COUNTY OF ELKO. ) ss. JUNE 21, 2006

The Board of Elko County Commissioners met on June 21, 2006, at 9:00 a.m., in Room 105 of the Elko County Courthouse at 571 Idaho Street, Elko, Nevada.

There were present: County Commissioners John Ellison, Vice-Chairman

ABSENT Warren Russell

Mike Nannini

Charlie Myers

Sheri Eklund-Brown

County Manager Robert Stokes

Deputy District Attorney Kristin McQueary

Deputy County Clerk Marilyn Tipton

Planning & Zoning Dir. Randy Brown

Road Supervisor Otis Tipton

Sheriff Neil Harris

Public Defender Fred Lee

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The proceedings were as follows:


Vice-Chairman Ellison called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. He noted for the record that Commissioner Russell was absent today and Commissioner Eklund-Brown had not yet arrived at the meeting.


Commissioner Nannini led the meeting participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.


John S. Croswell submitted a written, open letter to the Commission members regarding the use of trustee labor and read the contents into record.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown arrived at 9:05 a.m.


Thomas R. Harris, Director, UNR- University Center for Economic Development, Department of Resource Economics, gave a presentation regarding the information and findings in the technical report entitled, Estimated Economic Impacts of the Cattle Ranching and Farming Sector on the Elko County Economy. Thomas Harris commented that he was also a State Extension Specialist in the Cooperative Extension Office. He reviewed the results of the survey through the Assessor’s Office with regards to federal lands within the State. He demonstrated how the cattle sector was related to the economy of Elko County. Thomas Harris reviewed the multiplier effect on the economy from the cattle industry. He spoke upon the balance between the exports and the imports in the County with cattle ranching having more activities in exports. He reported they created models for the counties with the cooperation of the Cooperative Extension Service and the local people.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated she had previously read the White Pine County model. She felt it would be useful to include his studies in their socioeconomic impact in light of the recent lawsuits filed regarding the Mountain City grazing allotments. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted Dan Dallas of the Forest Service had asked for more detail on the allotment or the AUM decrease. Tom Harris stated he had no problems with speaking to the Forest Service. He worked with the Nevada Cooperative County Extension so they had the ability to go more in-depth and get a true picture. He stated to have more details for their socioeconomic impact they would have to talk to the mining sector and the retail sector.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that all the federal agencies around them were revising their land use plans. She believed this would let them know how they were impacting them locally with their decisions. Tom Harris reported they had prepared plans with the Forest Service in Wyoming. He stated they also do studies on recreational impacts in his department. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted there would be meeting held next Monday and invited him to attend. Tom Harris noted he could work through the Cooperative Extension Service.

Commissioner Ellison inquired if they had taken into consideration the internet livestock sales. Tom Harris stated they had reported the total output sales which were the marketing sales. He stated the linkage to the internet sales would be through their internet expenditure sector. Tom Harris commented on how the computer technology was being used by the agricultural sector.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Tom Harris and asked that he give Elizabeth Fadali her Certificate for all the efforts they had taken in preparing this technical report.


Alicia Daniels, Spring Creek High School Graduate, gave a video presentation regarding the dangers associated with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Certificate of Achievement:

The Board considered approval of a Certificate of Achievement to Alicia Daniels for her incredible efforts in the creation of her drunken driving video.

MOTION: Commissioner Nannini moved to approve the Certificate of Achievement to Alicia Daniels. Commissioner Eklund-Brown and Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Ellison inquired if she did the video on her own. Alicia Daniels stated Sally Wilkerson and Joe Doucette helped film and edit the video.

Commissioner Myers noted the cooperation they had from the various agencies such as the Sheriff’s Department, the Ambulance staff, and the hospital. He asked if it would be viewed by all the students. Alicia Daniels was not sure who it would be presented to. Commissioner Ellison felt that a letter should be sent to the School for endorsement of her efforts. Commissioner Myers suggested that letter of appreciation should be sent to the EMS, the Sheriff’s Department, the people assisting, and to the actors in the video. He believed it had a very big impact and felt it should be played on Channel 3. Alicia Daniels commented that Joe Doucette wanted to get it on Channel 10. Commissioner Eklund-Brown felt the quality of the video was good. She believed they should give this presentation to the School Board and encouraged all Jr. High and High Schools to see the video.

