voice level moves down from green during studio time.


·  1st: verbal redirection

·  2nd: removal from table seat to solo space

·  3rd: note to homeroom teacher

·  4th: phone call home


Artist Points: Each table will have a different artist name and a sign with an artwork by their respective artist hanging from the ceiling above the table. The artists will be Frida, Picasso, Bearden, Warhol, Rothko, and Hokusai. For positive table behavior, tables will earn an artist point. At the end of a set time (two/three weeks), the table with the most artist points will get a small treat.

Art Room Managers

Materials Manager: Responsible for getting and putting back your table’s materials.

Portfolio Manager: Responsible for collecting your table’s projects and putting them in portfolios.

Clean-Up Manager: Responsible for making sure your table’s surface is clean and scraps are picked up.

Managers will be assigned by the teacher. Each seat at a table will be labeled with a different color with five color options. As students walk into the classroom, they will see which three colors have been assigned a job for the day. Managers who do their jobs extremely well have the chance to win artist points for their table.