
Final Study Guide

All essays should have?

What does good writing require?

How do you use a semicolon?

What is a Thesis?

What is Plagiarism?

What should you think about before writing an essay?

What are Run-on Sentences?

What are Comma Splices?

What do you use with a FANBOYS to join two sentences together?

What are format requirements for MLA style?

What words signal a need for a singular verb?

What is a complete thought/sentence called?

What are the ways to join two complete thoughts together?

What are Adjectives?

What are Adverbs?

What is the difference between Sit and Set, and when are they used?

Know how to identify parallelism in sentences.

What are the two most important parts of a sentence?

Know the difference between Who’s and Whose.

Review capitalization rules.

Know the forms of “Lie/Lay/Have Lain” for a person.

Know the forms of “Lay/Laid/Have Laid” for an object.

What is the difference between Raise and Rise?

What are topic sentences and why are they important?

What are Pronouns?

What are Prepositions?

What does MLA stand for?

What is the difference between independent and dependent clauses?

Review comma usage rules.

Review the organization of a sentence (for example, my friend owns a car, who is unemployed. OR My friend, who is unemployed, owns a car).

Know the difference between Accept/Except.

Know Affect/Effect.

Know Loose/Lose.

Know Beside/Besides.

Know it/it’s/its.

Know verb and subject agreement (One deer HAS. Ten deer HAVE. Etc)

Know what possessive pronouns look like.

Know when to use was VS. were.

Know the difference between colons and semicolons and when to use each.

When do you use parenthesis?

What is a fragment and how do you fix it?

When do you use Who/Whom/That?

When do you use I and when do you use Me?

Know the difference between They’re/Their/There.

Know your/you’re.

Know to/too/two.