Vice Chairman Ellison called a recess at 10:10 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 10:16 a.m.


Elko County Tax Roll:

APN 002-029-009 – Byron Roy:

The Board considered a request by the Assessor’s Office to add the improvement value for the structures located on this parcel to the tax roll.

Kristin McQueary requested that the Assessor’s Office take this through the State Board of Equalization pursuant to NRS 361.769.

APN 002-573-004 – Beverly Quenemoen:

The Board considered a request by the Assessor’s Office to add an exemption value back on to the tax roll for this parcel.

Katrinka Russell noted a letter was written on May 30th regarding the exemption to the tax roll. She stated that the first year Ms. Quenemoen applied for exemption they were notified that she was blind. Therefore, every year her exemption card came back without a signature. Katrinka Russell stated they had no notification that Mrs. Quenemoen had passed away in 1996 so they were requesting authorization to go back and collect the $196.83 for 2003-04 and 2005-06. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if the property was under her daughter currently or if it was under probate. Katrinka Russell was unsure what the family was doing with that property but she had received a check in good faith.

MOTION: Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to refer the improvement value for the structures located on Parcel APN 002-029-009 to the tax roll for Byron Roy to the Board of Equalization, pursuant to the District Attorney’s request, and approve the Assessor’s request to go back three years on the tax roll for APN 002-573-004 for Beverly Quenemonen in the amount of $196.83. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Byron Roy asked for clarification upon the procedure. Kristin McQueary explained that this would have to go to the State Board of Equalization and the Assessor’s Office would send Byron Roy a letter informing him of that hearing.


The Board considered the appointment of two members to the Elko County Board of Equalization. The terms of Kelly Buckner and James Winer would end on June 30, 2006. Both have expressed a desire to serve another four year term and the Assessor supported their reappointment.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to reappoint Kelly Buckner and James Winer to the Board of Equalization to serve four year terms. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Ellison asked that a letter be sent thanking them for their services over the past four years and congratulating them on their reappointment.

Highway Chairman Myers called the Board of Elko County Highway Commissioners to order at 10:25 a.m. and adjourned the Highway Board meeting at 10:45 a.m.


Robert Stokes stated that there was a fire in the Palisade area and asked that this item be continued until someone could appear.


Solid Waste Disposal Options:

The Board discussed issues related to solid waste disposal in various locations around the County including possible short term and long term options available for consideration. Also, review of a letter from the Commission explaining this issue to some of the outlying Communities in the County.

Commissioner Nannini reviewed the Monday meeting and noted that Elko Sanitation had indicated non service to several of the outlying areas because of fuel costs and non participation by the residents. He believed that Elko Sanitation would have to raise their rates and everyone would have to pay their portion. He noted that the County Commission letter would be added to their billing process encouraging people to sign up. Commissioner Nannini stated if there were no signups then the County would have to take drastic measures such as to add it to their tax, etc. He stated Tim Brown was happy with that suggestion and would start with a nominal fee to increase the rates. Commissioner Nannini read the letter dated June 21, 2006 into the record.

Commissioner Ellison inquired if they go to mandatory pickup would it have to go out to bid. Kristin McQueary noted under Elko County Code those districts allow for permitting. She stated they could change the Ordinance to allow for a franchise, exclusive or non exclusive. Kristin McQueary stated that if they want to put the billing on the tax roll then they would have to create an Improvement District. Robert Stokes noted they were treating them like the Spring Creek area and there was no contract or franchise. He stated they were encouraged to make a private agreement with the sanitation company. Otherwise, the County would have to take action. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired what the implication would be to the tax cap if they have to create an Improvement District. Robert Stokes stated they would have to review it because those were unincorporated areas. Commissioner Nannini noted that they looked at all the issues and if they go to bid, Idaho would bid. He stated if Idaho was awarded the bid then they could haul the garbage to Idaho and not to the Elko Landfill. He pointed out there would be a loss of revenue to the Elko Landfill. Commissioner Nannini felt that the people would participate and understand.

MOTION: Commissioner Nannini moved to send the letter to all the residents in these areas. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

RFP for Midas:

The Board considered approval to solicit requests for proposal for bin supply and hauling for solid waste disposal services in the Midas area.

Commissioner Nannini reported they now have two providers in the Midas area and would like to go out to bid. He noted the last option was to have a resident or County employees haul the solid waste with a fifth wheel on the back of a pickup truck.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to solicit requests for bin supply and hauling for solid waste disposal services in the Midas area. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.


Fire Apparatus Bids:

Pursuant to Notice No. 26-2006, INVITATION TO BID - ONE (1) 3000 GALLON PUMPER/TENDER AND ONE (1) 1500 GPM TYPE 1 PUMPER, bids were received and opened on June 9, 2006. Pursuant to bid review and tabulation results, the Board considered awarding the bid to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder. Tom Turk reported that they had received two bids on the 3000 gallon pumper/tender as follows: West-Mark’s bid was $248,769; and Fire Trucks West, Inc.’s bid was in the amount of $178,240. Tom Turk stated they had reviewed the specs for compliance and recommended they award the bid to Fire Trucks West, Inc. in the amount of $178,240.

3000 Gallon Pumper/Tender:

MOTION: Commissioner Nannini moved to award the bid for a 3000 gallon pumper/tender to Fire Trucks West Inc., in the amount of $178,240. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

1500 GPM Type I Pumper:

Tom Turk reported they had received one bid from Fire Trucks West Inc., in the amount of $300,164. He stated they had met the bid specifications and recommended that the bid be awarded to Fire Trucks West Inc.

MOTION: Commissioner Nannini moved to award the bid for a 1500 GPM Type I Pumper in the amount of $300,164 to Fire Trucks West, Inc. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Burn Barrel Restriction:

The Board considered restricting the use of trash burn barrels due to wildfire danger in Elko County. Heavy fuel loading and future high temperature conditions would contribute to the potential for wildfire activity. The Commission considered setting a date for restricting the use of burn barrels in the County. This action stops the use of burn barrels during the period of high wildfire danger.

Tom Turk, NDF, noted last year in August there was an unattended burn barrel which resulted in a catastrophic fire. He stated they were already in fire conditions similar to last year’s August burn conditions due to the fuel loading and the wind taking away moisture. He reported there was currently a 4,000 acre fire at Palisades which was human caused. Tom Turk noted there were always the questions of who would enforce the ban, what type of citation process would take place, and would the District Attorney’s Office support the closure ban and do prosecution. Tom Turk noted there would have to be a large public relations campaign to inform the public about the closure. Tom Turk noted enforcement on a mandatory closure may be a problem and inquired if the Sheriff’s Department would cite or give written warnings based upon first offenses. He noted the burn barrel restrictions would go in hand with multiple agency group fire restrictions. Tom Turk stated they were looking at putting a full wildland closure on July 1 because of the fuel conditions. Tom Turk asked if the Commission had an opinion as to the time frame it would take for them to support all the restrictions for the full closures. He noted those restrictions would include no camp fires outside of an established campground, no smoking outside of vehicles, restrictions on off road travel, etc. Tom Turk stated Helen Hill would like to meet with all the user groups to inform them that they were part of this process. He noted the State Forester would support the closure and fire restrictions being enacted due to the fire danger presently. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if the restrictions would be imposed countywide. Tom Turk replied it would be countywide and across public lands. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired about enforcement and penalty on burn barrels. Kristin McQueary noted they were charging the fellow with failure to extinguish the flame on the Chance Fire. She would do more research on this matter. Kristin McQueary suggested a public relations blitz in Spanish and English on the radio, the newspaper and the other alternate media outlets. Robert Stokes suggested bringing this item back on July 6th. Commissioner Eklund-Brown felt there may be recommendations for a change in the Elko County Code. Commissioner Ellison requested clarification on four wheeler use since they had been promoting that recreational use. Tom Turk stated off road travel meant off the established road ways which would restrict cross country travel. Tom Turk noted they were working on a draft restriction announcement and would forward that on to Robert Stokes. He stated these were the typical fire season restrictions on federal lands. Tom Turk reported they had already closed open burning of brush the 1st of June. Commissioner Eklund-Brown questioned placing the restrictions if they could not enforce them. Tom Turk noted they had come to the Commission after the Chance Fire asking for restrictions upon the burn barrels. He stated they could do it voluntarily and place specifications on burn barrels and clearance restrictions. Commissioner Nannini noted there was a State movement to ban burn barrels entirely within the State. He felt that there should be a starting date as of the first of July to the end of October for the County’s barrel restrictions. Tom Turk noted NDEP was concerned because they were burning plastics, construction materials, etc., which was not allowed.